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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight4.89 BTS
Lifetime fees paid21.53 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 4.48 0
DNXTO 111 0
BRIDGE.PAC 0.1463 0
BRIDGE.EVOS 0.001548 0
BRIDGE.ABET 0.001068 0
CALLCNY05MARCH19 0.00244 0
BRIDGE.CTT 0.0000042 0
BRIDGE.PCR 11,890 11,890
BRIDGE.MNT 0.000028 0
BRIDGE.MNBC 0.00011 0
BRIDGE.FLN 0.0000885 0
BRIDGE.SPDR 0.0046 0
OPTIONS.J19CALL 0.00748 0
BRIDGE.FTXO 0.000038 0
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19SE050C 0.01 0
virtual cancel order
a1d07ce0 sent 687 BRIDGE.SINS to
938589b7 cancel order
5b0bbe3a wants 0.02913 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
824e704b cancel order
ff3cb400 wants 0.0377 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
3fec3fdb cancel order
1804058d wants 0.135 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
fefbda16 cancel order
3f4c3711 wants 0.0376 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
bc803bb0 cancel order
2f1fe7dc wants 0.0377 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
0d4b572c cancel order
6e8f59cd wants 0.0377 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
0f8714d6 cancel order
fa4b8b50 wants 0.0377 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
a738814c cancel order
447763df wants 0.0378 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
bc300e7c cancel order
fb1e3e79 wants 0.036 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
60aa08bf cancel order
e5b4e0dc wants 0.0378 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
b833d2c9 cancel order
c07f5c69 wants 0.0398 BRIDGE.BTC for 687 BRIDGE.SINS
886ce0ae paid 0.0353 BRIDGE.BTC for 688 BRIDGE.SINS
94320c2b wants 688 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0353 BRIDGE.BTC
93b0a2bd cancel order
e8ff94bd wants 690 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0353 BRIDGE.BTC
b347205d cancel order
af31ae47 wants 690 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0353 BRIDGE.BTC
42a961d7 cancel order
6fef9f47 wants 692 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0353 BRIDGE.BTC
f7c330e6 paid 645 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0354 BRIDGE.BTC
3e3e56a7 wants 0.0354 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
26d49b9c cancel order
76a5bd0d wants 0.0354 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
52a18978 cancel order
9ca956ec wants 0.0354 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
42f74b32 cancel order
c73a8619 wants 0.0354 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
5b3cc323 cancel order
5a7b95ca wants 0.0354 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
6f9bbd02 cancel order
b2185645 wants 0.0354 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
8f6e7da0 cancel order
2c774557 wants 0.0354 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
652c4d9b cancel order
9359642a wants 0.0347 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
b7a96c5e cancel order
7b15adcc wants 0.0347 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
0cc9ad9c cancel order
7ce41a28 wants 0.0347 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
50e45ef6 cancel order
2cff39c9 wants 0.0347 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
0780a779 cancel order
b76da708 wants 0.0347 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
310c9599 cancel order
3ae92a7e wants 0.0347 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
ae210ce0 cancel order
99a8a842 wants 0.0348 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
cd922501 cancel order
76b719a5 wants 0.0348 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
b727f14d cancel order
135a71a2 wants 0.0348 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
59025b73 cancel order
3ec3e1ce wants 0.0348 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
a409a1e2 cancel order
e94d7f04 wants 0.0348 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
405a28f7 cancel order
1f54cffd wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
e4024611 cancel order
7470d54a wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
9785ec09 cancel order
d7e846f3 wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
4210aef8 cancel order
a40b3e8e wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
79a68b73 cancel order
81b4d587 wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
fb2f7288 cancel order
c5705a7b wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
cadc8428 cancel order
25d04e60 wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
b1d676f0 cancel order
2006fff0 wants 0.035 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
e4ae0359 cancel order
b52ffc90 wants 0.035 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
6509a28f cancel order
bdb54c0c wants 0.0352 BRIDGE.BTC for 645 BRIDGE.SINS
3f912eb5 paid 0.00925 BRIDGE.BTC for 174 BRIDGE.SINS
1a3da6c2 paid 0.02506 BRIDGE.BTC for 472 BRIDGE.SINS
6e2ceddb wants 646 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0343 BRIDGE.BTC
e90ab3e1 cancel order
bf7c4ec5 paid 31.2 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00172 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a246673c paid 112.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0062 BRIDGE.BTC
6adb86bc paid 4.72 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00026 BRIDGE.BTC
540ed096 paid 29.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00163 BRIDGE.BTC
ed26e67e paid 164.4 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00906 BRIDGE.BTC
7018cb56 paid 15 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000827 BRIDGE.BTC
add814c7 paid 97.8 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00539 BRIDGE.BTC
94687e74 wants 192.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00927 BRIDGE.BTC
748d325c wants 0.0251 BRIDGE.BTC for 455 BRIDGE.SINS
7362076c cancel order
f8866261 wants 0.02517 BRIDGE.BTC for 455 BRIDGE.SINS
cab7adc0 cancel order
831ebd09 wants 0.0252 BRIDGE.BTC for 455 BRIDGE.SINS
f5059640 cancel order
535a37d4 wants 0.0252 BRIDGE.BTC for 455 BRIDGE.SINS
c87375f7 cancel order
49446cbc wants 0.0252 BRIDGE.BTC for 455 BRIDGE.SINS
41be62dd cancel order
058e8ce6 cancel order
c99798cc wants 170.2 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00927 BRIDGE.BTC
48c8f4f0 wants 7.82 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000432 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00014 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.546 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.000292 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.29 BRIDGE.SINS
d5abf34e wants 0.02477 BRIDGE.BTC for 448 BRIDGE.SINS
d5415556 cancel order
63e30774 paid 175.5 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00972 BRIDGE.BTC
702048f8 wants 0.0345 BRIDGE.BTC for 623 BRIDGE.SINS
322e02bf cancel order
d0a50c6d wants 0.0345 BRIDGE.BTC for 623 BRIDGE.SINS
54cfe5f6 cancel order
c4be3ecc wants 0.0345 BRIDGE.BTC for 623 BRIDGE.SINS
92aec324 cancel order
7a698f38 wants 0.0345 BRIDGE.BTC for 623 BRIDGE.SINS
2913086a cancel order
bd02f58c wants 0.0509 BRIDGE.BTC for 623 BRIDGE.SINS
b3af123e cancel order
c5378e01 wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 623 BRIDGE.SINS
2aa56aaa cancel order
027c42c1 wants 0.0351 BRIDGE.BTC for 623 BRIDGE.SINS
e50e17a2 paid 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC for 624 BRIDGE.SINS
e59828c9 wants 624 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC
775aaace cancel order
47a369aa wants 625 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC
f4616faa cancel order
c85d9a18 wants 614 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC
1cd7de4d cancel order
fcc2d807 wants 617 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC
5fc01cb1 cancel order
24b39e6b wants 623 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC
e783ef54 cancel order
56a9022f wants 624 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC
5240260c cancel order
4da1211c wants 685 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC
f5bb5438 paid 583 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC
d8e54471 wants 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC for 583 BRIDGE.SINS
ef944933 cancel order
48ac160f wants 0.1983 BRIDGE.BTC for 583 BRIDGE.SINS
9cb48486 cancel order
80594763 wants 0.327 BRIDGE.BTC for 583 BRIDGE.SINS
2a7eff5e cancel order
8dfeea06 wants 0.577 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,890 BRIDGE.PCR
0d5612d6 cancel order
cd9561e4 wants 0.1118 BRIDGE.BTC for 583 BRIDGE.SINS
b3fc3690 cancel order
53edc090 wants 0.0344 BRIDGE.BTC for 583 BRIDGE.SINS
6bef9376 cancel order
7c62ba52 sent 0.0437 BRIDGE.BTC to
e7d3ef41 cancel order
25344b57 wants 52.6 BRIDGE.VERS for 0.0437 BRIDGE.BTC
a8366a73 sent 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN to
bcb8da27 cancel order
735296f8 cancel order
e9d3e03b wants 19.85 BRIDGE.HIN for 0.0437 BRIDGE.BTC
68658176 sent 0.0303 BRIDGE.BTC to
2881b2de cancel order
6b610788 wants 101 BRIDGE.VERS for 0.0717 BRIDGE.BTC
6f534729 cancel order
743b4e39 wants 100 BRIDGE.VERS for 0.0701 BRIDGE.BTC
2460d44f cancel order
fb346d56 wants 0.399 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN
e6a7737d cancel order
d7dfa73c wants 0.399 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN
00c1d502 cancel order
e482b116 wants 0.399 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN
0007aef8 cancel order
80d147c2 wants 0.399 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN
d27c7b3f cancel order
8ef4a419 wants 0.399 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN
6ffca2e5 cancel order
3b079b20 wants 0.399 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN
5817514a cancel order
463d5750 wants 0.399 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN
f0d9b8df cancel order
8f0acfed wants 5,475 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.074 BRIDGE.BTC
d2ed993d wants 0.411 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.HIN
d9951daf cancel order
4f6df44b cancel order
94239999 cancel order
8fd86f25 cancel order
bcceb67a cancel order
d5b3f67e wants 1,456 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0357 BRIDGE.BTC
40d08393 cancel order
561850ea wants 1,560 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0383 BRIDGE.BTC
a584892b cancel order
737c4eeb wants 0.153 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.1 BRIDGE.HIN
4552cc3d wants 0.1156 BRIDGE.BTC for 28 BRIDGE.HIN
d0ba2564 wants 0.1433 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.7 BRIDGE.HIN