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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00011 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.385 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00011
CNY 0.0271
YOYOW 1.998
SEER 0.1158
dd5b5a06 paid 0.46 CNY for 2 YOYOW
67cd428c wants 2 YOYOW for 0.46 CNY
0b5622fa cancel order
24a9b05c wants 48 SEER for 0.48 CNY
2af631d8 cancel order
24ea9633 wants 3 SEER for 0.329 CNY
53713075 sent 22,229 CNY to
50a43027 wants 11,280 CNY for 103,027 SEER
virtual paid 103,027 SEER for 11,280 CNY
8a1b14fb paid 82,214 SEER for 9,002 CNY
db9c4582 paid 17,786 SEER for 1,947 CNY
8bd5f835 wants 10,949 CNY for 100,000 SEER
b383ec7b cancel order
ad47eea3 wants 10,950 CNY for 100,000 SEER
f4ce533e cancel order
2cb5b0c3 wants 6,056 CNY for 53,027 SEER
9de0c4f7 cancel order
bc533824 wants 14,500 CNY for 100,000 SEER
45bdfa82 cancel order
d5e3bff8 wants 12,350 CNY for 100,000 SEER
a28117e6 cancel order
7cd3f3d0 wants 12,340 CNY for 100,000 SEER
f0446782 cancel order
911c6498 wants 30,454 CNY for 203,027 SEER
26f13b57 cancel order
a5bb7429 wants 16,000 CNY for 100,000 SEER
70049879 cancel order
87d019b5 cancel order
3cb35e3e paid 5,000 CNY for 36,982 SEER
e3f1972b wants 36,982 SEER for 5,000 CNY
5eb7843a wants 8,050 CNY for 50,000 SEER
d5c7d47a cancel order
01b80a9a wants 8,500 CNY for 50,000 SEER
f2f5c4dd cancel order
85014c4c wants 8,365 CNY for 50,000 SEER
720dc002 cancel order
6b86b1f2 wants 20,894 CNY for 116,078 SEER
08af121d wants 8,395 CNY for 50,000 SEER
fd5f7b14 cancel order
fee70cd8 wants 29,895 CNY for 166,082 SEER
e73a32a6 paid 5,741 CNY for 38,248 SEER
f0793ef9 wants 38,248 SEER for 5,741 CNY
60dd8615 cancel order
c18568e5 wants 38,273 SEER for 5,741 CNY
f3e30a5a cancel order
757cfbc0 wants 38,273 SEER for 5,741 CNY
caefb597 paid 5,000 CNY for 32,175 SEER
b666e370 paid 0 CNY for 0.000001 SEER
ef74a3cf wants 32,175 SEER for 5,000 CNY
c4e4593d cancel order
20f15845 wants 100,261 SEER for 15,741 CNY
df2ed424 paid 15,000 CNY for 95,481 SEER
bd599e46 wants 95,481 SEER for 15,000 CNY
9d2d04b0 cancel order
88882e9a wants 94,756 SEER for 15,000 CNY
b4a9aed5 cancel order
08cc365a paid 53.6 CNY for 345 SEER
1d50ff62 wants 82,521 SEER for 12,833 CNY
54bae9f7 cancel order
3ea7c9b5 wants 88,503 SEER for 12,833 CNY
bc92dea2 cancel order
958a266b wants 66,667 SEER for 10,000 CNY
fff700b7 cancel order
51bc92a6 wants 80,609 SEER for 12,833 CNY
a3786298 wants 2,811 CNY for 602 BTS
dac7d50d paid 602 BTS for 2,811 CNY
6a700150 sent 600 BTS to
b85e0845 paid 2,400 CNY for 557 BTS
065cc8a6 wants 557 BTS for 2,400 CNY
5d264f9b cancel order
97c1ae8a wants 558 BTS for 2,400 CNY
383c0145 sent 1 BTS to
083d641b paid 200 CNY for 46.2 BTS
48ceb319 wants 46.2 BTS for 200 CNY
38804cc8 paid 58,245 SEER for 9,843 CNY
57689f7e paid 10,000 SEER for 1,690 CNY
87da77f3 wants 11,533 CNY for 68,245 SEER
58d060b5 cancel order
a9de4748 wants 11,602 CNY for 68,245 SEER
482a9b7a cancel order
74039525 wants 4,547 CNY for 28,245 SEER
3f8d74dd paid 248 BTS for 1,088 CNY
d9a1b370 wants 1,088 CNY for 248 BTS
68e8124e paid 3,958 CNY for 26,368 SEER
e8a3e05d paid 6,296 CNY for 41,945 SEER
f0acab46 wants 68,314 SEER for 10,254 CNY
010f699e cancel order
5e94d4bc wants 65,266 SEER for 10,254 CNY
39e78a34 paid 38,574 SEER for 6,750 CNY
virtual cancel order
a1119e2b paid 0.1474 SEER for 0.0258 CNY
cd570e93 paid 20 SEER for 3.5 CNY
5cb412af paid 19,999 SEER for 3,500 CNY
c69b0630 paid 968 CNY for 232.7 BTS
8f50e036 wants 232.7 BTS for 968 CNY
afb0a6f4 paid 220 BTS for 968 CNY
4a72355a wants 968 CNY for 220 BTS
98c9dd5a wants 10,254 CNY for 58,594 SEER
8d3d1074 cancel order
3b1b8433 wants 11,719 CNY for 58,594 SEER
75b62ee6 cancel order
3ef3cd38 wants 4,889 CNY for 28,593 SEER
1ba41355 cancel order
6774c145 wants 4,975 CNY for 28,593 SEER
7a49ee3a wants 195 BTS for 810 CNY
virtual paid 810 CNY for 195.3 BTS
05ade7f3 paid 193.2 CNY for 40 BTS
2d8edee0 wants 40 BTS for 193.2 CNY
6fde0a11 cancel order
790b08b5 wants 41.4 BTS for 200 CNY
2d29ff63 paid 852 CNY for 4,709 SEER
355f2909 wants 4,709 SEER for 852 CNY
43a09551 wants 15,723 SEER for 2,500 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 CNY for 15,723 SEER
d54b5875 paid 244.3 CNY for 1,322 SEER
1ae9fd25 paid 2,256 CNY for 12,206 SEER
14493bb0 wants 13,528 SEER for 2,500 CNY
97b474cb cancel order
12c55c14 wants 28,393 SEER for 5,000 CNY
4b458c90 paid 22 CNY for 110 SEER
9575d15f wants 110 SEER for 22 CNY
4d30e81a paid 815 CNY for 4,005 SEER
e3f757b7 paid 4,185 CNY for 20,577 SEER
eda83c47 wants 24,582 SEER for 5,000 CNY
7164cefe wants 2.198 CNY for 9.99 SEER
virtual paid 9.99 SEER for 2.2 CNY
fe1a01f0 paid 2.2 CNY for 10 SEER
7954fcfd wants 10 SEER for 2.2 CNY
94ce07b2 sent 1,000 CNY to