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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid7.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.BTC 0.0000955
c3d9b10f sent 28,980,000 BRIDGE.SCP to
48bdbde4 sent 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP to
058fcade issue 30,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP to
b48cdc40 sent 0.0518 BRIDGE.BTC to
fc77770d sent 0.0378 BRIDGE.BTC to
c08f42f5 paid 9,996,226 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0377 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 11,029,966 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0418 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3917b052 wants 0.0377 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,996,226 BRIDGE.SCP
48a9ad97 paid 2,753,589 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01042 BRIDGE.BTC
6db40672 sent 0.0236 BRIDGE.BTC to
c3e62bc3 paid 5,283,034 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC
bc1a0958 paid 701,784 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.002657 BRIDGE.BTC
63842fed wants 0.0748 BRIDGE.BTC for 19,768,374 BRIDGE.SCP
ef1bef25 cancel order
c40a2714 wants 0.0748 BRIDGE.BTC for 19,760,000 BRIDGE.SCP
a4ff38c6 cancel order
a585fbdb wants 0.0748 BRIDGE.BTC for 19,760,000 BRIDGE.SCP
6679a703 cancel order
5ab48ba0 paid 233,052 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000883 BRIDGE.BTC
1143aa9d wants 0.0758 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
a1197194 sent 0.0173 BRIDGE.BTC to
62d7616e wants 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC for 880,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 880,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC
6c194e48 wants 0.002866 BRIDGE.BTC for 573,276 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 2 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 475,310 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.002377 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 97,962 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00049 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1baaf74a wants 0.002866 BRIDGE.BTC for 573,276 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 573,274 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.002866 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3b0ea94e sent 0.1003 BRIDGE.BTC to
47716b8f wants 0.0484 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,680,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 2 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 9,679,998 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0484 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
2435a39c wants 0.0408 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,164,122 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 8,164,122 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0408 BRIDGE.BTC
b449301b wants 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,099,681 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 2,099,681 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC
04bf1326 wants 0.002063 BRIDGE.BTC for 412,536 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 412,536 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.002063 BRIDGE.BTC
1b0013c0 wants 0.0052 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,039,933 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 1,039,933 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0052 BRIDGE.BTC
e906e32e sent 0.0493 BRIDGE.BTC to
9353ba61 wants 0.05 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 10,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.05 BRIDGE.BTC
45ce2abd sent 0.0503 BRIDGE.BTC to
0dac155d wants 0.0391 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,810,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 7,810,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0391 BRIDGE.BTC
e5318c99 wants 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,200,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 2,200,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC
48a953ea cancel order
0d0330aa wants 0.0516 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
0abc88d3 sent 0.0993 BRIDGE.BTC to
3de7b91e paid 20,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.1002 BRIDGE.BTC
c26da71b wants 0.1002 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
72d6e025 sent 0.1476 BRIDGE.BTC to
35247a72 wants 0.0818 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,230,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 10,230,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0818 BRIDGE.BTC
6fcf8859 wants 0.0041 BRIDGE.BTC for 512,375 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 512,375 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0041 BRIDGE.BTC
2c6b9b4e wants 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,499,868 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 1.25 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,499,866 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC
0d501679 cancel order
59526d07 wants 0.00735 BRIDGE.BTC for 919,269 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 919,268 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00735 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d61af7ff wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,249,863 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 1,249,863 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
ff043839 wants 0.0001087 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,525 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 13,525 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0001087 BRIDGE.BTC
30be9f7a wants 0.00272 BRIDGE.BTC for 337,146 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 337,146 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00272 BRIDGE.BTC
9cf8fb59 wants 0.00638 BRIDGE.BTC for 784,637 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 784,637 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00638 BRIDGE.BTC
bb3ab796 wants 0.01475 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,800,433 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 1.2 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 13,260 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0001087 BRIDGE.BTC
15f533a8 wants 0.0149 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,787,173 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 1,787,172 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0149 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
022f82bf cancel order
4fe45db6 paid 10,010 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000154 BRIDGE.BTC
64819139 paid 1,069 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00001644 BRIDGE.BTC
00cfedca wants 0.1286 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,360,000 BRIDGE.SCP
37bf103d cancel order
091dbaa7 cancel order
8311dc0b sent 0.0323 BRIDGE.BTC to
5a4ff053 wants 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
4f80c4ba paid 27,750 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000555 BRIDGE.BTC
ae1b718d paid 100,962 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00202 BRIDGE.BTC
f35f4d38 paid 150 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000003 BRIDGE.BTC
83d72f95 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00002 BRIDGE.BTC
2753f759 paid 750,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC
c2002720 paid 550,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC
207b1d70 paid 2,500 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC
1c27be79 paid 7,687 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0001537 BRIDGE.BTC
70b38d14 paid 39,706 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000794 BRIDGE.BTC
613f545f paid 153,707 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.003074 BRIDGE.BTC
37e0664f wants 0.058 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,900,000 BRIDGE.SCP
a9550b01 cancel order
3fd9ed9d wants 0.087 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,900,001 BRIDGE.SCP