立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0033 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.624 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 9.1
CNY 0.0223
DEEX 0.1
PROTON 0.0005
560b3f92 sent 153.3 IPFS to
44f21c54 sent 10 BTS to
e0ed4ddf cancel order
e057741d wants 8,429 CNY for 153.3 IPFS
virtual cancel order
69422c97 paid 347 CNY for 9.12 IPFS
9a46a6de sent 0.1 DEEX to
de6b2f44 wants 9.12 IPFS for 347 CNY
b3a9ba7d paid 261.4 CNY for 5 IPFS
62757c28 sent 0.0005 PROTON to
d07caa7d wants 13,636 CNY for 139.1 IPFS
6077b7ef wants 5 IPFS for 261.4 CNY
bc870c6a cancel order
2ea42170 wants 7 IPFS for 280 CNY
3c7db148 paid 1,021 CNY for 17 IPFS
3632ad0b paid 1,982 CNY for 33 IPFS
fe6c7fcd wants 60 IPFS for 3,930 CNY
virtual paid 3,930 CNY for 60.5 IPFS
e77044b3 cancel order
5b336829 paid 573 CNY for 8.82 IPFS
0d0325f7 wants 50 IPFS for 3,250 CNY
ed3f9699 paid 680 CNY for 10 IPFS
f5226f0a wants 10 IPFS for 680 CNY
9609d87f wants 50 IPFS for 3,003 CNY
e88098a1 paid 500 CNY for 10 IPFS
a619d59a wants 10 IPFS for 500 CNY
a72e49c7 sent 10 CNY to
e2fd0b6e sent 20,000 CNY to
9a60ace6 sent 10,000 CNY to
481cebad sent 50,000 CNY to
08f0ad60 sent 49,000 CNY to
e1dd9067 sent 38,900 CNY to
dc5ff7d7 sent 100 CNY to
ade9d2ba sent 3,247 BTS to
2f71f40b paid 837 CNY for 192.8 BTS
f46988ae paid 40.9 CNY for 9.43 BTS
860fd962 paid 574 CNY for 132.2 BTS
dc07d787 paid 48.8 CNY for 11.24 BTS
64559514 paid 81.1 CNY for 18.7 BTS
6b904139 paid 83.4 CNY for 19.23 BTS
8769780c paid 25.93 CNY for 5.98 BTS
551f1f0f paid 422 CNY for 97.3 BTS
4c0c4ba0 paid 291 CNY for 67 BTS
46efb6d0 paid 115.6 CNY for 26.64 BTS
33324478 paid 4,340 CNY for 1,000 BTS
b1664d8b paid 14.57 CNY for 3.36 BTS
143076c4 paid 288.7 CNY for 66.5 BTS
b81757b7 paid 51.7 CNY for 11.92 BTS
fae6ef67 paid 52.8 CNY for 12.18 BTS
e772ec46 paid 2,648 CNY for 610 BTS
564c730d wants 2,285 BTS for 9,915 CNY
65998992 paid 4,000 CNY for 930 BTS
112583fd wants 930 BTS for 4,000 CNY
66e6194f update account/votes
ffdfcd4a paid 18.8 CNY for 4.52 BTS
10f2c255 wants 4.52 BTS for 18.8 CNY