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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0052 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.91 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0052
BRIDGE.BTC 0.0000487
DEEX 0.1
CEMENT 0.01786
LIQPAY 0.017
ade4fd33 issue 10,000 BRIDGE.TRAID to
931db56d issue 50 BRIDGE.TRAID to
6c669b46 issue 50 BRIDGE.TRAID to
1d2e0814 sent 0.1 DEEX to
9cbfe124 sent 208 BRIDGE.HDLC to
e290f16b paid 0.0133 BRIDGE.BTC for 208 BRIDGE.HDLC
053915aa sent 71 BRIDGE.HDLC to
8339af97 issue 0.1 BRIDGE.HDLC to
146c2fdc paid 0.00461 BRIDGE.BTC for 72 BRIDGE.HDLC
660bb88c wants 280 BRIDGE.HDLC for 0.01792 BRIDGE.BTC
760df929 cancel order
b94d1b2c wants 333 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01797 BRIDGE.BTC
54cb9fdc sent 108 BRIDGE.ESCO to
a6d8799f paid 0.02163 BRIDGE.BTC for 108.2 BRIDGE.ESCO
2d76ac84 sent 9.69 BRIDGE.ESCO to
3ab37a79 paid 0.00195 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.75 BRIDGE.ESCO
47bba710 wants 118 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0236 BRIDGE.BTC
4831ac9b cancel order
a3bcd040 wants 124.1 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0236 BRIDGE.BTC
a02e5333 cancel order
7b9c3747 wants 124.8 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0236 BRIDGE.BTC
bd179ef0 cancel order
a871cec9 wants 126.5 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0236 BRIDGE.BTC
db61725f sent 268 BRIDGE.ESCO to
acb3a82e paid 0.00367 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.73 BRIDGE.ESCO
edd0015a paid 0.0001136 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.517 BRIDGE.ESCO
0411eeb1 paid 0.0382 BRIDGE.BTC for 174 BRIDGE.ESCO
0f8fcff0 paid 0.01076 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BRIDGE.ESCO
d5d7c1c8 paid 0.00527 BRIDGE.BTC for 24 BRIDGE.ESCO
6bc14535 paid 0.00094 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.28 BRIDGE.ESCO
69c7f4a3 sent 23.84 BRIDGE.ESCO to
eb4dc474 paid 0.00395 BRIDGE.BTC for 18 BRIDGE.ESCO
113c4673 paid 0.001302 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.93 BRIDGE.ESCO
84d6c728 sent 253.4 BRIDGE.ESCO to
13d38b68 paid 0.000878 BRIDGE.BTC for 4 BRIDGE.ESCO
3c5eb07b paid 0.0549 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.ESCO
950203d1 wants 546 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.12 BRIDGE.BTC
cce981f5 cancel order
e64cc13b wants 521 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.12 BRIDGE.BTC
db4c4d93 sent 12.8 BRIDGE.ESCO to
2722959f paid 0.00341 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.83 BRIDGE.ESCO
48346a76 sent 202.8 BRIDGE.ESCO to
340437c1 paid 0.01198 BRIDGE.BTC for 45 BRIDGE.ESCO
2ca3754a paid 0.0421 BRIDGE.BTC for 158 BRIDGE.ESCO
9f34d378 sent 16.1 BRIDGE.ESCO to
3adce5ea paid 0.001706 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.41 BRIDGE.ESCO
8ca1a1fb paid 0.00259 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.74 BRIDGE.ESCO
857486ba wants 232 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0618 BRIDGE.BTC
fe30c52e cancel order
a9d0b01e wants 263 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0618 BRIDGE.BTC
9f340a58 cancel order
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34490df4 paid 0.0293 BRIDGE.BTC for 114 BRIDGE.ESCO
10df152d wants 354 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.091 BRIDGE.BTC
57336248 cancel order
46616d6b wants 352 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.091 BRIDGE.BTC
884c7219 cancel order
4990ccd7 wants 353 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.091 BRIDGE.BTC
46860593 cancel order
5de3203a wants 372 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.091 BRIDGE.BTC
65425429 cancel order
6a742a48 wants 396 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.091 BRIDGE.BTC
b1fc7589 cancel order
06d183d7 wants 479 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.091 BRIDGE.BTC
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633bbdd8 wants 0.000937 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.47 BRIDGE.ESCO
6276075a wants 0.001735 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.43 BRIDGE.ESCO
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b972a9cd cancel order
07948955 wants 0.00189 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.43 BRIDGE.ESCO
cddb7d69 cancel order
19b5bfa0 wants 0.001896 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.43 BRIDGE.ESCO
6b9d8550 paid 8.97 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.00251 BRIDGE.BTC
80ec5d27 wants 0.00251 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.97 BRIDGE.ESCO
cec084e3 paid 62.7 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01562 BRIDGE.BTC
0d487b0b paid 9 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.00224 BRIDGE.BTC
77c3fd4a wants 0.01787 BRIDGE.BTC for 71.7 BRIDGE.ESCO
1f956716 cancel order
6afbab2e wants 0.00621 BRIDGE.BTC for 23 BRIDGE.ESCO
f80985f1 cancel order
98fb35dc paid 25.96 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.00662 BRIDGE.BTC
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01e3c6cf wants 281.4 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0508 BRIDGE.BTC
8cd4febe wants 0.00662 BRIDGE.BTC for 25.96 BRIDGE.ESCO
6ad43e8e wants 0.01068 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.9 BRIDGE.ESCO
71a3254d paid 50 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01245 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 50 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 50 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC
4807fcab wants 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.ESCO
a4779c4d wants 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.ESCO
0970ce4e wants 0.01245 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.ESCO
b4be65a0 wants 0.0016 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.69 BRIDGE.ESCO
virtual paid 6.69 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0016 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
28880953 cancel order
74aaa95d wants 0.0536 BRIDGE.BTC for 198.6 BRIDGE.ESCO
88ba900c cancel order
b4e24f58 cancel order
2629959e paid 1 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0002585 BRIDGE.BTC
7d3f5d1f wants 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.ESCO
7ed3d54b sent 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC to
40a50545 wants 0.00426 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.43 BRIDGE.ESCO
32961640 wants 0.000888 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.56 BRIDGE.ESCO
virtual paid 3.56 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.000888 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1faddf5c wants 0.01245 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.ESCO
virtual paid 50 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01245 BRIDGE.BTC
870bfed1 cancel order
782cace0 wants 0.01295 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.ESCO
736d971b wants 0.000249 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.ESCO
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.000249 BRIDGE.BTC