立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight100 BTS
Lifetime fees paid166.3 BTS
Registrar-40% -
Referrer120% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.2095
EUR 0.0032
USD 0.0647
OPEN.BTC 0.000309
DEEX 0.1
CROKS 0.019
85a89e57 sent 98 BTS to
85a89e57 sent 0.0098 BTS to
e184efc1 sent 2 OBITS.VOTE to
c3258a0a sent 1 ELECTRON to
1cf92db0 sent 100 BTS to
117254f3 sent 0.0011 USD to
37cc3715 sent 0.001 USD to
55d4445d sent 0.1 DEEX to
6a343af5 sent 0.0581 OPEN.BTC to
2e5f48ae wants 0.0586 OPEN.BTC for 1,005 BTS
virtual paid 104.1 BTS for 0.00607 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 900 BTS for 0.0525 OPEN.BTC
db38d2ef sent 0.01764 OPEN.BTC to
6fe3ff50 sent 0.093 OPEN.BTC to
07ae3ebf wants 5.22 BTS for 0.0000724 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000724 OPEN.BTC for 5.22 BTS
151451d0 wants 0.1104 OPEN.BTC for 7,986 BTS
virtual paid 7,986 BTS for 0.1104 OPEN.BTC
5fa2abd0 paid 40.4 BTS for 0.00056 OPEN.BTC
4e34190c cancel order
a23325da wants 0.1112 OPEN.BTC for 8,026 BTS
dcc1233a cancel order
32724c4b paid 0.506 STEALTH for 94.1 BTS
5288a8bb wants 0.11 OPEN.BTC for 7,932 BTS
bd0d6032 wants 2,603 BTS for 14 STEALTH
virtual paid 13.49 STEALTH for 2,508 BTS
72596254 wants 1,389 BTS for 9.26 STEALTH
virtual paid 6.26 STEALTH for 940 BTS
virtual paid 3 STEALTH for 450 BTS
5987eeb6 wants 792 BTS for 5.8 STEALTH
virtual paid 0.801 STEALTH for 111.4 BTS
virtual paid 1 STEALTH for 138.5 BTS
virtual paid 1 STEALTH for 138 BTS
virtual paid 1 STEALTH for 137.5 BTS
virtual paid 1 STEALTH for 137 BTS
virtual paid 1 STEALTH for 136.5 BTS
807647a2 wants 1,400 BTS for 10 STEALTH
virtual paid 10 STEALTH for 1,400 BTS
dd02eac6 wants 1,000 BTS for 7.09 STEALTH
virtual paid 7.09 STEALTH for 1,000 BTS
8cd5b110 wants 802 BTS for 5.65 STEALTH
virtual paid 5.65 STEALTH for 802 BTS
32f2af02 wants 32.5 BTS for 0.224 STEALTH
virtual paid 0.224 STEALTH for 32.5 BTS
734ac8be sent 0.1158 OPEN.BTC to
13bd1a08 paid 2,988 BTS for 0.0565 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
fb97ebc6 paid 554 BTS for 0.01048 OPEN.BTC
6040ae11 wants 0.088 OPEN.BTC for 4,657 BTS
72b28b57 paid 40.8 BTS for 0.000771 OPEN.BTC
92ae36cc paid 1,075 BTS for 0.02032 OPEN.BTC
454525c7 cancel order
38c67e35 paid 13.9 BTS for 0.000264 OPEN.BTC
122b4c2a wants 0.1163 OPEN.BTC for 6,130 BTS
virtual paid 12.44 BTS for 0.000236 OPEN.BTC
7b6a29bd paid 18.1 BTS for 0.000343 OPEN.BTC
191debbd paid 1,350 BTS for 0.0256 OPEN.BTC
4cdd0418 paid 78.1 BTS for 0.001482 OPEN.BTC
6df0abbe wants 4,885 BTS for 39.7 STEALTH
virtual paid 1 STEALTH for 128 BTS
virtual paid 1 STEALTH for 126 BTS
virtual paid 2 STEALTH for 250 BTS
virtual paid 7 STEALTH for 875 BTS
virtual paid 28.4 STEALTH for 3,500 BTS
virtual paid 0.25 STEALTH for 30.8 BTS
d3a226c5 wants 1,064 BTS for 8 STEALTH
virtual paid 8 STEALTH for 1,064 BTS
d0ab728c wants 156.3 BTS for 1.157 STEALTH
virtual paid 1.157 STEALTH for 156.3 BTS
eaf036da cancel order
90eaa3be sent 0.1656 OPEN.BTC to
3e81d722 paid 7,296 BTS for 0.1443 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
64de72a6 wants 0.1444 OPEN.BTC for 7,302 BTS
f8da4ee6 paid 6 BTS for 0.0001187 OPEN.BTC
1d089fb7 cancel order
e50861ac wants 5,160 BTS for 20 STEALTH
cf51cb3c paid 170.4 BTS for 0.00341 OPEN.BTC
bf776808 paid 1.953 BTS for 0.0000391 OPEN.BTC
b6fdd17d paid 208 BTS for 0.00416 OPEN.BTC
3169f5dc paid 165.4 BTS for 0.00331 OPEN.BTC
f5ab6add paid 515 BTS for 0.0103 OPEN.BTC
bbcfb330 paid 17.72 BTS for 0.000354 OPEN.BTC
df10e400 wants 0.1676 OPEN.BTC for 8,381 BTS
67637deb wants 540 BTS for 4 STEALTH
virtual paid 4 STEALTH for 540 BTS
4e7a495d wants 544 BTS for 4 STEALTH
virtual paid 4 STEALTH for 544 BTS
b4c07611 wants 137 BTS for 1 STEALTH
virtual paid 1 STEALTH for 137 BTS
23fc520e wants 345 BTS for 2.5 STEALTH
virtual paid 2.5 STEALTH for 345 BTS
42a3f9e5 wants 3,500 BTS for 25.34 STEALTH
virtual paid 25.34 STEALTH for 3,500 BTS
74413404 wants 1,400 BTS for 10 STEALTH
virtual paid 10 STEALTH for 1,400 BTS
b64f8ba3 wants 1,778 BTS for 12.26 STEALTH
virtual paid 12.26 STEALTH for 1,778 BTS
943238e3 sent 3 BTS to
4de4cdd6 sent 0.01 OBITS to
498aae89 sent 0.01 OBITS to
d2154b46 sent 1 BTS to
15e01d74 sent 1 BTS to
be398d60 sent 1 BTS to
71ac982d sent 1 BTS to
93dc5463 sent 4 BTS to
0c18e192 sent 1 BTS to
ea0f4ddf sent 12 BTS to
f8848e7d sent 1 BTS to
f8848e7d sent 2 BTS to
cee5f8e0 sent 5 BTS to
d87fbabd sent 1 BTS to
cbba8b65 cancel order
a8dd09ab wants 61,490 BTS for 0.2 OPEN.BTC
ffb17d87 sent 0.01215 OPEN.BTC to
dbc00a9b paid 2.95 OBITS for 11.2 BTS
f197f1c4 wants 0.01217 OPEN.BTC for 432 BTS
virtual paid 227 BTS for 0.0064 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 205 BTS for 0.00577 OPEN.BTC
c562706d wants 197.6 BTS for 38 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 38 BLOCKPAY for 197.6 BTS
7c97f752 wants 16.5 BTS for 0.828 USD
virtual paid 0.828 USD for 16.5 BTS
802999fb wants 11.2 BTS for 2.954 OBITS
virtual paid 0.0034 OBITS for 0.01295 BTS
0aa7f724 wants 20.6 BTS for 0.939 EUR
virtual paid 0.939 EUR for 20.6 BTS
82b24221 sent 1 BTS to
8452d622 wants 199.8 BTS for 10 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 10 BLOCKPAY for 199.8 BTS
a396a33a sent 0.004 USD to
e0f3bc55 sent 0.001 OBITS to
e8903bf3 sent 0.001 OBITS to
c1cf3852 sent 0.01 OBITS to
fa2a76ee sent 2 OBITS to
523e05af sent 0.01 EUR to
6123c5c9 sent 0.001 USD to
2983b507 sent 0.01 USD to
0b540dd7 sent 0.004 USD to
223d5ca2 sent 0.004 USD to
812be56e sent 0.001 USD to
25beb025 sent 0.001 EUR to
58b8202f sent 0.001 OBITS to
9fa68054 sent 0.001 OBITS to
d23d4d70 sent 0.001 OBITS to
ea811682 sent 0.007 OBITS to
6e423415 sent 0.001 BLOCKPAY to
0247381f sent 1 BLOCKPAY to
dc5ef80a sent 10 BTS to
a086b243 sent 10 BTS to
49bfccd5 sent 0.0714 OBITS to
ed283c27 sent 0.0004 USD to
2247b6d8 sent 0.005 BLOCKPAY to
af2d3aac sent 2 BTS to
8d32c27e sent 0.0001 OBITS to
641e38ad sent 0.0004 BLOCKPAY to
cbe09b84 sent 0.358 OBITS to
9e422da0 sent 0.0004 OBITS to
fd834116 sent 0.005 OBITS to
e379d2ce sent 51.7 BTS to
f60ff2ae sent 0.001 OBITS to
85b7896e sent 0.0001 EUR to
09710e91 sent 0.0005 USD to
515ed6cb sent 0.005 BLOCKPAY to
0b288463 sent 2 BTS to
4f667396 sent 2 BTS to
797b4de1 sent 2 BTS to
a11adbf2 sent 2 BTS to
04137bd9 sent 2 BTS to
1144bc60 sent 1 BTS to
6034825a sent 1 BTS to
bbd2fa73 sent 1 BTS to
5208cc4f sent 0.1 OBITS to
f49b75d8 sent 0.2 OBITS to
ba12826e sent 0.2 OBITS to
d6c4be77 sent 1 OBITS to
8d3b74aa sent 0.8 OBITS to
4647ec45 sent 1 OBITS to
f6d3efb2 sent 2 BTS to
e407a303 sent 30 BTS to
6a08f897 sent 2 BTS to
e23b6c33 sent 150 BTS to
8b5584f6 sent 52 BTS to
4798d481 sent 14 BTS to
d399e5df sent 15 BTS to
14fea93f sent 10 BTS to