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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid23.96 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00091 0
OPEN.BTC 0.0001128 0
BRIDGE.TSC 384,819 0
BRIDGE.CDM 0.462 0
BRIDGE.ETH 0.0095 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.00384 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0 0.00214
08d3ebd9 sent 0.017 OPEN.BTC to
053ce061 wants 0.01715 OPEN.BTC for 5,110 BTS
virtual paid 5,110 BTS for 0.01715 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
b6e5257d sent 0.0321 BRIDGE.XRP to
ab61763c sent 0.1011 OPEN.LTC to
c545bb62 wants 0.1 OPEN.LTC for 220 BTS
virtual paid 220 BTS for 0.1012 OPEN.LTC
9a1e3f6d wants 5,331 BTS for 0.01894 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01894 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,331 BTS
14d52052 sent 22.85 OPEN.XRP to
ca44cdd1 wants 21.88 OPEN.XRP for 201 BTS
virtual paid 26.75 BTS for 3.04 OPEN.XRP
virtual paid 174.3 BTS for 19.72 OPEN.XRP
virtual cancel order
22d7b73a wants 199 BTS for 0.000714 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000714 BRIDGE.BTC for 201 BTS
f48b914e wants 0.1107 OPEN.XRP for 0.975 BTS
virtual paid 0.975 BTS for 0.1107 OPEN.XRP
virtual cancel order
5990f1c0 wants 1 BTS for 0.00000354 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000354 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTS
d1387d6a cancel order
5ae5754e wants 1 BTS for 0.00000344 BRIDGE.BTC
77387efd cancel order
e870d0c3 wants 11,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01914 BRIDGE.BTC
3baeed01 paid 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.009 BRIDGE.BTC
706ebd92 wants 0.009 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
a9b57e8e cancel order
60683138 wants 0.00698 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
3c024674 cancel order
6aede7a7 wants 0.00729 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
ed264b18 cancel order
3c169a23 wants 0.00739 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
966a716d cancel order
a61e1838 wants 0.0076 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
a58dd56a cancel order
b5e354ec wants 0.00797 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,054 BRIDGE.MONK
a9c981b2 cancel order
a6423f7e wants 0.00901 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
b24a5e7d cancel order
f43799f2 wants 0.00797 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
fe505e1e cancel order
4f73e211 wants 0.00678 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
e716e804 cancel order
72dffe5f wants 0.00698 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
59751a01 cancel order
39773fc0 wants 0.00739 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
2b5c277f cancel order
76da2131 wants 0.00778 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,053 BRIDGE.MONK
03500ebd cancel order
81118e12 wants 8,000 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00312 BRIDGE.BTC
791a11bb cancel order
cfa771ce wants 8,000 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC
2d0a11c7 cancel order
e86d3602 wants 6,100 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01055 BRIDGE.BTC
cb783387 cancel order
8d2b6883 wants 6,200 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01054 BRIDGE.BTC
8aa4bb3a cancel order
61dad02e wants 6,900 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01063 BRIDGE.BTC
163902cf cancel order
870afe98 wants 6,600 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01056 BRIDGE.BTC
6e02bbe0 cancel order
06a7f0ab wants 6,800 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01068 BRIDGE.BTC
97d90c69 cancel order
047e63e1 wants 6,900 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01056 BRIDGE.BTC
8878af3f cancel order
5fc21e60 wants 7,100 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01065 BRIDGE.BTC
a9867d93 cancel order
0144bde3 wants 7,600 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01056 BRIDGE.BTC
4ffab270 cancel order
af98465e sent 2,910 BRIDGE.MONK to
86f0f77d wants 8,400 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.01058 BRIDGE.BTC
76a3947e wants 0.00772 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,177 BRIDGE.MONK
virtual paid 3,177 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00772 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
137270c1 cancel order
2d809c1e wants 2,400 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00293 BRIDGE.BTC
ccb2ebc0 wants 0.002506 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,606 BRIDGE.MONK
virtual paid 501 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.000852 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 176.5 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.0003 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 929 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00158 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c68c3649 cancel order
635c7359 wants 0.0062 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,606 BRIDGE.MONK
043417c3 cancel order
87a95ae1 sent 4.01 BRIDGE.HISC to
0745995d wants 2,005 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.0001604 BRIDGE.BTC
c5b84930 wants 0.00000567 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.02 BRIDGE.MONK
virtual paid 5.02 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00000567 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1e4a9425 sent 1,980 BRIDGE.MONK to
7d8e20f0 sent 2,000 BRIDGE.MONK to
cfda27eb sent 2,000 BRIDGE.MONK to
08d08e10 paid 0.00618 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,000 BRIDGE.MONK
8f9a395e wants 6,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00618 BRIDGE.BTC
e0c0fed5 cancel order
4469049e sent 1,561 BRIDGE.MONK to
6e097a0e sent 2,000 BRIDGE.MONK to
d42b18a4 sent 2,000 BRIDGE.MONK to
62b4b101 paid 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,571 BRIDGE.MONK
dcbec3bb wants 10,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC
3b0f3479 cancel order
0bfa6f05 cancel order
8cb7ac63 wants 2,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00214 BRIDGE.BTC
540036e3 wants 2,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00206 BRIDGE.BTC
1da4fc5d cancel order
32899510 wants 8,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.0072 BRIDGE.BTC
b069864f cancel order
75d77c89 wants 108,889 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00327 BRIDGE.BTC
3e8d946a wants 0.000013 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.HISC
virtual paid 22.07 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00000309 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 78 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00001013 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
69e9d671 cancel order
c0f99f1e cancel order
513bcb33 wants 0.00001808 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.9 BRIDGE.MONK
virtual paid 17.9 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00001808 BRIDGE.BTC
ffa41e19 wants 20,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC
362cf5a3 cancel order
3b1f871a wants 0.0000458 BRIDGE.BTC for 104 BRIDGE.HISC
2fb07458 paid 0.00000747 BRIDGE.BTC for 106.7 BRIDGE.HISC
2bc2b39b wants 20,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC
6eefeb1a cancel order
afec82e3 wants 40,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.0028 BRIDGE.BTC
f134aca4 cancel order
fbbd9e12 wants 4,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00228 BRIDGE.BTC
6a187d62 cancel order
bcb5b7e8 wants 4,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00088 BRIDGE.BTC
d03ab680 wants 0.0000358 BRIDGE.BTC for 33.7 BRIDGE.MONK
virtual paid 33.7 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.0000358 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
11df0cf9 wants 0.00000624 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.78 BRIDGE.HISC
virtual paid 11.77 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00000624 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4d464147 cancel order
6c488e20 paid 0.00000652 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.3 BRIDGE.HISC
4d7eda65 wants 2,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00106 BRIDGE.BTC
57d03c91 wants 0.00000701 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.55 BRIDGE.MONK
virtual paid 6.55 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00000701 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
2bcb576f wants 0.000647 BRIDGE.BTC for 710 BRIDGE.MONK
virtual paid 78.2 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.0000711 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 632 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.000576 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f730e688 cancel order
90f44b0c wants 1,400 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC
b570a731 cancel order
d058f573 cancel order
2c796c6d cancel order
afe08b17 wants 2,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00224 BRIDGE.BTC
94cf475d cancel order
059268ba wants 2,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00092 BRIDGE.BTC
524d7213 wants 2,000 BRIDGE.MONK for 0.00158 BRIDGE.BTC
becabd9f wants 2,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00068 BRIDGE.BTC
e906f712 cancel order
76bb7845 wants 999 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.0002597 BRIDGE.BTC
f5e8f33c wants 0.000172 BRIDGE.BTC for 114 BRIDGE.HISC
virtual paid 114 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.000172 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
2363e162 wants 0.001382 BRIDGE.BTC for 921 BRIDGE.HISC
virtual paid 921 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00139 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
2e74223b cancel order
daca0702 wants 0.001518 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,005 BRIDGE.HISC
virtual paid 83.6 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.0001263 BRIDGE.BTC
add4f257 cancel order
e69df433 cancel order
606ad0e4 wants 0.002096 BRIDGE.BTC for 604 BRIDGE.HISC
190b74f9 cancel order
489dc0ca wants 0.002114 BRIDGE.BTC for 604 BRIDGE.HISC
c106d1e7 cancel order
f660faa8 wants 0.0016 BRIDGE.BTC for 604 BRIDGE.HISC
d8df8be9 wants 0.001127 BRIDGE.BTC for 401 BRIDGE.HISC
46d56873 cancel order
73d4b669 wants 0.003015 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,005 BRIDGE.HISC
07ba082b cancel order
2b250a5e wants 0.00342 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,005 BRIDGE.HISC
d182c311 paid 0.0007 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.HISC
fa2a4b00 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.0007 BRIDGE.BTC
9c8cbffb cancel order
b84634cc wants 1,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00066 BRIDGE.BTC
5bb685d7 cancel order
dd22dae9 cancel order
737394bd cancel order
1645fe2f wants 1,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00062 BRIDGE.BTC
e89b945b wants 1,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00061 BRIDGE.BTC
b622fbb3 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00061 BRIDGE.BTC
d91ee013 wants 0.002426 BRIDGE.BTC for 933 BRIDGE.HISC
virtual paid 283 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.000796 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 350 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.000984 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 300 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00078 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f265989f sent 1,011 BRIDGE.HISC to
08e42188 cancel order
34c026ab wants 0.00498 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,011 BRIDGE.HISC
67739c03 cancel order
9c13f98d wants 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,011 BRIDGE.HISC
23b3a8f2 cancel order
ea7ae42d wants 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,011 BRIDGE.HISC