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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid6.11 BTS
b35fb9f8 sent 14 BTS to
e1bf3bc9 sent 266 BTS to
6864a77f sent 10 BTS to
3d33b026 wants 87 BTS for 64.4 CNY
ceefaeac paid 64.4 CNY for 87 BTS
6b44da94 cancel order
55d3ba47 wants 94.6 BTS for 64.4 CNY
059345b4 cancel order
bfca674a cancel order
84ffcd97 wants 106.4 BTS for 64.4 CNY
09a86f94 cancel order
939885bd wants 138.7 BTS for 64.4 CNY
11c6aa9c wants 0.0003 CNY for 964,554 BTSUCN
virtual paid 757,576 BTSUCN for 50.6 CNY
virtual paid 206,977 BTSUCN for 13.83 CNY
virtual cancel order
4cb1aa9a wants 4,869 BTS for 2,116,790 BTSUCN
7a77f069 wants 184.4 BTS for 42.8 CNY
virtual paid 42.8 CNY for 184.5 BTS
ba5e74a5 cancel order
b5bcb6c7 wants 190.5 BTS for 42.8 CNY
72b7ee67 wants 42.8 CNY for 13,994 BTSUCN
virtual paid 13,994 BTSUCN for 42.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
30c8be5b sent 535,316 BTSUCN to
1732d002 paid 1,609 CNY for 519,020 BTSUCN
de4e54e4 wants 535,317 BTSUCN for 1,659 CNY
virtual paid 50.5 CNY for 16,296 BTSUCN
f58ecb0f wants 1,660 CNY for 7,420 BTS
virtual paid 2,890 BTS for 647 CNY
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 448 CNY
virtual paid 2,529 BTS for 566 CNY
virtual cancel order
1d75e3b9 sent 39,933 BTSUCN to
7584775f paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.03144 BTSUCN
bc8b120d sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
dfb1ba44 paid 111.7 CNY for 35,141 BTSUCN
bb677486 paid 22.93 CNY for 7,210 BTSUCN
ba39e617 sent 400,000 BTSUCN to
f9cfcfc6 paid 277.6 CNY for 87,311 BTSUCN
a7240128 paid 588 CNY for 184,904 BTSUCN
331216d9 paid 588 CNY for 184,904 BTSUCN
a6f7eba2 paid 121.5 CNY for 38,215 BTSUCN
c154ca77 wants 539,933 BTSUCN for 1,717 CNY
virtual paid 7.15 CNY for 2,249 BTSUCN
3ed6b6bb wants 4.43 BTS for 1 CNY
virtual paid 1 CNY for 4.45 BTS