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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight15,142 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.53 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 1.926 2,790
CNY 17,736 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BTCCASH 0.001 0
PROTON 0.0005 0
TIREX 0.21 0
RIPLE 0.12 0
SEED 158 0
AMAZONCOM 0.00001 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00001 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
CISCOCOM 0.00001 0
BOEINGCOM 0.00001 0
SOSOS.A 88.5 0
9765d007 cancel order
cb0476e6 wants 1,000 BTS for 61.4 CNY
795391a5 wants 4,363 CNY for 5,718 BTS
virtual paid 925 BTS for 706 CNY
virtual paid 4,792 BTS for 3,657 CNY
virtual cancel order
7d2a1d37 cancel order
41a99043 wants 11,552 CNY for 15,139 BTS
virtual paid 3,932 BTS for 3,000 CNY
2fa63df6 paid 2,006 BTS for 1,531 CNY
4b2a9c7f paid 2,005 BTS for 1,530 CNY
c8a69454 paid 567 BTS for 432 CNY
3917badc paid 75.3 BTS for 57.5 CNY
f34faa42 paid 530 BTS for 405 CNY
89ea0937 paid 59.5 BTS for 45.4 CNY
5718b974 paid 172 BTS for 131.3 CNY
c990a135 paid 75.1 BTS for 57.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
227a6bb5 sent 10,000 CNY to
ea12f2df sent 9,000 CNY to
e1cd87b1 sent 1,000 CNY to
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
ae54e84a sent 3,000 CNY to
54cd79a4 sent 6,000 CNY to
893a9828 sent 1,000 CNY to
50083a96 wants 1,000 CNY for 2,000 BTS
63f50554 paid 963 CNY for 2,204 BTS
4a6c074d wants 2,204 BTS for 963 CNY
157fceca cancel order
63182134 wants 2,204 BTS for 963 CNY
b7c068c9 cancel order
f4cb3960 wants 2,203 BTS for 963 CNY
0260d453 paid 2,200 BTS for 964 CNY
468d6100 wants 964 CNY for 2,200 BTS
a7fb415d cancel order
8b6ab0e1 wants 970 CNY for 2,200 BTS
0dea87b4 paid 880 CNY for 2,070 BTS
11777e02 wants 2,070 BTS for 880 CNY
7de4fa63 paid 2,000 BTS for 880 CNY
b328ab7e wants 880 CNY for 2,000 BTS
64188740 cancel order
9f385c7c wants 900 CNY for 2,000 BTS
fb6c0ff7 paid 962 CNY for 2,187 BTS
a84c024e wants 2,187 BTS for 962 CNY
57b90df4 paid 2,000 BTS for 963 CNY
43539abd wants 963 CNY for 2,000 BTS
cb822060 cancel order
6d50a842 wants 963 CNY for 2,000 BTS
ad7960b5 cancel order
dd69aca7 wants 962 CNY for 2,000 BTS
5565119a cancel order
e8b9e6d1 wants 980 CNY for 2,000 BTS
855c2d9c cancel order
4a63865b wants 960 CNY for 2,000 BTS
c41f3764 cancel order
e0e3da6b wants 1,000 CNY for 2,000 BTS
58eb2db4 paid 0.0469 CNY for 0.1002 BTS
e7cd9cb3 paid 960 CNY for 2,050 BTS
8c4a8bde wants 2,050 BTS for 960 CNY
a7d4e614 cancel order
716ca046 wants 2,086 BTS for 960 CNY
c78fb584 paid 2,000 BTS for 960 CNY
bfbece5a wants 960 CNY for 2,000 BTS
ee4a6e01 cancel order
598ee67c wants 964 CNY for 2,000 BTS
c4cd6005 cancel order
d503cf55 wants 1,050 CNY for 2,000 BTS
3edb31b0 cancel order
e306a0d8 wants 1,100 CNY for 2,000 BTS
5e50eb22 wants 2,187 BTS for 1,046 CNY
virtual paid 1,046 CNY for 2,187 BTS
fd3247ef cancel order
5c5b14ab wants 2,236 BTS for 1,046 CNY
dba6aa6a paid 2,000 BTS for 1,046 CNY
ed617573 wants 1,046 CNY for 2,000 BTS
a2e2adb2 cancel order
0189ac2e wants 1,026 CNY for 2,500 BTS
153ffd72 cancel order
450e1697 wants 3,025 CNY for 5,000 BTS
c3fd236e paid 1,801 CNY for 5,000 BTS
0c5f44eb cancel order
c17f609d wants 221 CNY for 589 BTS
234a10ca wants 593 CNY for 790 BTS
f77232bb paid 790 CNY for 1,313 BTS
e57597d0 wants 1,313 BTS for 790 CNY
f4ad59f1 cancel order
ecb3437d wants 1,000 BTS for 710 CNY
f3572c70 paid 1,004 BTS for 790 CNY
ce2d078e wants 790 CNY for 1,004 BTS
d7eaea6e wants 725 CNY for 500 BTS
b20a3862 wants 700 CNY for 500 BTS
6c037552 wants 675 CNY for 500 BTS
34b2031f wants 650 CNY for 500 BTS
5aa0055d wants 625 CNY for 500 BTS
7bb58e3d wants 600 CNY for 500 BTS
6ff2f7ec wants 575 CNY for 500 BTS
faad8217 wants 1,833 BTS for 1,106 CNY
260faaa2 paid 1,106 CNY for 1,833 BTS
ffeba28a cancel order
da062789 wants 1,865 BTS for 1,106 CNY
4b852044 cancel order
087c67d9 wants 1,866 BTS for 1,106 CNY
aab9094f cancel order
252ad7ca wants 1,816 BTS for 1,106 CNY
84b3e396 cancel order
0684d3d9 wants 1,832 BTS for 1,106 CNY
f4b043a5 cancel order
e9f15d31 wants 1,818 BTS for 1,106 CNY
07661957 cancel order
2d4be2b6 wants 1,832 BTS for 1,106 CNY
d00cd9a7 cancel order
8f1c71bf wants 1,830 BTS for 1,106 CNY
0c1c5723 wants 1,000 BTS for 607 CNY
virtual paid 607 CNY for 1,004 BTS
f4a1d98c paid 6.68 CNY for 10.61 BTS
8526e460 wants 1,000 BTS for 630 CNY
e7a73203 paid 205.3 CNY for 326 BTS
b21f5a75 paid 67.6 CNY for 107.4 BTS
d175d871 paid 115.1 CNY for 182.8 BTS
1b5694c7 paid 88.2 CNY for 140 BTS
bf3686e6 paid 61 CNY for 96.7 BTS
bc31a735 paid 49.8 CNY for 79 BTS
d18071d4 paid 36.3 CNY for 57.6 BTS
0795cf9c cancel order
15369a76 wants 1,000 BTS for 618 CNY
92290eb1 wants 5,000 BTS for 1,801 CNY
84cc7ab1 cancel order
ee1ec2f5 wants 1,413 CNY for 1,000 BTS
a4f6bca9 cancel order
78117721 wants 725 CNY for 500 BTS
e2996b47 wants 900 CNY for 500 BTS
5d16b8d8 cancel order
aa2519b7 wants 734 CNY for 500 BTS
163e0978 paid 731 CNY for 500 BTS
2aadabd3 wants 500 BTS for 731 CNY
a62f15c8 cancel order
6316ff07 wants 500 BTS for 731 CNY
bcd5848b paid 500 BTS for 737 CNY
211a2d5a wants 737 CNY for 500 BTS
7cf34c2f cancel order
b7555cdc wants 1,400 CNY for 500 BTS
97edc882 wants 1,300 CNY for 500 BTS
79a70824 wants 1,200 CNY for 500 BTS
4ad46aff wants 1,100 CNY for 500 BTS
f9906fef wants 1,000 CNY for 500 BTS
714e167e cancel order
ff09ca74 wants 4,800 CNY for 2,000 BTS
56f93f3e paid 222.7 BTS for 326 CNY
21918c4e paid 563 BTS for 825 CNY
73b077b1 wants 1,151 CNY for 786 BTS
d38241e4 paid 969 CNY for 1,030 BTS
ce135ace cancel order
93661bd2 wants 1,030 BTS for 969 CNY
7ee67b25 paid 1,000 BTS for 970 CNY
d4e87bea wants 970 CNY for 1,000 BTS
f5e0ba16 cancel order
a5dfb6be wants 970 CNY for 1,000 BTS
2443d48a paid 1,032 CNY for 1,105 BTS
51eaff88 wants 1,105 BTS for 1,032 CNY
aa6b8766 wants 1,033 CNY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 BTS for 1,033 CNY
17d7aa12 cancel order
2efdeb40 wants 1,033 CNY for 1,000 BTS
bc721e70 cancel order
41fcd9de wants 1,033 CNY for 1,000 BTS
aeeda7ac cancel order
fadc5f27 wants 1,036 CNY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 0.00038 BTS for 0.0004 CNY
8eb384cf cancel order
cf8c69cb wants 899 CNY for 1,000 BTS
bf360dbc cancel order
9114712f wants 900 CNY for 1,000 BTS
31c0016b paid 895 CNY for 1,073 BTS
2267ae23 wants 1,073 BTS for 895 CNY
69aa24af cancel order
6a02c822 wants 1,073 BTS for 895 CNY
90ed09ab cancel order
a3e0e012 wants 1,075 BTS for 895 CNY
ab540537 wants 2,680 CNY for 2,000 BTS
fdd4d77e cancel order
619a4609 wants 2,620 CNY for 2,000 BTS
68fec12b cancel order
254e1d9a wants 2,540 CNY for 2,000 BTS
03ccf7d0 paid 2,187 CNY for 1,822 BTS
018f41fa paid 388 CNY for 323 BTS
66a16fee wants 323 BTS for 388 CNY
f1056e32 cancel order