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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.101 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.636 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.101
CNY 0.449
2d77ea78 sent 457 CNY to
563865e2 paid 1,088 BTS for 455 CNY
23ee634f paid 7.12 BTS for 2.977 CNY
dd69ae18 wants 458 CNY for 1,095 BTS
0543a529 cancel order
bee55328 wants 1,095 CNY for 1,095 BTS
8467d7e1 sent 1 XBTSX.COF to
virtual cancel order
af98f159 wants 7,120 CNY for 1,095 BTS
cfc1a32f wants 595 BTS for 1,560 CNY
virtual paid 1,560 CNY for 595 BTS
4f8d2f6f wants 500 BTS for 1,132 CNY
202d3dd3 paid 2.188 CNY for 0.966 BTS
1a4a516b paid 1,130 CNY for 499 BTS
ee72d43c cancel order
bb47d38e wants 263 BTS for 1,000 CNY
2a2d0200 paid 209 BTS for 1,003 CNY
e1dca0df wants 1,003 CNY for 209 BTS
a2f2e236 cancel order
f14d61f4 wants 0.209 OPEN.ETH for 209 BTS
d98171ae cancel order
df6020ad wants 0.011 OPEN.BTC for 209 BTS
56532481 cancel order
a316be8a cancel order
d95fad33 wants 502 CNY for 109 BTS
1f84ad37 cancel order
aa9ded18 wants 480 CNY for 100 BTS
5960db34 cancel order
f308bea7 wants 546 CNY for 109.2 BTS
204e91da wants 490 CNY for 100 BTS
e8237f07 cancel order
ce0acfb0 cancel order
1553689f cancel order
d0e4a802 cancel order
08ea4b16 wants 302 CNY for 59.2 BTS
1700afbc wants 250 CNY for 50 BTS
b62a18bb wants 245 CNY for 50 BTS
6c973ede wants 240 CNY for 50 BTS
d541021a cancel order
c57031ca paid 200 BTS for 920 CNY
396b9d7e paid 235 BTS for 1,058 CNY
6ade4d63 wants 1,058 CNY for 235 BTS
6f623c5b cancel order
0dc46255 wants 1,105 CNY for 235 BTS
8a0c9e7a wants 920 CNY for 200 BTS
b4d966b9 cancel order
99fec7bf paid 400 BTS for 1,760 CNY
83f70525 wants 1,962 CNY for 436 BTS
db56e925 wants 1,760 CNY for 400 BTS
ac311e68 cancel order
097b34fa paid 200 BTS for 850 CNY
6af35ccd wants 850 CNY for 200 BTS
4ecbe343 cancel order
9e5ccc22 cancel order
a4dfb387 wants 2,250 CNY for 500 BTS
b068ac45 wants 480 BTS for 1,824 CNY
aabdae8e wants 2,250 CNY for 500 BTS
087e1755 paid 3,000 CNY for 750 BTS
f453bd26 wants 750 BTS for 3,000 CNY
bee104f0 cancel order
ef960c82 cancel order
c3962505 wants 1,000 CNY for 208.3 BTS
bb78be98 cancel order
2f6e4b6b wants 1,000 CNY for 200 BTS
2ff0b8fa wants 1,000 CNY for 200 BTS
edef390f cancel order
b8327aff wants 571 BTS for 2,000 CNY
22f89556 cancel order
ea8694f4 wants 1,000 CNY for 200 BTS
28fb4ad8 wants 470 BTS for 2,115 CNY
virtual paid 2,115 CNY for 470 BTS
5162d662 wants 1 OPEN.ETH for 4,800 CNY
920d0095 cancel order
1ff1ba48 wants 1,600 BTS for 6,720 CNY
560eea07 cancel order
011a742b wants 1,500 BTS for 6,675 CNY
39c97591 cancel order
ff4e83c8 wants 1,743 BTS for 6,970 CNY
d10a99b1 wants 24.44 BTS for 99 CNY
d87f9e14 paid 99 CNY for 24.44 BTS
f3cee83e cancel order
8fe7bf5f wants 24.57 BTS for 99 CNY