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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0127 BTS
Lifetime fees paid13.56 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0127
OPEN.BTC 0.00001214
fecce1bd sent 0.19 OPEN.BTC to
a9abc0e9 sent 0.00999 OPEN.BTC to
825a8c9c cancel order
c2836262 wants 962 BTS for 0.1 OPEN.BTC
dd70b93e sent 0.2 OPEN.BTC to
17f83026 sent 0.1987 TRADE.BTC to
6219dec7 sent 0.001 TRADE.BTC to
56298a58 paid 3,236 BTS for 0.689 PEERPLAYS
virtual cancel order
7e5047bd paid 6,393 BTS for 1.36 PEERPLAYS
1623ef91 paid 2,160 BTS for 0.46 PEERPLAYS
ae96fb32 paid 1,070 BTS for 0.2278 PEERPLAYS
4325e771 paid 1,073 BTS for 0.2282 PEERPLAYS
6850e8d4 paid 653 BTS for 0.139 PEERPLAYS
e28532d7 paid 1,073 BTS for 0.2282 PEERPLAYS
470a4852 paid 627 BTS for 0.1334 PEERPLAYS
fa0abc85 paid 626 BTS for 0.133 PEERPLAYS
2fea9f14 paid 624 BTS for 0.1328 PEERPLAYS
95fce555 paid 1,057 BTS for 0.225 PEERPLAYS
11f97216 paid 1,059 BTS for 0.2253 PEERPLAYS
3a31c137 paid 1,061 BTS for 0.226 PEERPLAYS
e295a6f8 paid 1,064 BTS for 0.2263 PEERPLAYS
c6a94106 paid 1,066 BTS for 0.227 PEERPLAYS
33217761 paid 1,068 BTS for 0.2273 PEERPLAYS
dd19533f paid 1,211 BTS for 0.2577 PEERPLAYS
e4463c91 paid 156 BTS for 0.0332 PEERPLAYS
78989d64 paid 2,734 BTS for 0.582 PEERPLAYS
e9f9479e paid 6,383 BTS for 1.358 PEERPLAYS
a2ab62ed paid 2,326 BTS for 0.495 PEERPLAYS
4437efa8 paid 1,063 BTS for 0.226 PEERPLAYS
eeedfee4 wants 8.04 PEERPLAYS for 37,783 BTS
209bd676 cancel order
431c0d24 wants 8.18 PEERPLAYS for 37,783 BTS
3c7c43ac wants 12.1 PEERPLAYS for 59,035 BTS
virtual paid 59,035 BTS for 12.1 PEERPLAYS
d8738bd5 cancel order
5cdb71d4 wants 9.03 PEERPLAYS for 44,000 BTS
virtual paid 44,000 BTS for 9.03 PEERPLAYS
7cf8d016 cancel order
d66fd26f wants 13.57 PEERPLAYS for 59,035 BTS
6ec0c0ce wants 10 PEERPLAYS for 44,000 BTS
c5eae89e paid 14,202 BTS for 2.92 PEERPLAYS
virtual cancel order
1485743c wants 3 PEERPLAYS for 14,592 BTS
virtual paid 390 BTS for 0.0801 PEERPLAYS
55ccc5d8 paid 96.6 BTS for 0.0199 PEERPLAYS
virtual cancel order
9aa7e518 wants 0.1 PEERPLAYS for 485 BTS
virtual paid 389 BTS for 0.0801 PEERPLAYS
ef964063 cancel order
5fef7fed cancel order
9f6e3c7e wants 14.18 PEERPLAYS for 58,130 BTS
683abf75 cancel order
12a52eb3 wants 14.9 PEERPLAYS for 59,982 BTS
63eb5394 wants 14.5 PEERPLAYS for 58,130 BTS
68386562 cancel order
1c299d0d wants 14.53 PEERPLAYS for 58,130 BTS
f6e8c604 cancel order
d7507d3b wants 14.72 PEERPLAYS for 58,130 BTS
bc98edc1 paid 6.87 BTS for 0.00152 PEERPLAYS
1a1dd8bc paid 69,744 BTS for 15.43 PEERPLAYS
14bd2577 wants 15.43 PEERPLAYS for 69,751 BTS
314a7e16 cancel order
bb06e3c5 paid 26,631 BTS for 6.83 PEERPLAYS
5d40ebb0 wants 9.8 PEERPLAYS for 38,252 BTS
74b8be73 paid 378 BTS for 0.1022 PEERPLAYS
d3b07beb paid 41,489 BTS for 11.21 PEERPLAYS
395ad3d5 wants 11.32 PEERPLAYS for 41,867 BTS
86ecd4f9 wants 10.38 PEERPLAYS for 46,177 BTS
virtual paid 46,177 BTS for 10.38 PEERPLAYS
c009bb67 cancel order
8ea0f599 wants 13.98 PEERPLAYS for 62,042 BTS
virtual paid 15,865 BTS for 3.57 PEERPLAYS
957466c3 cancel order
93e949cb paid 0.00998 OPEN.BTC for 0.512 PEERPLAYS
3428e532 wants 14.45 PEERPLAYS for 62,042 BTS
dd98b9a6 cancel order
63cdaca6 wants 0.512 PEERPLAYS for 0.00998 OPEN.BTC
59d597e6 cancel order
dadb11fe wants 0.48 PEERPLAYS for 2,062 BTS
272b56fd sent 0.0399 TRADE.BTC to
99bd5c87 sent 0.01 TRADE.BTC to
2664f5be wants 0.524 PEERPLAYS for 0.00943 OPEN.BTC