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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid2.148 BTS


Asset Balance
d7cc5a7e sent 9.75 SHPGCOIN to
f052b06e sent 10.25 SHPGCOIN to
d0f69cd2 sent 4.63 BRIKCOIN to
8b4ce0aa sent 5.38 BRIKCOIN to
e53b8791 sent 104,504 SHELLCOIN to
ff9dcbac sent 6,368 SHCNY to
a867cd8f sent 3,000 SHELLSKY to
726da4ba cancel order
91b8fcd9 sent 1.005 SHELLCOIN to
9718b0d5 sent 1.005 SHELLCOIN to
e9a556ae sent 1.005 SHELLCOIN to
b901356a sent 1.005 SHELLCOIN to
6257b876 wants 1,000 SHELLSKY for 100,000 SHELLCOIN
91352ee9 cancel order
a8be4fa0 cancel order
a01554ea wants 1,000 SHELLSKY for 60,000 SHELLCOIN
7dc6aefd wants 1,000 SHELLSKY for 40,000 SHELLCOIN
553c9166 cancel order
2f89ae94 wants 2,000 SHELLSKY for 90,000 SHELLCOIN
dc236228 cancel order
6a1bdcdc wants 2,000 SHELLSKY for 100,000 SHELLCOIN
8d6e3ab8 wants 3,000 SHELLSKY for 120,000 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 120,000 SHELLCOIN for 3,000 SHELLSKY
3ac1d62c cancel order
d9b88759 wants 2,000 SHELLSKY for 80,000 SHELLCOIN
a238f068 cancel order
d58059a5 paid 4,000 SHELLCOIN for 6,400 SHCNY
89c62e74 wants 48,000 SHCNY for 30,000 SHELLCOIN
ff8b390b paid 1,003 SHCNY for 669 SHELLCOIN
2cce1644 wants 669 SHELLCOIN for 1,003 SHCNY
9e0d0c74 cancel order
6e190c9c wants 32,000 SHCNY for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
f2a17c75 wants 4,000 SHELLCOIN for 6,000 SHCNY
virtual paid 6,000 SHCNY for 4,000 SHELLCOIN
2540ee86 cancel order
25cb9cf2 wants 15,000 SHCNY for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
2a1975e2 cancel order
bec50f16 wants 4,000 SHELLCOIN for 6,000 SHCNY
2e0d6f1f paid 330,000 SHCNY for 220,000 SHELLCOIN
27500ed7 wants 220,000 SHELLCOIN for 330,000 SHCNY
cfcf4ef5 paid 85,000 SHELLCOIN for 331,500 SHCNY
9dd6b15d wants 331,500 SHCNY for 85,000 SHELLCOIN
0d964473 paid 135,000 SHCNY for 90,000 SHELLCOIN
62bd6090 wants 90,000 SHELLCOIN for 135,000 SHCNY
37cfc823 paid 35,000 SHELLCOIN for 136,500 SHCNY
a3ce2db5 wants 136,500 SHCNY for 35,000 SHELLCOIN
470e67d1 paid 52,500 SHCNY for 35,000 SHELLCOIN
b7f02528 wants 35,000 SHELLCOIN for 52,500 SHCNY
c4766544 paid 15,000 SHELLCOIN for 58,500 SHCNY
cd47b0fa wants 58,500 SHCNY for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
647500fb paid 22,500 SHCNY for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
6d308d66 wants 15,000 SHELLCOIN for 22,500 SHCNY
93ce5083 wants 22,800 SHCNY for 6,000 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 6,000 SHELLCOIN for 22,800 SHCNY
4ecc310a wants 100 SHELLCOIN for 380 SHCNY
virtual paid 380 SHCNY for 100 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 100 SHELLCOIN for 380 SHCNY
47368c5e wants 380 SHCNY for 100 SHELLCOIN
a480c916 wants 100 SHELLCOIN for 380 SHCNY
virtual paid 380 SHCNY for 100 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 100 SHELLCOIN for 380 SHCNY
ec1d714f wants 380 SHCNY for 100 SHELLCOIN
c5e08f20 paid 965 AYNRANDCOIN for 3,861 SHELLCOIN
e794de1f paid 283.6 SHPGCOIN for 2,836 SHELLCOIN
63fa979a paid 276 SHELLCOIN for 414 SHCNY
691b2d5c wants 414 SHCNY for 276 SHELLCOIN
dc43450e paid 100 SHELLCOIN for 16 SHCNY
10f90b2d paid 100 SHELLCOIN for 14 SHCNY
dbaaa4c7 paid 100 SHELLCOIN for 12 SHCNY
d40d8375 wants 16 SHCNY for 100 SHELLCOIN
4607cf69 wants 14 SHCNY for 100 SHELLCOIN
3e7f1d41 wants 12 SHCNY for 100 SHELLCOIN
74e03ce1 wants 3,861 SHELLCOIN for 965 AYNRANDCOIN
a528bc3a wants 970 AYNRANDCOIN for 1,940 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 1,940 SHELLCOIN for 970 AYNRANDCOIN
e4ab2f81 wants 2,836 SHELLCOIN for 283.6 SHPGCOIN
e6f9b3e1 wants 285 SHPGCOIN for 2,565 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 2,565 SHELLCOIN for 285 SHPGCOIN
69ac8364 paid 200.5 YONGBANGCOIN for 4,010 SHELLCOIN
2a128171 paid 109.7 SHPGCOIN for 1,097 SHELLCOIN
cf00334b wants 1,097 SHELLCOIN for 109.7 SHPGCOIN
9f7b3ad8 wants 110.3 SHPGCOIN for 993 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 993 SHELLCOIN for 110.3 SHPGCOIN
virtual cancel order
13953fc7 wants 4,010 SHELLCOIN for 200.5 YONGBANGCOIN
8ca2bae1 paid 199.5 YONGBANGCOIN for 998 SHELLCOIN
ee0321ad wants 998 SHELLCOIN for 199.5 YONGBANGCOIN