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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight250 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4,248 BTS
Cashback/vesting12.94 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 250
OPEN.BTC 0.00000001
BADCOIN 10,000
XBTSX.STH 0.0683
6dd9a503 sent 0.0683 XBTSX.STH to
1d23419b sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
1a6ef98b sent 533,000 BTS to
f26e2134 wants 16,599 BTS for 0.127 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.127 OPEN.BTC for 16,599 BTS
5b72a4bc wants 0.0000144 OPEN.BTC for 0.004 OPEN.STEEM
virtual paid 0.001 OPEN.STEEM for 0.00000375 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.003 OPEN.STEEM for 0.0000108 OPEN.BTC
e04dfac6 sent 52.2 METAEX.ETH to
07a8c1c6 sent 2.007 METAEX.BTC to
079762fc wants 25,533 BTS for 115 USD
virtual paid 13.52 USD for 3,000 BTS
virtual paid 101.5 USD for 22,533 BTS
460c94e2 wants 2,458 BTS for 9.97 EUR
virtual paid 4.06 EUR for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 5.91 EUR for 1,458 BTS
3ed646b6 sent 1,995 OPEN.STEEM to
caddfb3d paid 1.088 OPEN.BTC for 837 OPEN.STEEM
35727ae9 paid 0.425 OPEN.BTC for 327 OPEN.STEEM
1e5e92f0 paid 0.242 OPEN.BTC for 186.2 OPEN.STEEM
800eeadb paid 0.065 OPEN.BTC for 50 OPEN.STEEM
f63d87a6 wants 100 OPEN.STEEM for 0.149 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.149 OPEN.BTC for 100 OPEN.STEEM
f1ea7c6a wants 1,400 OPEN.STEEM for 1.82 OPEN.BTC
80b3c817 cancel order
b47263b2 wants 1,500 OPEN.STEEM for 1.8 OPEN.BTC
21a32827 cancel order
cc5153ea wants 1,000 OPEN.STEEM for 0.7 OPEN.BTC
00fec68a wants 499 OPEN.STEEM for 0.399 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.399 OPEN.BTC for 499 OPEN.STEEM
146dd878 cancel order
95e34c16 paid 0.02015 METAEX.BTC for 1.12 METAEX.ETH
e59a22ff paid 0.02015 METAEX.BTC for 1.12 METAEX.ETH
6eaeca05 sent 2 OPEN.BTC to
2ca4d528 cancel order
57435734 paid 1 METAEX.BTC for 50 METAEX.ETH
f30dbba2 wants 1,998 OPEN.STEEM for 2 OPEN.BTC
1ba8521c cancel order
773e6e8a wants 10,000 OPEN.STEEM for 2 OPEN.BTC
2713f3a3 adjust collateral by -156,834 BTS, debt by -200 USD
94e35753 cancel order
1f76e4eb cancel order
42f1fe2b cancel order
f58090e3 cancel order
fd94875f cancel order
953101d3 paid 176.8 BTS for 0.00248 OPEN.BTC
1f67274c paid 17,147 BTS for 0.2404 OPEN.BTC
67ef87bb paid 223.4 BTS for 0.00313 OPEN.BTC
f3e7455f paid 1,141 BTS for 0.016 OPEN.BTC
1f2db12c paid 4,506 BTS for 0.0632 OPEN.BTC
98565a3d paid 10,021 BTS for 0.1405 OPEN.BTC
565381ad wants 2.986 OPEN.BTC for 213,000 BTS
virtual paid 32,840 BTS for 0.461 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 146,944 BTS for 2.06 OPEN.BTC
cea1af4c wants 1.034 OPEN.BTC for 73,472 BTS
virtual paid 73,472 BTS for 1.034 OPEN.BTC
61a45877 cancel order
9ab0e773 paid 0.544 SHAREBIT for 16.3 BTS
virtual upgrade account
cb8a2a3e paid 4.43 SHAREBIT for 133 BTS
071f1c37 adjust collateral by -200,266 BTS, debt by -150 USD
3323291d paid 0.3 OPEN.BTC for 120 USD
3721792a paid 0.01713 OPEN.BTC for 2,141 BTS
0d3165ba sent 1.05 METAEX.BTC to
09a05a69 cancel order
52f0b118 wants 36.2 METAEX.ETH for 1.05 METAEX.BTC
ce3a13de cancel order
6a911001 cancel order
d7468018 cancel order
52cec11e wants 149.2 BTS for 4.97 SHAREBIT
6001b651 wants 16.94 METAEX.ETH for 0.2606 METAEX.BTC
85a0adab adjust collateral by 1,247 BTS, debt by 50 USD
61525d0e wants 62,500 BTS for 0.5 OPEN.BTC
67cc16c3 wants 120 USD for 0.3 OPEN.BTC
80366c83 wants 0.8 OPEN.BTC for 0.8 OPENBTC
virtual paid 0.8 OPENBTC for 0.802 OPEN.BTC
00883c5c cancel order
0d07f592 wants 100,000 BTS for 0.6 METAEX.BTC
badc40a6 wants 10 METAEX.ETH for 0.24 METAEX.BTC
6d1ff851 wants 25 METAEX.ETH for 0.55 METAEX.BTC
bf9cff61 wants 25 METAEX.ETH for 0.45 METAEX.BTC
2165c584 wants 50 METAEX.ETH for 1 METAEX.BTC
f1f9c438 wants 99,690 BTS for 0.997 METAEX.BTC
a421a8fd paid 0.001 OPEN.BTC for 110 BTS
b8c1f827 wants 110 BTS for 0.001 OPEN.BTC
eeb81aac wants 0.001 OPEN.BTC for 0.001 OPENBTC
virtual paid 0.001 OPENBTC for 0.001002 OPEN.BTC
da0709b9 update account/votes
c75f988e paid 10.1 USD for 9.9 EUR
a915aaa8 wants 114.6 BTS for 10,000,000 BRICS
virtual paid 10,000,000 BRICS for 114.6 BTS
63463c39 cancel order
a65e2280 update account/votes
031cda8e update account/votes
decc1e5b update account/votes
ed89d0dd update account/votes
f8099640 update account/votes
209368a5 paid 6,863 BTS for 22.5 USD
1bf5d891 wants 9.9 EUR for 10.1 USD
92a1accf paid 4.6 EUR for 5.2 USD
00a9ab3f wants 22.5 USD for 6,863 BTS
292b2bdf paid 22.46 USD for 8,063 BTS
ddcfeb79 wants 105,905 BTS for 295 USD
92bede7e cancel order
6b12f0e6 wants 106,495 BTS for 295 USD
898c8a29 adjust collateral by 355,853 BTS, debt by 300 USD
38687057 paid 0.0546 OPENBTC for 9,107 BTS
1035e699 wants 5.2 USD for 4.6 EUR
bf5b78ee cancel order
86956292 wants 100,000 MAKER for 250,000 BTS
77eb4bc8 wants 5.48 USD for 4.67 EUR
71a7d846 update account/votes
e4efa22b wants 9,999 BTS for 9,999,000 BRICS
0a7cb2c5 paid 0.1414 OPENBTC for 17,650 BTS
69df6a3b wants 6,000 STEALTH for 78,000 BTS
772991f2 wants 17,650 BTS for 0.1414 OPENBTC
01d6f231 cancel order
3fc9d020 update account/votes
7df63d5c update account/votes
e012cdcf update account/votes
5f032e33 update account/votes
0a585cc9 paid 0.0024 OPENBTC for 400 BTS
15a31731 wants 9,507 BTS for 0.057 OPENBTC
d4b9cb79 wants 0.15 TRADE.BTC for 0.1425 OPENBTC
eeb98afd wants 160,000 BTS for 0.8 OPENBTC
897c7742 upgrade account
687c3b0f paid 0.497 TRADE.BTC for 39,776 BTS
3ceb54d5 wants 39,776 BTS for 0.497 TRADE.BTC
8c314d33 update account/votes