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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.191 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.146 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.191
CNY 0.648
adefb492 sent 0.3 BCHAIN to
d27db6c6 sent 4,512 CNY to
36903dc3 paid 1,246 BTS for 4,512 CNY
ab9831ca wants 4,512 CNY for 1,246 BTS
5ae24089 paid 4,557 CNY for 1,238 BTS
bf25d63f wants 1,246 BTS for 4,584 CNY
79454cef paid 26.84 CNY for 7.3 BTS
9165009b wants 4,572 CNY for 1,129 BTS
virtual paid 1,129 BTS for 4,584 CNY
4b7badc5 cancel order
afa60bfd wants 4,618 CNY for 1,129 BTS
78d93cdf cancel order
1362c11e wants 5,601 CNY for 1,129 BTS
84be523f wants 1,129 BTS for 4,992 CNY
virtual paid 4,992 CNY for 1,129 BTS
53d93d7d sent 6,843 CNY to
569580ee paid 428 BTS for 1,948 CNY
75f34a27 paid 450 BTS for 2,049 CNY
c290089b paid 166 BTS for 756 CNY
9721c0b7 paid 459 BTS for 2,090 CNY
564e0c0b wants 6,843 CNY for 1,504 BTS
5a205367 paid 560 CNY for 135.4 BTS
3b604e9a paid 2,102 CNY for 508 BTS
753308ac wants 1,504 BTS for 6,226 CNY
virtual paid 3,564 CNY for 861 BTS
43967362 cancel order
70cf10a5 wants 1,510 BTS for 6,220 CNY
3fed0f54 paid 1,415 BTS for 6,226 CNY
b744eeeb wants 6,226 CNY for 1,415 BTS
223e98ac cancel order
bc26fb58 wants 6,721 CNY for 1,415 BTS
a2ce7684 paid 5,657 CNY for 1,414 BTS
409d5e86 wants 1,414 BTS for 5,657 CNY
9b7065cb wants 5,656 CNY for 1,235 BTS
virtual paid 655 BTS for 3,000 CNY
virtual paid 580 BTS for 2,657 CNY
de912fda cancel order
14328094 wants 5,709 CNY for 1,235 BTS
4766b59e cancel order
2d12c585 wants 5,681 CNY for 1,235 BTS
38e5484e cancel order
ec3daf91 wants 6,027 CNY for 1,235 BTS
f74d5b91 paid 5,165 CNY for 1,236 BTS
90d80545 wants 1,236 BTS for 5,165 CNY
9cc3b62e paid 1,179 BTS for 5,164 CNY
dec8ef1a wants 5,164 CNY for 1,179 BTS
619f238b paid 5,000 CNY for 1,179 BTS
820c28dc wants 1,179 BTS for 5,000 CNY
1bc66aa8 sent 595 CNY to
c0cad7b9 paid 17.75 BTS for 87.7 CNY
76c0384d paid 2 BTS for 9.88 CNY
25cba0f0 paid 101.2 BTS for 500 CNY
e3c9632e wants 598 CNY for 121 BTS
22ee2840 cancel order
27cb2182 wants 603 CNY for 121 BTS
81c6f5d1 cancel order
38a9a092 wants 605 CNY for 121 BTS
45718893 cancel order
9ca75d18 wants 605 CNY for 121 BTS
bec61493 paid 595 CNY for 119.5 BTS
f828fc5b paid 4.98 CNY for 1 BTS
1496dbbc wants 120.5 BTS for 600 CNY
842181b9 cancel order
7e2d2db3 wants 125 BTS for 600 CNY
682758f2 sent 10,400 CNY to
b6904790 cancel order
02c97530 sent 325 CNY to
bbca90ff wants 2,932 BTS for 10,000 CNY
2333c80a paid 3,013 BTS for 11,299 CNY
67532bbb wants 11,299 CNY for 3,013 BTS
dac5fcc7 wants 1,159 BTS for 4,000 CNY
virtual paid 4,000 CNY for 1,170 BTS
c730753c cancel order
8acc9c4b wants 1,124 BTS for 4,000 CNY
ed18d341 wants 1,842 BTS for 7,000 CNY
virtual paid 7,000 CNY for 1,844 BTS
cf0e9f4f cancel order
1b8bea0c wants 1,864 BTS for 7,000 CNY
4afb8fde cancel order
29459188 wants 1,872 BTS for 7,000 CNY
3214830a cancel order
df9d5907 wants 1,913 BTS for 7,000 CNY
e107a013 sent 300 CNY to
95eef4b5 paid 1,711 BTS for 7,099 CNY
9cd2433b wants 7,099 CNY for 1,711 BTS
77d01a05 cancel order
8e1bf938 wants 7,186 CNY for 1,711 BTS
afa08819 paid 7,000 CNY for 1,711 BTS
90cf90a1 wants 1,711 BTS for 7,000 CNY
ef5f9ad9 paid 586 BTS for 2,489 CNY
33e0900d paid 10 BTS for 42.5 CNY
a520085f paid 2,015 BTS for 8,566 CNY
d4804ab2 wants 11,097 CNY for 2,611 BTS
4ee0f8da cancel order
397ac623 wants 11,253 CNY for 2,611 BTS
ad5cd2d6 cancel order
370a2028 wants 13,058 CNY for 2,611 BTS
e8772129 cancel order
75e41b66 paid 0.02 BTS for 0.074 CNY
65488a66 wants 0.074 CNY for 0.02 BTS
e66cf6a3 wants 13,000 CNY for 2,600 BTS
d1c86696 cancel order
dcb0e341 wants 13,057 CNY for 2,611 BTS
eed73de7 wants 2,350 BTS for 9,823 CNY
virtual paid 9,823 CNY for 2,350 BTS
21d1724e update account/votes
95f28a0c wants 261 BTS for 994 CNY
virtual paid 994 CNY for 261.3 BTS