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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid26.95 BTS
f19c60a1 sent 4,811 BTS to
5bc5a551 paid 10.04 CNY for 21.2 BTS
134b8e02 wants 21.2 BTS for 10.04 CNY
e43af9ce cancel order
a0d72f58 wants 21.2 BTS for 10.04 CNY
de65ddee cancel order
c108b233 paid 241.3 CNY for 510 BTS
fb780742 paid 314.6 CNY for 664 BTS
3eabe740 paid 296 CNY for 625 BTS
aef4193d wants 4,809 BTS for 2,277 CNY
0d169b3f paid 683 CNY for 1,443 BTS
db849fa0 paid 732 CNY for 1,546 BTS
c9f7f614 wants 2,280 CNY for 34,606,192 BTSUCN
virtual paid 34,606,191 BTSUCN for 2,280 CNY
virtual cancel order
eb11410b sent 3,325 BTS to
8344a385 wants 385 BTS for 216 CNY
virtual paid 216 CNY for 385 BTS
db9e4b2c cancel order
b9892ba3 wants 385 BTS for 216 CNY
298436a0 cancel order
d711a464 wants 2,385 BTS for 1,336 CNY
virtual paid 1,120 CNY for 2,000 BTS
9c1b66e6 cancel order
41eacd9c wants 2,000 BTS for 1,120 CNY
4ee3fe03 paid 406 CNY for 725 BTS
5b010008 cancel order
8f27939c wants 3,288 BTS for 1,828 CNY
virtual paid 86 CNY for 154.6 BTS
c9dddf7f wants 1,811 CNY for 24,128,119 BTSUCN
virtual paid 4,804,863 BTSUCN for 361 CNY
virtual paid 17,495,764 BTSUCN for 1,314 CNY
virtual paid 1,827,492 BTSUCN for 137.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
9ab2aa98 cancel order
d638cd72 cancel order
a68a1a43 cancel order
02a19124 paid 2,447 BTSUCN for 0.208 CNY
8862bfd2 paid 116,685 BTSUCN for 9.92 CNY
d6621abf paid 97,267 BTSUCN for 8.27 CNY
07e80d22 paid 24.7 BTSUCN for 0.0021 CNY
57d53e52 wants 36.1 BTS for 20 CNY
virtual paid 20 CNY for 36.1 BTS
3af61e86 cancel order
90422bf0 wants 39.9 BTS for 20 CNY
7fe6ef7d cancel order
2ca1a668 wants 40.2 BTS for 19.7 CNY
e0291d58 paid 10 CNY for 20 BTS
9d1b477c paid 235,294 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
5dbc1c83 wants 20 BTS for 10 CNY
7bc05bfa paid 117,647 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
4c269513 wants 1,630 CNY for 13,697,484 BTSUCN
9fe71988 wants 425 CNY for 5,000,000 BTSUCN
573d7def wants 540 CNY for 6,000,000 BTSUCN
462bb457 cancel order
58beb6b5 cancel order
83425fbf paid 9.99 CNY for 135,706 BTSUCN
20822f29 paid 14.02 CNY for 190,520 BTSUCN
b2a2592b paid 44.5 CNY for 604,472 BTSUCN
09793a3d paid 88.8 CNY for 1,206,348 BTSUCN
88a5cffa paid 22.2 CNY for 301,477 BTSUCN
0f954d77 paid 42.3 CNY for 574,190 BTSUCN
fa7035a6 wants 3,012,713 BTSUCN for 221.8 CNY
faf8e790 cancel order
50ffad8b paid 223 CNY for 3,037,234 BTSUCN
4a82faa7 wants 6,059,307 BTSUCN for 445 CNY
284099f8 cancel order
7bd43018 wants 6,059,390 BTSUCN for 445 CNY
ce48628a cancel order
cd30863e wants 6,059,473 BTSUCN for 445 CNY
7074f386 cancel order
76ad6a64 wants 1,502 CNY for 10,010,824 BTSUCN
bcc71422 wants 864 CNY for 7,200,000 BTSUCN
f65faf60 cancel order
6d4ac752 wants 1,080 CNY for 7,200,000 BTSUCN
88514ef9 paid 4,971,008 BTSUCN for 442 CNY
virtual cancel order
ea69e65a paid 21,565 BTSUCN for 1.92 CNY
d2018044 wants 1.684 BTS for 0.657 CNY
cb55bd30 paid 7,427 BTSUCN for 0.661 CNY
796ab49a wants 445 CNY for 5,000,000 BTSUCN
91559e60 cancel order
eba6546e wants 1,947 CNY for 21,633,016 BTSUCN
8cdba177 cancel order
1e133b2d cancel order
d73a264e cancel order
18f8ac47 cancel order
e4dd2224 cancel order
87ced17f cancel order
d9dde465 wants 645 CNY for 406,029 BTSUCN
a3232bbf wants 323 CNY for 203,005 BTSUCN
c191d09d wants 331 CNY for 203,024 BTSUCN
561acc51 wants 968 CNY for 609,034 BTSUCN
7234e696 sent 84,490 BTS to
9f1d6cd3 sent 17 BTS to
fa004970 wants 264 CNY for 203,015 BTSUCN
0f75fec8 wants 264 CNY for 203,014 BTSUCN
7e3422b1 wants 5,760 BTS for 645 CNY
virtual paid 645 CNY for 5,760 BTS
aa49626b cancel order
2a93fa1f wants 5,813 BTS for 645 CNY
3794aabb cancel order
b9b13565 wants 5,813 BTS for 645 CNY
e602a530 cancel order
0b8685b9 wants 900 BTS for 99.7 CNY
ced6f5fe wants 900 BTS for 101 CNY
virtual paid 101 CNY for 900 BTS
1c56379d wants 900 BTS for 100.9 CNY
virtual paid 100.9 CNY for 900 BTS
061825f8 cancel order
cd14ecb5 wants 7,659 BTS for 847 CNY
c05bb319 wants 848 CNY for 1,060,161 BTSUCN
virtual paid 37,186 BTSUCN for 29.75 CNY
virtual paid 1,022,975 BTSUCN for 818 CNY
virtual cancel order
d7991e25 cancel order
4e902227 wants 2,470 CNY for 1,060,161 BTSUCN
afbca976 cancel order
f845fdc5 wants 1,684 CNY for 1,060,161 BTSUCN
caab7251 cancel order
bc118a83 cancel order
70758676 cancel order
e376a398 wants 321 CNY for 203,015 BTSUCN
7920d940 wants 9,168 BTS for 1,047 CNY
virtual paid 1,047 CNY for 9,168 BTS
0ba5c303 cancel order
a4a37cb3 wants 9,297 BTS for 1,047 CNY
c4b435f1 wants 1,039 CNY for 654,141 BTSUCN
0ff90762 cancel order
6dc94816 wants 2,082 CNY for 1,317,506 BTSUCN
virtual paid 663,366 BTSUCN for 1,048 CNY
f9c64c28 cancel order
5494d902 wants 323 CNY for 203,005 BTSUCN
ea3dcb45 cancel order
d9407800 wants 341 CNY for 203,005 BTSUCN
e7a8cd3d cancel order
e4019e16 wants 325 CNY for 203,005 BTSUCN
8556ab23 paid 0.0419 CNY for 0.341 BTS
8a1d60de paid 4.79 CNY for 39 BTS
825ee8aa wants 2,213 CNY for 1,317,506 BTSUCN
d0847a23 cancel order
555de1c6 wants 2,213 CNY for 1,317,506 BTSUCN
43bf9a52 cancel order
2b983c16 cancel order
599da96d cancel order
7822c9ae wants 39.3 BTS for 4.84 CNY
b3135b2b wants 680 CNY for 403,162 BTSUCN
1109bb1e cancel order
8d5559a6 paid 652 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
878f14ef paid 664 BTSUCN for 1.12 CNY
d26da427 paid 670 BTSUCN for 1.13 CNY
63ef0b3c paid 882 BTSUCN for 1.49 CNY
91a78438 wants 685 CNY for 406,029 BTSUCN
ee17e429 wants 229.6 CNY for 114,788 BTSUCN
847267d0 cancel order
1b2a81db wants 229.6 CNY for 114,788 BTSUCN
6a790325 wants 1,671 CNY for 799,556 BTSUCN
f60396d7 cancel order
5463433f wants 1,591 CNY for 799,556 BTSUCN
03d4ce75 cancel order
5efa75e0 wants 1,695 CNY for 799,556 BTSUCN
f1c68f58 cancel order
3d10a5f4 wants 1,727 CNY for 799,556 BTSUCN
168a5855 cancel order
cace0bec cancel order
a7b795da wants 492 CNY for 199,889 BTSUCN
549a2e00 wants 1,409 CNY for 599,667 BTSUCN
2e4687a0 cancel order
39fd2700 wants 1,493 CNY for 599,667 BTSUCN
0336bc9e cancel order
c1e0a87f wants 1,499 CNY for 599,667 BTSUCN
90786fba cancel order
30028875 paid 296 CNY for 2,336 BTS
f38119c7 paid 47.8 CNY for 377 BTS
73569093 wants 1,000 CNY for 399,788 BTSUCN
3b84eb6d cancel order
c57ebc6c cancel order
8c9f23dc wants 480 CNY for 199,899 BTSUCN
ad67d89b wants 2,713 BTS for 344 CNY
6f98686b cancel order
eece7ef0 wants 2,713 BTS for 344 CNY
f98ad0cd cancel order
370df95f paid 12.19 CNY for 97 BTS
0448cb5f wants 2,832 BTS for 356 CNY
ccf450bf cancel order
68cc3347 paid 154 CNY for 1,224 BTS
dfeddc4b wants 4,054 BTS for 510 CNY
800b3328 wants 530 CNY for 199,889 BTSUCN
eb9a77a0 cancel order
85590cf0 wants 494 CNY for 199,889 BTSUCN
d355ebde cancel order
af944165 wants 530 CNY for 199,889 BTSUCN
7c2f3bc9 paid 199,889 BTSUCN for 510 CNY
04861f61 wants 510 CNY for 199,889 BTSUCN
4584e3a2 paid 681 CNY for 5,191 BTS
3f46ac8c paid 1,611 CNY for 12,277 BTS
fe6ba50d wants 17,468 BTS for 2,293 CNY
4d937550 paid 199,899 BTSUCN for 504 CNY
ade9bea0 wants 504 CNY for 199,899 BTSUCN
5e559f98 paid 4,306 BTSUCN for 10.98 CNY