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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid36 BTS
230ad9cd sent 575 BTS to
32a1de9b wants 535 BTS for 253 CNY
virtual paid 253 CNY for 535 BTS
4f5de13d wants 253.3 CNY for 3,418,732 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,418,731 BTSUCN for 253.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
0c05c448 sent 3,418,731 BTSUCN to
0788142d wants 13.98 BTS for 6.99 CNY
virtual paid 6.99 CNY for 13.98 BTS
bc404067 cancel order
a6a1b5d7 wants 14 BTS for 6.99 CNY
7cbb6c01 cancel order
f18d85c0 wants 15.3 BTS for 6.99 CNY
a7cbcf77 cancel order
0f5fec80 wants 14.16 BTS for 6.99 CNY
fc940d32 cancel order
0b530014 wants 14.1 BTS for 6.99 CNY
7ea7cec5 cancel order
5689e2c8 wants 14.1 BTS for 6.99 CNY
ce4b5566 wants 7 CNY for 93,102 BTSUCN
virtual paid 93,102 BTSUCN for 7 CNY
virtual cancel order
f5cd62e4 wants 15.66 BTS for 7.81 CNY
virtual paid 7.81 CNY for 15.66 BTS
71c11fd1 wants 7.82 CNY for 103,447 BTSUCN
virtual paid 103,447 BTSUCN for 7.82 CNY
virtual cancel order
de0a6b77 wants 12.02 BTS for 5.87 CNY
virtual paid 5.87 CNY for 12.02 BTS
606209f8 wants 5.87 CNY for 77,586 BTSUCN
virtual paid 77,585 BTSUCN for 5.87 CNY
virtual cancel order
7d94a815 sent 38 BTS to
10cc9682 wants 19.5 BTS for 9.5 CNY
virtual paid 9.5 CNY for 19.5 BTS
a5d954a6 cancel order
3e0ca30d wants 21 BTS for 9.5 CNY
f64d6e56 wants 9.52 CNY for 129,309 BTSUCN
virtual paid 129,308 BTSUCN for 9.52 CNY
virtual cancel order
6088d4b9 cancel order
45248de3 wants 3.103 CNY for 25,862 BTSUCN
9be88ff0 wants 21.9 BTS for 7.58 CNY
virtual paid 7.58 CNY for 21.9 BTS
a2d6284b cancel order
2d36fcf3 wants 24.16 BTS for 7.58 CNY
82b9f73e wants 7.59 CNY for 103,447 BTSUCN
virtual paid 103,446 BTSUCN for 7.59 CNY
virtual cancel order
ee05658f cancel order
15c8208c wants 7.59 CNY for 103,447 BTSUCN
63a226fb sent 65 BTS to
29a0f04f wants 23 BTS for 7.58 CNY
virtual paid 7.58 CNY for 23 BTS
5c0753f7 cancel order
3c641bfa wants 26.17 BTS for 7.58 CNY
6d3794fe cancel order
e8cba666 wants 26.17 BTS for 7.58 CNY
ea80c490 wants 7.59 CNY for 103,448 BTSUCN
virtual paid 103,448 BTSUCN for 7.59 CNY
virtual cancel order
ae1a665a paid 1.858 CNY for 6.08 BTS
07ee1931 wants 18.58 BTS for 5.68 CNY
virtual paid 3.82 CNY for 12.5 BTS
fed89b34 wants 5.68 CNY for 77,585 BTSUCN
virtual paid 77,584 BTSUCN for 5.69 CNY
virtual cancel order
0f624bf9 cancel order
3860c034 wants 5.69 CNY for 77,585 BTSUCN
5ff18896 wants 19 BTS for 5.78 CNY
virtual paid 5.78 CNY for 19 BTS
6ece2205 cancel order
23426da1 wants 19.02 BTS for 5.78 CNY
c19a62df cancel order
68943ef8 cancel order
a5f0774a wants 16.35 BTS for 4.92 CNY
1bef9fee wants 4.93 CNY for 66,878 BTSUCN
virtual paid 66,878 BTSUCN for 4.93 CNY
virtual cancel order
38db6599 cancel order
8e49a089 wants 2.84 BTS for 0.856 CNY
420495eb wants 6.21 CNY for 77,586 BTSUCN
virtual paid 10,708 BTSUCN for 0.857 CNY
c15eed10 cancel order
584a05e3 wants 6.98 CNY for 77,586 BTSUCN
c749f2ec sent 122 BTS to
6e840f85 paid 42.5 CNY for 106.7 BTS
ae39a01b wants 106.7 BTS for 42.5 CNY
80ddb206 cancel order
f924b1dd wants 112.2 BTS for 42.5 CNY
61bf6adc cancel order
c2a7c1d8 wants 108.5 BTS for 42.5 CNY
c25133c4 cancel order
f9c3ad2b wants 108 BTS for 42.5 CNY
922e3d5c wants 40.6 CNY for 548,456 BTSUCN
virtual paid 548,455 BTSUCN for 40.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
f9addf1d cancel order
a03d34d0 paid 6,953 BTSUCN for 0.688 CNY
188747e1 paid 823 BTSUCN for 0.0815 CNY
914bc29a paid 9,395 BTSUCN for 0.93 CNY
3fc669d3 paid 3.76 CNY for 9.16 BTS
a6e09917 wants 9.16 BTS for 3.76 CNY
2f18cd67 wants 0.751 CNY for 1.832 BTS
virtual paid 1.83 BTS for 0.751 CNY
virtual cancel order
833cde9f cancel order
946fef06 paid 3,333 BTSUCN for 0.33 CNY
c281d0f5 wants 7.4 BTS for 2.92 CNY
a126d89e cancel order
53f34a98 wants 41 CNY for 413,789 BTSUCN
752b84cb cancel order
2bd74e98 wants 7.1 BTS for 2.92 CNY
c5a903e4 wants 30.3 CNY for 413,789 BTSUCN
9c586acd cancel order
c61751c0 wants 37.2 CNY for 413,789 BTSUCN
4a86d19f cancel order
121d905c wants 41.4 CNY for 413,789 BTSUCN
d64b941c paid 23,786 BTSUCN for 1.903 CNY
virtual cancel order
298d5bc1 paid 237.5 BTSUCN for 0.019 CNY
6a40f12a paid 12,500 BTSUCN for 1 CNY
9b07e5fc sent 36 BTS to
8d173d59 paid 9.48 CNY for 33.6 BTS
e8a09ff7 wants 33.6 BTS for 9.48 CNY
68139584 paid 118,648 BTSUCN for 9.5 CNY
fdd82e22 wants 12.41 CNY for 155,172 BTSUCN
c263b78a cancel order
b41cf76a wants 10.87 CNY for 155,172 BTSUCN
b9eeb65c cancel order
e87c6b24 wants 12.41 CNY for 155,172 BTSUCN
3bc036da sent 325 BTS to
cab87e0f wants 304 BTS for 51.4 CNY
virtual paid 51.4 CNY for 304 BTS
be88108a wants 51.5 CNY for 792,285 BTSUCN
virtual paid 792,285 BTSUCN for 51.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
d18206f7 cancel order
b611bca4 paid 2.996 CNY for 16.83 BTS
efa0f3eb wants 16.83 BTS for 2.996 CNY
cf165f67 wants 71.3 CNY for 792,285 BTSUCN
efb85466 cancel order
8112a0f5 wants 71.3 CNY for 792,285 BTSUCN
62671c40 cancel order
6109b7f7 wants 70.3 CNY for 827,579 BTSUCN
virtual paid 35,294 BTSUCN for 3 CNY
ea111707 sent 8,280 BTS to
b943943f paid 77.5 CNY for 527 BTS
80e35b13 wants 527 BTS for 77.5 CNY
49f7e5a7 wants 77.6 CNY for 517,237 BTSUCN
virtual paid 517,237 BTSUCN for 77.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
c998d29c cancel order
66e294d2 wants 82.8 CNY for 517,237 BTSUCN
0dfc3a5d cancel order
13dcad5a wants 82.8 CNY for 517,237 BTSUCN
63857d8e paid 48.7 CNY for 338 BTS
77c4827c paid 135.5 CNY for 925 BTS
ed3160b1 wants 338 BTS for 48.7 CNY
e3bea3b9 paid 181,032 BTSUCN for 48.7 CNY
2b2b58b8 wants 48.7 CNY for 181,032 BTSUCN
598dd133 cancel order
1ea3c13a wants 59 CNY for 155,171 BTSUCN
64212815 cancel order
7a609127 wants 925 BTS for 135.5 CNY
2c937f31 wants 69.8 CNY for 155,171 BTSUCN
4e59c49d paid 514,822 BTSUCN for 128.2 CNY
7bc3d422 wants 128.2 CNY for 514,822 BTSUCN
684f0d24 cancel order
9b4c5efb cancel order
4b5aa37c paid 438 BTSUCN for 0.12 CNY
0242c69a paid 9,969 BTSUCN for 2.73 CNY
a2e81539 paid 995 BTSUCN for 0.2726 CNY
b50723c9 wants 113.4 CNY for 413,789 BTSUCN
25423f66 paid 3,296 BTSUCN for 0.903 CNY
4f491483 paid 5,247 BTSUCN for 1.438 CNY
2c7e6d23 paid 1,586 BTSUCN for 0.435 CNY
638868f9 paid 3,814 BTSUCN for 1.045 CNY
438cb14a paid 1,545 BTSUCN for 0.423 CNY
b5c5b7e4 wants 35.1 CNY for 127,923 BTSUCN
ae525cb8 cancel order
ec33c1b3 paid 38.3 CNY for 311 BTS
ce2175fc wants 401 BTS for 49.3 CNY
27af85c4 paid 11.04 CNY for 89.8 BTS
01dad5f3 cancel order
72912221 wants 424 BTS for 49.3 CNY
2b3e6c43 cancel order
1e3ea4b1 paid 1,384 BTSUCN for 0.816 CNY
d497bdb4 wants 76.3 CNY for 129,307 BTSUCN
64b0ae5f cancel order
9133d84b cancel order
1b013aeb wants 155.2 CNY for 103,446 BTSUCN
f57dc2ba wants 40.9 CNY for 25,861 BTSUCN
f2812fc8 wants 1,680 BTS for 182 CNY
virtual paid 133.4 CNY for 1,232 BTS
6ba776e9 wants 177.2 CNY for 126,413 BTSUCN
virtual paid 126,413 BTSUCN for 177.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
39dc6ed6 cancel order
c14664c3 wants 164 CNY for 100,552 BTSUCN
acd135e7 cancel order