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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid3.56 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00001916 0
BRIDGE.QBIC 0.2097 0
BRIDGE.BZL 0.001494 0
BRIDGE.PLUS 0.000198 0
BRIDGE.PGN 0.0566 0
BRIDGE.VTL 0.677 0
XBTSX.STH 0.167 0
BRIDGE.HLX 0.00687 0
BRIDGE.AGM 0.000417 0
HOTDEX.BTC 0.0000655 0
BRIDGE.HORA 24,460 24,457
af15aa79 cancel orders (4)
1ed015ec sent 0.0075 BRIDGE.BTC to
f360d72c wants 0.00675 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,579 BRIDGE.HORA
0e8ea9c3 wants 0.00129 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,466 BRIDGE.HORA
virtual paid 1,466 BRIDGE.HORA for 0.00129 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0fc78421 cancel order
1221f366 wants 117.6 BRIDGE.USDT for 9,046 BRIDGE.HORA
88a24fc4 cancel order
a16a91f8 cancel order
4339ba37 wants 23.17 BRIDGE.USDT for 1,655 BRIDGE.HORA
d0ef1c6f wants 0.00771 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,138 BRIDGE.HORA
4aa5ff81 wants 103.5 BRIDGE.USDT for 7,390 BRIDGE.HORA
51ee1b20 wants 0.00713 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,539 BRIDGE.HORA
faeb4d06 wants 0.00352 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,200 BRIDGE.HORA
c1b98225 sent 4,585 BRIDGE.HORA to
57b313e5 cancel order
7b9b2f18 wants 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,599 BRIDGE.HORA
5944f9dc wants 0.00507 BRIDGE.BTC for 179,779 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 179,779 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00507 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c38742ce sent 0.0193 BRIDGE.BTC to
198779a9 wants 0.01852 BRIDGE.BTC for 403,874 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 403,874 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0202 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
047323f0 sent 0.023 HOTDEX.BTC to
b889a107 paid 724 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.01376 HOTDEX.BTC
e0734d06 wants 0.01376 HOTDEX.BTC for 724 HOTDEX.XWP
c6f32dd2 wants 0.00931 HOTDEX.BTC for 620 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 620 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.00931 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
794fc66c cancel order
44683941 wants 0.0269 HOTDEX.BTC for 1,345 HOTDEX.XWP
2179f952 sent 0.0581 HOTDEX.BTC to
cedfe204 wants 0.001463 HOTDEX.BTC for 91.4 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 91.4 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.001463 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
68878076 wants 0.00165 HOTDEX.BTC for 100 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 100 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.00165 HOTDEX.BTC
caa934d2 wants 0.00165 HOTDEX.BTC for 100 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 100 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.0017 HOTDEX.BTC
622309c3 wants 0.0018 HOTDEX.BTC for 100 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 100 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.0018 HOTDEX.BTC
00cc3e18 wants 0.000644 HOTDEX.BTC for 34.8 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 31.1 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.000575 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 3.72 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.0000688 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
fb1b5963 cancel order
7edd1adf wants 0.01045 HOTDEX.BTC for 427 HOTDEX.XWP
2298d5d1 cancel order
ba9a2607 wants 0.0111 HOTDEX.BTC for 427 HOTDEX.XWP
abf471e0 cancel order
6846f995 wants 0.01067 HOTDEX.BTC for 427 HOTDEX.XWP
a2fd7bdc wants 0.01297 HOTDEX.BTC for 584 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 584 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.01297 HOTDEX.BTC
7439a523 cancel order
0af499d5 wants 0.02543 HOTDEX.BTC for 1,130 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 1,130 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.02543 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
dfd52ae7 wants 0.002254 HOTDEX.BTC for 100 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 100 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.002254 HOTDEX.BTC
240ab862 wants 0.00717 HOTDEX.BTC for 318 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 218 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.00491 HOTDEX.BTC
79ee42a7 wants 0.00056 HOTDEX.BTC for 24.8 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 24.8 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.00056 HOTDEX.BTC
fc0ddfdb wants 0.00437 HOTDEX.BTC for 192.3 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 192.3 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.00437 HOTDEX.BTC
c5882aea wants 0.000553 HOTDEX.BTC for 24.03 HOTDEX.XWP
virtual paid 24.03 HOTDEX.XWP for 0.000553 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
130a48bf cancel order
019a1e46 wants 0.0675 HOTDEX.BTC for 2,701 HOTDEX.XWP
1c11a282 cancel order
997cd7f3 wants 0.0756 HOTDEX.BTC for 2,701 HOTDEX.XWP
4819920c wants 0.000224 BRIDGE.BTC for 361 BRIDGE.HLX
virtual paid 361 BRIDGE.HLX for 0.000224 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8f64047e sent 0.00488 BRIDGE.BTC to
80909671 wants 0.000849 BRIDGE.BTC for 83.2 BRIDGE.AGM
virtual paid 83.2 BRIDGE.AGM for 0.000849 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
81629f91 wants 0.00194 BRIDGE.BTC for 192 BRIDGE.AGM
virtual paid 192 BRIDGE.AGM for 0.00194 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1211d54e wants 0.00002516 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.67 BRIDGE.BZL
virtual paid 5.67 BRIDGE.BZL for 0.00002516 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
fc39f904 wants 0.0000303 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.58 BRIDGE.PLUS
virtual paid 4.58 BRIDGE.PLUS for 0.0000303 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
41c84efc wants 0.00215 BRIDGE.BTC for 73,833 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 92.4 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00000269 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,072 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000603 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 71,669 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.002086 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
16a8db27 cancel orders (2)
03de1be6 wants 0.000105 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,626 BRIDGE.PGN
921f77d0 wants 0.002847 BRIDGE.BTC for 71,178 BRIDGE.PGN