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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid48.1 BTS
b07c5305 sent 543 BTS to
edbf3106 sent 10 BTS to
5f19608b wants 550 BTS for 262 CNY
virtual paid 262 CNY for 550 BTS
e0e2493f cancel order
0860ad0b wants 556 BTS for 262 CNY
22639c71 paid 3,999,053 BTSUCN for 262.3 CNY
522190bf wants 262.3 CNY for 3,999,053 BTSUCN
46d23496 sent 3,664,085 BTSUCN to
3a4b6229 sent 154,601 BTSUCN to
ed6f328c cancel order
d179251a wants 21.64 CNY for 180,367 BTSUCN
505bc4e8 cancel order
d54ab305 wants 27.05 CNY for 180,367 BTSUCN
010b7cdd sent 5,460 BTS to
38d5485a wants 135.5 BTS for 53.5 CNY
virtual paid 53.5 CNY for 135.5 BTS
36cd5288 wants 52.2 CNY for 711,964 BTSUCN
virtual paid 711,964 BTSUCN for 52.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
5ee43cf2 cancel order
f49c9a5c paid 1,086 BTSUCN for 0.0977 CNY
2eb82bb1 paid 1,443 BTSUCN for 0.13 CNY
1ae1dc09 paid 3,732 BTSUCN for 0.336 CNY
8bcd1de7 paid 3,242 BTSUCN for 0.292 CNY
612d04bb wants 34.8 CNY for 386,499 BTSUCN
359f1be5 paid 19.02 CNY for 50.2 BTS
e60a68df wants 50.2 BTS for 19.02 CNY
ab1f9cf9 paid 205,823 BTSUCN for 19.04 CNY
13c1b5ce paid 27.3 CNY for 83.3 BTS
272813e4 wants 83.3 BTS for 27.3 CNY
3d64e388 wants 19.04 CNY for 205,823 BTSUCN
bc802f7a paid 304.5 BTSUCN for 0.0216 CNY
1b5b0296 wants 0.0216 CNY for 304.5 BTSUCN
cd1b6f35 paid 386,490 BTSUCN for 27.3 CNY
851cf4b3 paid 46.3 CNY for 161.2 BTS
62d60fed wants 161.2 BTS for 46.3 CNY
482e13fe wants 27.3 CNY for 386,490 BTSUCN
c282f7e6 cancel order
28fddfcd wants 190.4 BTS for 46.3 CNY
01de1806 paid 564,852 BTSUCN for 46.3 CNY
e4789fa1 wants 46.3 CNY for 564,852 BTSUCN
f3378e12 cancel order
dca86836 wants 53.9 CNY for 513,320 BTSUCN
e9b0236f cancel order
a6a9240a wants 35.9 CNY for 358,724 BTSUCN
0576cedf wants 721 BTS for 118.2 CNY
virtual paid 9.03 CNY for 55.3 BTS
virtual paid 109.1 CNY for 666 BTS
2871160a cancel order
c7eb0664 wants 21.4 CNY for 178,362 BTSUCN
a20bc933 cancel order
3bf5bd08 wants 26.75 CNY for 178,362 BTSUCN
33db362d cancel order
cc567d23 wants 21.4 CNY for 178,362 BTSUCN
34396d50 cancel order
1ea3c789 wants 736 BTS for 118.2 CNY
024b3a57 cancel order
0984b70b wants 750 BTS for 118.2 CNY
494e6b96 cancel order
28ffd505 wants 742 BTS for 118.2 CNY
6b4f6ed7 cancel order
6d649aa1 wants 733 BTS for 118.2 CNY
903e86e4 cancel order
e55b7322 wants 734 BTS for 118.2 CNY
7f776edd cancel order
a701c75d wants 733 BTS for 118.2 CNY
1884c73a cancel order
9548a821 wants 3.17 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
69c948ae wants 9.5 CNY for 77,298 BTSUCN
virtual paid 77,298 BTSUCN for 10.05 CNY
virtual cancel order
3c6d78b6 cancel order
e534c8b2 wants 634 BTS for 108.1 CNY
b0c4cd34 paid 188,115 BTSUCN for 28.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
41f8dcde paid 213,333 BTSUCN for 32 CNY
f2119924 paid 320,000 BTSUCN for 48 CNY
2bb60bd6 wants 108.2 CNY for 721,448 BTSUCN
f04a7609 cancel order
f1785737 wants 108.2 CNY for 721,448 BTSUCN
6a398e97 cancel order
3ed2cd23 wants 108.2 CNY for 721,448 BTSUCN
e7bc7e5a wants 81.7 BTS for 12.87 CNY
virtual paid 12.87 CNY for 81.7 BTS
adbee66f wants 12.1 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
virtual paid 51,532 BTSUCN for 12.88 CNY
virtual cancel order
7dbcd087 wants 46.5 BTS for 6.43 CNY
virtual paid 6.43 CNY for 46.5 BTS
7b8d2f2a wants 6.18 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 25,766 BTSUCN for 6.44 CNY
virtual cancel order
89726391 wants 202.5 BTS for 25.74 CNY
virtual paid 25.74 CNY for 203 BTS
03d6018c wants 24.74 CNY for 103,064 BTSUCN
virtual paid 103,064 BTSUCN for 25.77 CNY
virtual cancel order
91b1957e wants 228 BTS for 27.3 CNY
virtual paid 27.3 CNY for 229 BTS
0e6a98a8 wants 25.77 CNY for 103,064 BTSUCN
virtual paid 103,064 BTSUCN for 27.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
da5c5dcf paid 1.11 CNY for 8.74 BTS
3a460363 paid 3.57 CNY for 28.13 BTS
c6ab608a wants 77 BTS for 9.78 CNY
virtual paid 5.1 CNY for 40.2 BTS
8c93076c wants 9.28 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 9,392 BTSUCN for 3.57 CNY
virtual paid 16,374 BTSUCN for 6.22 CNY
virtual cancel order
dd595fe3 wants 158.5 BTS for 20.6 CNY
virtual paid 20.6 CNY for 158.6 BTS
b64ec74c wants 20.1 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
virtual paid 51,532 BTSUCN for 20.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
2dc4a2b6 wants 329 BTS for 41.2 CNY
virtual paid 41.2 CNY for 330 BTS
9f02003a wants 38.1 CNY for 103,064 BTSUCN
virtual paid 103,064 BTSUCN for 41.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
3661fcac wants 353 BTS for 46.3 CNY
virtual paid 46.3 CNY for 353 BTS
066ef05b wants 39.4 CNY for 77,298 BTSUCN
virtual paid 77,298 BTSUCN for 46.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
601804e4 cancel order
eb7057c4 wants 74.7 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
cf0a1c8d cancel order
27541ef4 wants 84 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
4d312686 cancel order
6ec7c88b wants 80.9 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
4515fa07 cancel order
032c6906 wants 81.4 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
25a76b24 cancel order
f293db79 wants 81.8 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
6480c3db wants 614 BTS for 76.2 CNY
virtual paid 76.2 CNY for 617 BTS
21060c89 wants 74.2 CNY for 51,532 BTSUCN
virtual paid 51,532 BTSUCN for 76.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
a7b9c067 wants 372 BTS for 43.8 CNY
virtual paid 5.12 CNY for 43.5 BTS
virtual paid 38.6 CNY for 329 BTS
891e6d2c wants 43.4 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 148.5 BTSUCN for 0.263 CNY
virtual paid 25,618 BTSUCN for 43.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
dab6240c wants 426 BTS for 50.2 CNY
virtual paid 50.2 CNY for 427 BTS
18108c7c wants 46.4 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 25,766 BTSUCN for 50.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
351f02d5 wants 431 BTS for 51 CNY
virtual paid 51 CNY for 432 BTS
b7e43d6e wants 51 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 25,766 BTSUCN for 51 CNY
virtual cancel order
f42496b8 wants 458 BTS for 57.6 CNY
virtual paid 57.6 CNY for 458 BTS
4c2d6ada wants 55.9 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 25,766 BTSUCN for 57.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
c5891b2a wants 473 BTS for 60 CNY
virtual paid 60 CNY for 477 BTS
1f23a83c wants 59.5 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 25,766 BTSUCN for 60 CNY
virtual cancel order
e5e475fd sent 20,300 BTS to
9494a3ae wants 454 BTS for 60.7 CNY
virtual paid 60.7 CNY for 455 BTS
8bff6739 wants 60.6 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 25,766 BTSUCN for 60.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
fecb94e2 wants 454 BTS for 60.8 CNY
virtual paid 60.8 CNY for 456 BTS
c9c4f446 cancel order
dc9b5c19 wants 26,205 BTSUCN for 60.8 CNY
cf4b5519 cancel order
c3ebb8bf wants 465 BTS for 60.8 CNY
9c9cbc53 cancel order
6cf45a24 wants 465 BTS for 60.8 CNY
d6277bd9 cancel order
d9faf055 wants 465 BTS for 60.8 CNY
3c4a10f7 wants 60.8 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 10,145 BTSUCN for 23.96 CNY
virtual paid 15,621 BTSUCN for 36.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
e5225158 wants 1,374 BTS for 182.3 CNY
virtual paid 182.3 CNY for 1,376 BTS
58dfe0a1 wants 182.4 CNY for 77,298 BTSUCN
virtual paid 77,298 BTSUCN for 182.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
e6012e98 cancel order
d0d8d8af wants 64.6 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
b8b67caa wants 412 BTS for 61.5 CNY
virtual paid 61.5 CNY for 413 BTS
3607d62f wants 61.5 CNY for 25,766 BTSUCN
virtual paid 25,766 BTSUCN for 61.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
e91f918d wants 1,634 BTS for 245.6 CNY
virtual paid 245.6 CNY for 1,641 BTS