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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid18.7 BTS
ebf73e4f sent 1,017 BTS to
75e0244f paid 708 CNY for 1,011 BTS
4cbd54b5 wants 1,011 BTS for 708 CNY
c151e6fb cancel order
93abe597 cancel order
6e2ad02b wants 23.3 BTS for 12.35 CNY
aa659486 wants 1,312 BTS for 696 CNY
1cb11264 cancel order
9b5b6eec wants 1,264 BTS for 708 CNY
021d023d cancel order
1485243c wants 1,244 BTS for 708 CNY
6315c164 paid 7,771,501 BTSUCN for 700 CNY
f48a3be5 paid 100,109 BTSUCN for 9.01 CNY
99be5499 wants 708 CNY for 7,871,610 BTSUCN
ef6b4915 cancel order
f9f27c39 wants 700 CNY for 7,871,610 BTSUCN
2599cb43 sent 2 BTS to
37afe8ee cancel order
d6c890f8 cancel order
9d87cf94 cancel order
4de4764b cancel order
bd24435e cancel order
54fd4cb2 cancel order
4d54e85a cancel order
d7de8232 cancel order
8a880baa cancel order
ba76a003 cancel order
34d2fe85 sent 16,710 BTS to
31ef8e38 sent 10 BTS to
41da5e04 sent 10 BTS to
91a5d6db sent 1 BTS to
0a179689 sent 1 BTS to
06e242e2 sent 1 BTS to
398e8c59 wants 1,366 BTS for 165.8 CNY
virtual paid 165.8 CNY for 1,366 BTS
3637f2af paid 64,218 BTSUCN for 126.5 CNY
183bc9a2 wants 126.5 CNY for 64,218 BTSUCN
249bf09c wants 73.9 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
8c6a96de paid 14,239 BTSUCN for 33.6 CNY
8a553dac sent 1 BTS to
21da1e11 paid 84.8 BTSUCN for 0.2 CNY
dd1923fb wants 303 CNY for 128,436 BTSUCN
ad15e963 paid 403 CNY for 2,665 BTS
89d4691b wants 2,665 BTS for 403 CNY
af3f283d wants 85.1 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
53aff99f paid 160,545 BTSUCN for 409 CNY
2913c682 wants 409 CNY for 160,545 BTSUCN
3821197d paid 401 CNY for 2,681 BTS
9d3c3ff7 wants 2,681 BTS for 401 CNY
ff762ec4 paid 7,416 BTSUCN for 18.54 CNY
2c85c5ca paid 60,000 BTSUCN for 150 CNY
5384c7e4 paid 90,000 BTSUCN for 225 CNY
4252414b paid 3,129 BTSUCN for 7.82 CNY
5375a5b6 wants 401 CNY for 160,545 BTSUCN
95ccad2d wants 199 CNY for 64,218 BTSUCN
de7e5a39 wants 616 CNY for 192,654 BTSUCN
d2eb009f paid 98.4 CNY for 650 BTS
e34150cd wants 650 BTS for 98.4 CNY
05bb7ce3 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 98.4 CNY
8c1f372c wants 98.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
virtual paid 104.2 CNY for 677 BTS
320e9368 wants 677 BTS for 104.2 CNY
3dd4ecf3 wants 102.7 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
ef869bcb wants 99.5 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
virtual paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 99.5 CNY
86932777 wants 106 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
50e40897 paid 107.5 CNY for 535 BTS
1b0b8ec4 wants 535 BTS for 107.5 CNY
80559579 wants 112.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
d0c7e1ad paid 32,118 BTSUCN for 112.4 CNY
b7479476 wants 112.4 CNY for 32,118 BTSUCN
29a1328b wants 114.6 CNY for 32,100 BTSUCN
e67452ad paid 114.2 CNY for 536 BTS
43d35e12 wants 536 BTS for 114.2 CNY
70c54cc6 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 114.3 CNY
72db7070 wants 114.3 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
ab62f18a wants 522 BTS for 112.3 CNY
be9cf86b paid 112.3 CNY for 522 BTS
490f3b0b cancel order
2d90e619 wants 525 BTS for 112.3 CNY
0b55d62c paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 112.4 CNY
da17d8c0 wants 112.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
d1e58a95 wants 118.8 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
92b6b1c3 paid 22.3 CNY for 103.8 BTS
f6398ec7 paid 90 CNY for 418 BTS
1ed9406d wants 522 BTS for 112.3 CNY
c8aaa67b paid 113 CNY for 506 BTS
9a0082a0 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 112.4 CNY
c6ddfca0 wants 112.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
0e3d7b23 wants 506 BTS for 113 CNY
f0085ae6 wants 112.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
virtual paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 113 CNY
virtual cancel order
195c092c paid 427 CNY for 1,908 BTS
f8e83083 wants 499 BTS for 112.3 CNY
virtual paid 112.3 CNY for 499 BTS
e10c2a96 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 112.4 CNY
ce4a041a wants 1,908 BTS for 427 CNY
8619fabf cancel order
d1347b7c wants 1,907 BTS for 427 CNY
6c077a1e wants 112.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
f41c5cd1 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 112.4 CNY
942a3fa1 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 106 CNY
5028f9d2 paid 64,218 BTSUCN for 209.5 CNY
2252ee0f paid 103.5 CNY for 461 BTS
196ce4e2 wants 461 BTS for 103.5 CNY
953ce967 wants 209.5 CNY for 64,218 BTSUCN
cc342065 paid 101 CNY for 450 BTS
2446bd66 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 103.4 CNY
a54e7e39 wants 450 BTS for 101 CNY
3090060d cancel order
2d6deb3c wants 451 BTS for 101.2 CNY
5eed4e80 wants 103.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
b9b0467d wants 101.1 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
virtual paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 101.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
f1685b13 wants 106 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
7c928f91 paid 342 CNY for 1,519 BTS
43b6568f paid 281.7 CNY for 1,250 BTS
03939484 wants 2,768 BTS for 624 CNY
510c8c08 wants 112.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
2b1bb8db paid 96,327 BTSUCN for 318 CNY
f843daa4 wants 318 CNY for 96,327 BTSUCN
ebc54ac9 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 102.7 CNY
virtual paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 102.7 CNY
ef4170c5 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 101.1 CNY
71fe3964 wants 101.1 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
601a7a77 wants 102.7 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
cd729426 wants 102.7 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
cc8b44df sent 104 CNY to
eafa45d6 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 104.4 CNY
22a85790 wants 104.4 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
d80aae4d sent 18,980 BTS to
af8af638 sent 5 BTS to
281bbe8f cancel order
95ecafe7 paid 13.9 CNY for 39.5 BTS
9522f2cf wants 1,721 BTS for 606 CNY
virtual paid 5 CNY for 14.2 BTS
virtual paid 10 CNY for 28.4 BTS
virtual paid 10 CNY for 28.4 BTS
virtual paid 10 CNY for 28.4 BTS
virtual paid 10 CNY for 28.4 BTS
virtual paid 10 CNY for 28.4 BTS
virtual paid 5 CNY for 14.2 BTS
virtual paid 5 CNY for 14.2 BTS
a9973645 paid 35.9 CNY for 101.8 BTS
6207f1ef paid 108.3 CNY for 307.4 BTS
4e6cef34 paid 33.8 CNY for 96 BTS
4e1c09c3 paid 21.97 CNY for 62.4 BTS
33d094ac paid 270.6 CNY for 768 BTS
f137a579 paid 16.74 CNY for 47.5 BTS
9bf93fe8 paid 25.8 CNY for 73.2 BTS
b2393b37 paid 14.3 CNY for 40.6 BTS
bef76648 wants 607 CNY for 192,654 BTSUCN
virtual paid 192,654 BTSUCN for 607 CNY
virtual cancel order
ea27b379 paid 794 CNY for 2,314 BTS
ce39335a wants 2,314 BTS for 794 CNY
b398ceec cancel order
ce1ab6b5 wants 2,341 BTS for 794 CNY
3abe0ee6 paid 224,763 BTSUCN for 697 CNY
2fd25994 paid 4,665 BTSUCN for 14.24 CNY
virtual cancel order
b0efb2ed paid 8,443 BTSUCN for 25.8 CNY
61b6ceb0 paid 19,001 BTSUCN for 58 CNY
379219f9 paid 734 CNY for 2,499 BTS
2ce0708a paid 566 CNY for 1,930 BTS
c123ae84 wants 98 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
21f8af36 cancel order
4214e161 wants 4,429 BTS for 1,300 CNY
733e0aa3 cancel order
559c3d5c paid 2,880 CNY for 9,811 BTS
44db650d paid 210.7 CNY for 718 BTS
6957d177 wants 14,958 BTS for 4,391 CNY
f10169d9 wants 697 CNY for 224,763 BTSUCN
312be276 paid 256,872 BTSUCN for 796 CNY
03578591 wants 796 CNY for 256,872 BTSUCN
97579649 paid 63,165 BTSUCN for 196 CNY
5ece1a6b paid 1,053 BTSUCN for 3.26 CNY
756848b1 wants 199 CNY for 64,218 BTSUCN
f5fb902c paid 64,218 BTSUCN for 199 CNY
9e54b0e3 wants 199 CNY for 64,218 BTSUCN
ad37e737 wants 102.7 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
b0e775b3 paid 126,952 BTSUCN for 394 CNY
virtual cancel order
2116ee8e paid 373 BTSUCN for 1.157 CNY
ddbc7c5e paid 468 BTSUCN for 1.45 CNY
2a1fffdc paid 643 BTSUCN for 1.993 CNY
902afd5c wants 398 CNY for 128,436 BTSUCN
de1c199e paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 102.7 CNY
60453d63 paid 32,109 BTSUCN for 101.1 CNY
87cbb250 wants 101.1 CNY for 32,109 BTSUCN
b3c38eb5 paid 16,490 BTSUCN for 51.9 CNY
cb25405b paid 15,619 BTSUCN for 49.2 CNY
4bc42fa5 paid 27,537 BTSUCN for 85.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
280560cb paid 413 BTSUCN for 1.28 CNY
b77bd26f paid 397 BTSUCN for 1.23 CNY
36214461 paid 510 BTSUCN for 1.58 CNY
39680a75 paid 510 BTSUCN for 1.58 CNY