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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid51.3 BTS
470f6ddf sent 1,663 BTS to
5dc33747 cancel order
73ad2589 wants 1,662 BTS for 788 CNY
virtual paid 46.5 CNY for 98.2 BTS
208a35bb paid 741 CNY for 1,564 BTS
1e844ea4 paid 11,932,675 BTSUCN for 788 CNY
eddf1b28 wants 788 CNY for 11,932,675 BTSUCN
d884ed79 cancel order
cec7a709 wants 788 CNY for 11,932,676 BTSUCN
b06519f9 cancel order
bc10f87d cancel order
62da1fd1 wants 788 CNY for 11,932,439 BTSUCN
b1764fcf wants 0.0157 CNY for 238 BTSUCN
d554f11e cancel order
6b380d3d wants 394 CNY for 5,966,339 BTSUCN
009845d0 cancel order
c79c38f1 wants 788 CNY for 11,932,677 BTSUCN
6c734527 cancel order
6b06f70e wants 786 CNY for 11,932,678 BTSUCN
98f0a34c sent 1,340 BTS to
c002f390 wants 1,343 BTS for 632 CNY
virtual paid 632 CNY for 1,343 BTS
5916d7f6 cancel order
fad626dc wants 1,357 BTS for 632 CNY
bf3a381b wants 633 CNY for 8,560,230 BTSUCN
virtual paid 4,468,742 BTSUCN for 331 CNY
virtual paid 4,091,487 BTSUCN for 303 CNY
virtual cancel order
4272e9f8 sent 340 BTS to
a3c207c2 wants 326 BTS for 183.7 CNY
virtual paid 183.7 CNY for 326 BTS
cf1f91df wants 183.4 CNY for 2,445,055 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,445,054 BTSUCN for 183.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
2e696fb5 cancel order
f47b751a wants 183.6 CNY for 2,445,057 BTSUCN
7950cf50 sent 1,365 BTS to
c886df83 paid 9 CNY for 28.46 BTS
e05836a1 wants 28.46 BTS for 9 CNY
131ece0e paid 121,750 BTSUCN for 8.89 CNY
132530cd paid 8 CNY for 23.32 BTS
d171d5d0 wants 23.32 BTS for 8 CNY
afbfc431 cancel order
5eb740cb wants 24.8 BTS for 8.41 CNY
8d799015 wants 8.89 CNY for 121,750 BTSUCN
55b322af paid 55,792 BTSUCN for 4.07 CNY
virtual cancel order
46b28add paid 4,486 BTSUCN for 0.328 CNY
56d78cfe paid 39,722 BTSUCN for 2.9 CNY
9844ec9c wants 7.3 CNY for 100,000 BTSUCN
859810de cancel order
0bf1c743 wants 16.2 CNY for 221,750 BTSUCN
f6f65e7f cancel order
33453f41 wants 16.2 CNY for 221,750 BTSUCN
230a9db4 cancel order
d0f80225 wants 16.2 CNY for 221,750 BTSUCN
ac07c69e paid 107 CNY for 278.6 BTS
0a1a784f wants 278.6 BTS for 107 CNY
1a2f7b46 cancel order
ce5c89b7 wants 281.6 BTS for 108.1 CNY
d3d86094 wants 106.5 CNY for 1,449,003 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,449,003 BTSUCN for 106.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
c93b15f7 paid 246.7 CNY for 658 BTS
a465122c paid 141.3 CNY for 377 BTS
51bc732a sent 32 BTS to
0f3e410a wants 1,035 BTS for 388 CNY
23a0f90c cancel order
a9a45a9a wants 1,033 BTS for 388 CNY
c2ed3c60 cancel order
68a0c46f wants 1,068 BTS for 401 CNY
virtual paid 12.48 CNY for 33.2 BTS
40d2bd20 wants 401 CNY for 5,493,151 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,493,150 BTSUCN for 402 CNY
virtual cancel order
e0b8d912 cancel order
d7665a1f sent 7 BTS to
a26b121c paid 8,929 BTSUCN for 0.982 CNY
1b6a7281 wants 607 CNY for 5,518,281 BTSUCN
27276cf3 wants 28,169 BTSUCN for 2 CNY
virtual paid 2 CNY for 28,169 BTSUCN
2934d6fa cancel order
265980f2 wants 30,376 BTSUCN for 2.157 CNY
f28f8ec2 cancel order
2ed3169b wants 360 CNY for 3,998,860 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,413 BTSUCN for 2.197 CNY
b2dbf0bd sent 3,665 BTS to
463c1669 paid 682 CNY for 3,667 BTS
6c894d6c wants 3,667 BTS for 682 CNY
60afa510 wants 683 CNY for 3,414,296 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,414,296 BTSUCN for 683 CNY
virtual cancel order
47b7751f cancel order
2740375a wants 142.5 CNY for 554,381 BTSUCN
bb1e68f6 cancel order
df31acde wants 80.7 CNY for 313,889 BTSUCN
2b20b57a cancel order
a0c6984d wants 94.2 CNY for 313,889 BTSUCN
6b3a0a2e cancel order
401498be wants 74.7 CNY for 267,821 BTSUCN
624a154b cancel order
13916994 wants 80.3 CNY for 267,821 BTSUCN
905a715b sent 1,472,281 BTSUCN to
f1522fe6 wants 1,466,849 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
virtual paid 387 CNY for 1,434,031 BTSUCN
virtual paid 10.33 CNY for 38,250 BTSUCN
dbe70604 cancel order
2d3adfe2 sent 64,808 BTSUCN to
e2dc2ed6 wants 1,472,281 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
4f25c44b cancel order
1e58e08a sent 54,657 BTSUCN to
7313db14 wants 1,758,920 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
47c04735 cancel order
45414eaa wants 1,813,336 BTSUCN for 410 CNY
virtual paid 12.3 CNY for 54,657 BTSUCN
3dc723a2 cancel order
57a0fb00 wants 1,821,395 BTSUCN for 410 CNY
c59d3257 cancel order
5f5bdae3 wants 1,906,111 BTSUCN for 410 CNY
426fc9c0 cancel order
f1cb9e39 wants 1,862,790 BTSUCN for 410 CNY
05610db6 cancel order
f19322ff wants 1,821,395 BTSUCN for 410 CNY
6766ceb2 wants 410 CNY for 2,600 BTS
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 315.6 CNY
virtual paid 600 BTS for 94.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
cc671b9f sent 3,082,869 BTSUCN to
3ef45f70 cancel order
2d923e1a sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
4c7d1107 paid 406 CNY for 2,582 BTS
77b51a2d wants 100 CNY for 200,000 BTSUCN
d92a35df wants 2,582 BTS for 406 CNY
aa8508bf cancel order
85cb0b29 paid 97.5 BTS for 15.85 CNY
a67dbd58 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
97a022a5 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
84511468 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
376f4338 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
ee0464f0 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
703c2a1b paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
bcc4336c paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
09e83113 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
ad6ccaa8 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
3391e16d paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
b95de0d3 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
98c6f23b paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
8e0d74fa paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
2c6dc785 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
e69d4e65 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
31202c04 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
f9cfe6e8 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
a9cdb45a paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
0ba4b0d8 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
e354ceb4 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
98bb43c8 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
977cdbda paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
b1b0c1e8 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
df7648e6 paid 100 BTS for 16.25 CNY
9361e04b paid 2.46 BTS for 0.4 CNY
446f9183 wants 406 CNY for 2,500 BTS
2e808bc5 sent 10,000 BTS to
0a7e9b2e cancel order
935ef978 wants 412 CNY for 697,529 BTSUCN
fbba605e sent 10,000 BTS to
a8a186b6 sent 5,000 BTS to
1126cbc3 sent 5,000 BTS to
ff219897 wants 72.3 CNY for 46,068 BTSUCN
6bbdd0d7 paid 165 CNY for 1,519 BTS
fc0f69dd wants 1,519 BTS for 165 CNY
7f2d5463 cancel order
b4f0589b wants 42.5 CNY for 30,377 BTSUCN
virtual paid 30,377 BTSUCN for 42.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
2ba7e349 cancel order
89890cf2 cancel order
20bb1296 wants 1,131 BTS for 122.5 CNY
9f2689dd cancel order
43d84245 wants 1,131 BTS for 122.5 CNY
5a2fbd5e wants 35.9 CNY for 25,599 BTSUCN
aca2411b wants 6.7 CNY for 4,778 BTSUCN
5fa42b8e cancel order
b8989b93 wants 122.6 CNY for 87,452 BTSUCN
virtual paid 87,452 BTSUCN for 122.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
b38cc677 wants 49.5 CNY for 30,377 BTSUCN
00afb55b sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
cb73fbe4 sent 200,165 BTSUCN to
5ee975ed paid 0.675 CNY for 404 BTSUCN
1972ba48 paid 551 CNY for 330,138 BTSUCN
99c463dc wants 330,542 BTSUCN for 552 CNY
4165325a sent 299,835 BTSUCN to
ce1c91b8 cancel order
12fe665f cancel order
37e784cd cancel order
fd5872da wants 328,575 BTSUCN for 552 CNY
1fe995c3 cancel order
5410a9a2 wants 1,201 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 900 BTS for 108 CNY
e01633a3 cancel order