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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight209 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.44 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0313
9202596d sent 0.2313 BTS to
cc281d02 sent 204.4 BTS to
79e7a738 sent 0.298 CNY to
d0eb4174 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
bf1f137d sent 0.07 MACPAY to
d595defd sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
f1bbda88 paid 85.5 CNY for 90 BTS
439676e5 cancel order
63b5fbf3 wants 90 BTS for 85.5 CNY
b5308f15 sent 85.5 CNY to
9d1a4f53 paid 102.7 CNY for 24 BTS
c936428c wants 24 BTS for 102.7 CNY
a00c6cb6 cancel order
704fcf82 wants 27 BTS for 102.6 CNY
15edd7ea wants 665 CNY for 95 BTS
689d5f22 paid 551 CNY for 95 BTS
5a3f5b1e wants 95 BTS for 551 CNY
00fb7b3e cancel order
0e66c5b1 wants 100 BTS for 550 CNY
8bef7fad cancel order
8ccdbc23 cancel order
72c59d7a cancel order
d2b06bf1 cancel order
456a0d36 cancel order
d78453e2 wants 40 BTS for 152 CNY
05ab39c2 wants 40 BTS for 148 CNY
54d0af19 paid 58 BTS for 301.6 CNY
5021a29b wants 8 BTS for 28.4 CNY
a00290ed wants 35 BTS for 122.5 CNY
1d92f48d wants 30 BTS for 102 CNY
d54da78e paid 50 BTS for 250 CNY
e7c18c9b wants 301.6 CNY for 58 BTS
cbc4ae1a wants 250 CNY for 50 BTS
d8cba840 cancel order
ea913526 cancel order
8bb9d7a0 wants 301.6 CNY for 58 BTS
66255e58 wants 250 CNY for 50 BTS
488de734 cancel order
dda7b1b6 cancel order
b1dfa84e wants 301.6 CNY for 5.2 BTS
772f31c2 wants 250 CNY for 5 BTS
edc815e8 cancel order
53ac5b28 cancel order
182ab46f wants 104 CNY for 20 BTS
b5b8a76d wants 50 CNY for 10 BTS
6f319b84 paid 199.5 CNY for 57 BTS
4aae5aed wants 57 BTS for 199.5 CNY
2a5a29cb wants 24 BTS for 98.4 CNY
virtual paid 98.4 CNY for 24.1 BTS
8673f511 cancel order
8b02497b wants 24 MACPAY for 98.2 CNY
3c266ad8 cancel order
0be580ad wants 25 BTS for 100 CNY
b6a27c3b cancel order
b7d333a1 wants 28 BTS for 98 CNY
754e81eb paid 97.7 CNY for 27 BTS
f401f2a9 wants 27 BTS for 97.7 CNY