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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid37.5 BTS
379a39a3 sent 1,347 BTS to
b20ecb34 cancel order
722d4698 paid 211 CNY for 442 BTS
fa5d8c9b wants 1,263 BTS for 602 CNY
18bfb180 paid 392 CNY for 821 BTS
6744806c paid 9,133,737 BTSUCN for 603 CNY
95f9dbea wants 603 CNY for 9,133,737 BTSUCN
b8c88c2c sent 8,571,546 BTSUCN to
a6057b45 sent 187,397 BTSUCN to
7dcc366f sent 187,397 BTSUCN to
ee2930a2 sent 3,800 BTS to
161da459 wants 159 BTS for 28.75 CNY
virtual paid 28.75 CNY for 160.4 BTS
abc60a42 cancel order
e34688b6 wants 3,725 BTS for 667 CNY
virtual paid 209 CNY for 1,167 BTS
virtual paid 340 CNY for 1,900 BTS
0ca916b0 paid 117.9 CNY for 658 BTS
a2ff4a8a wants 27.4 CNY for 412,271 BTSUCN
virtual paid 25,000 BTSUCN for 2 CNY
virtual paid 387,271 BTSUCN for 26.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
873266f5 cancel order
0a86952b wants 33 CNY for 412,271 BTSUCN
37bea526 paid 970 BTSUCN for 0.0971 CNY
virtual paid 970 BTSUCN for 0.0971 CNY
4aaf95cf wants 3.7 CNY for 36,972 BTSUCN
virtual paid 36,972 BTSUCN for 3.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
8c1a9811 wants 0.0507 CNY for 507 BTSUCN
virtual paid 507 BTSUCN for 0.0507 CNY
virtual cancel order
185bb12e wants 3.38 CNY for 35,538 BTSUCN
virtual paid 35,538 BTSUCN for 3.55 CNY
virtual cancel order
6007ecaf wants 0.0971 CNY for 970 BTSUCN
8931da17 wants 0.0971 CNY for 970 BTSUCN
b14702db wants 40.2 CNY for 402,271 BTSUCN
virtual paid 402,271 BTSUCN for 40.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
b7e418d0 paid 199.3 BTS for 37.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
92cf0b1d wants 621 CNY for 3,299 BTS
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 376 CNY
virtual paid 1,100 BTS for 207 CNY
9d30d0ab paid 27.6 CNY for 172.7 BTS
eb80aaff wants 172.7 BTS for 27.6 CNY
bc0257b6 wants 27.2 CNY for 224,874 BTSUCN
virtual paid 224,874 BTSUCN for 27.66 CNY
virtual cancel order
085b35ca paid 284.5 CNY for 1,678 BTS
0ca233f6 wants 1,678 BTS for 284.5 CNY
1b0ec101 wants 279 CNY for 1,798,992 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,182,448 BTSUCN for 189.2 CNY
virtual paid 616,544 BTSUCN for 95.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
fbca2acd cancel order
2f7e2bd7 wants 174.2 CNY for 1,449 BTS
ec1874db cancel order
2971def3 wants 50.6 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
89f1d2fd cancel order
a2c29891 wants 59.2 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
d2730fb9 paid 162.2 CNY for 1,440 BTS
dbf2c674 wants 1,440 BTS for 162.2 CNY
43951533 paid 27.36 BTS for 3.007 CNY
f39ce92d paid 153.3 BTS for 16.84 CNY
09975f61 wants 19.85 CNY for 180.6 BTS
6475aa49 cancel order
6c13dbe2 wants 52.5 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
virtual paid 37,479 BTSUCN for 52.5 CNY
97a60903 wants 33 CNY for 300.4 BTS
virtual paid 198.8 BTS for 21.86 CNY
1fea609e cancel order
4468e5c5 paid 620 BTS for 68.2 CNY
875dd1ae wants 99 CNY for 900 BTS
54803d53 paid 8.2 CNY for 67.2 BTS
12ac2161 paid 115 CNY for 940 BTS
a297429d wants 1,008 BTS for 123.2 CNY
eb0cc9bd cancel order
08f1fc4d wants 1,000 BTS for 123.2 CNY
aca5b249 paid 212 BTSUCN for 0.341 CNY
c88611cc paid 37,267 BTSUCN for 60 CNY
eab2d8b3 wants 60.3 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
52d806f5 paid 37,479 BTSUCN for 63 CNY
2105bd70 wants 63 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
b48d31ba sent 600 BTS to
c19381cc wants 545 BTS for 63.4 CNY
virtual paid 63.4 CNY for 545 BTS
aa5a7db8 cancel order
b92d8781 wants 551 BTS for 63.4 CNY
875b8d04 cancel order
e7a0093a wants 545 BTS for 62.7 CNY
f5f268c9 wants 62.2 CNY for 36,855 BTSUCN
virtual paid 36,855 BTSUCN for 62.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
97d8e490 cancel order
80342e45 cancel order
2277b382 wants 66.7 CNY for 37,478 BTSUCN
virtual paid 624 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
30c5cd88 wants 0.0014 CNY for 0.679 BTSUCN
c356eacb sent 2,400 BTS to
4d73853a paid 41.3 CNY for 359 BTS
virtual paid 229.7 CNY for 2,000 BTS
79cd3d16 sent 1,900 BTS to
c5f0fd2c wants 2,359 BTS for 271 CNY
virtual paid 229.7 CNY for 2,000 BTS
c8824ffb wants 2,000 BTS for 229.7 CNY
de073fa2 paid 37,479 BTSUCN for 73.1 CNY
ef125d47 wants 73.1 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
bdc35945 wants 84.7 CNY for 40,329 BTSUCN
virtual paid 40,329 BTSUCN for 84.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
15141b49 wants 79.6 CNY for 34,629 BTSUCN
virtual paid 34,629 BTSUCN for 79.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
a5e562cc sent 0.555 BTS to
7abbe148 sent 4,041 BTS to
56e34f8b sent 10 BTS to
f86e67a7 cancel order
a0b29cc9 wants 0.0001 CNY for 0.0361 BTSUCN
ed8a1fb7 wants 127.1 CNY for 54,058 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,058 BTSUCN for 127.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
17af3381 cancel order
c2025fa2 wants 543 CNY for 4,052 BTS
d2f3799f wants 49.1 CNY for 20,900 BTSUCN
virtual paid 20,900 BTSUCN for 49.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
85a73e15 cancel order
1e033549 wants 88.4 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
2305e1dd wants 88.5 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
virtual paid 37,479 BTSUCN for 88.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
de06c346 wants 4,051 BTS for 535 CNY
virtual paid 535 CNY for 4,054 BTS
9a22debd paid 1,388 BTS for 182.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
9b35252e wants 446 CNY for 3,388 BTS
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 263 CNY
04d5dff3 paid 0.0393 BTSUCN for 0.0001 CNY
b03daa06 cancel order
043a3b85 wants 592 BTS for 89.5 CNY
835cf17f cancel order
7e6de1ab wants 592 BTS for 89.5 CNY
cbf0b9f9 wants 0.0001 CNY for 0.0393 BTSUCN
94f258d4 wants 72.4 CNY for 30,304 BTSUCN
virtual paid 30,304 BTSUCN for 72.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
ba3b1cbc wants 17.08 CNY for 7,175 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,175 BTSUCN for 17.16 CNY
virtual cancel order
ef4759c8 cancel order
94a34e07 wants 89.6 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
c9969ab1 cancel order
f2778af5 wants 89.6 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
7bf6ec62 cancel order
0272c40c wants 89.6 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
537b879e paid 89.7 CNY for 593 BTS
7a1ddac6 wants 593 BTS for 89.7 CNY
bc618c23 wants 83.8 CNY for 34,995 BTSUCN
virtual paid 34,995 BTSUCN for 83.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
d7ecd9c8 wants 5.38 CNY for 2,248 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,248 BTSUCN for 5.38 CNY
virtual cancel order
b11fc760 wants 0.567 CNY for 237 BTSUCN
virtual paid 237 BTSUCN for 0.567 CNY
virtual cancel order
2c3d2d57 sent 50 BTS to
1c85d7d3 wants 2,849 BTS for 438 CNY
virtual paid 438 CNY for 2,849 BTS
a7ee8674 cancel order
39612f9e wants 2,852 BTS for 438 CNY
10efc04d cancel order
c07b6515 cancel order
4893b7a4 wants 537 BTS for 82.1 CNY
f28fe707 wants 2,151 BTS for 329 CNY
e1b2ebf9 cancel order
21314f2a wants 2,801 BTS for 428 CNY
42e879bf cancel order
b82dff7b wants 2,900 BTS for 435 CNY
a256be6d cancel order
92112100 wants 2,900 BTS for 435 CNY
f79d623a cancel order
ba71bf40 wants 2,921 BTS for 438 CNY
e4a5497f cancel order
5857ab8a wants 2,910 BTS for 438 CNY
virtual paid 0.0498 CNY for 0.331 BTS
2e2f28da sent 100 CNY to
99d3ae7c sent 1,926 BTS to
a3af8778 paid 37,479 BTSUCN for 89.5 CNY
6520fe58 wants 89.5 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
4539fad9 wants 89.5 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
virtual paid 37,479 BTSUCN for 89.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
5ad52da4 wants 90.1 CNY for 37,479 BTSUCN
virtual paid 37,479 BTSUCN for 90.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
7a11d3be sent 100 BTS to
467ac0c3 paid 25,647 BTSUCN for 61.7 CNY
599aefb2 wants 61.7 CNY for 25,647 BTSUCN
6f4f3df7 paid 11,832 BTSUCN for 28.44 CNY
virtual cancel order