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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid39.8 BTS
virtual paid 5,768 BTSUCN for 0.923 CNY
virtual paid 2,339 BTSUCN for 0.374 CNY
virtual paid 369,113 BTSUCN for 59 CNY
virtual cancel order
virtual wants 1,348 BTS for 99.9 CNY
virtual paid 99.9 CNY for 1,348 BTS
virtual wants 3,973 CNY for 24,829,751 BTSUCN
virtual paid 625,000 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
virtual sent 2.947 BTS to
e7f2eb90 wants 0.0003 CNY for 1 BTSUCN
virtual paid 0.772 BTSUCN for 0.0003 CNY
virtual cancel order
3ff72897 cancel order
e5e97f24 wants 7,448,925 CNY for 24,829,752 BTSUCN
74646e25 wants 0.0001 CNY for 1 BTSUCN
virtual paid 0.671 BTSUCN for 0.0001 CNY
virtual cancel order
360fb8dd cancel order
116da2a4 wants 9,162,179 CNY for 24,829,752 BTSUCN
5a014720 cancel order
9f8a791d sent 410 BTS to
4f0123e1 wants 91,622 CNY for 24,829,752 BTSUCN
989f9455 sent 200 BTS to
eed25e13 paid 87.8 CNY for 552 BTS
45a10d89 paid 7.32 CNY for 46 BTS
aa92c504 wants 598 BTS for 95.2 CNY
93d65ca5 cancel order
850f9179 wants 598 BTS for 95.2 CNY
42f67f03 wants 91.9 CNY for 765,889 BTSUCN
virtual paid 765,888 BTSUCN for 94.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
53b12553 cancel order
dbe153e2 wants 94.2 CNY for 765,889 BTSUCN
c53cb2b7 cancel order
ef766ad7 wants 919 CNY for 3,063,554 BTSUCN
86c621b5 sent 150,823 BTSUCN to
c47e4310 cancel order
88a41091 wants 3.15 BTSUCN for 0.005 CNY
virtual paid 0.005 CNY for 5.56 BTSUCN
05b4e1cc wants 31.5 BTSUCN for 0.05 CNY
virtual paid 0.05 CNY for 55.6 BTSUCN
a3ba3d1c paid 705 BTSUCN for 1.12 CNY
a83bcc4d wants 240.7 CNY for 151,467 BTSUCN
4ea1d798 cancel order
91539780 wants 241 CNY for 151,467 BTSUCN
d661db1a sent 3,300 BTSUCN to
3b26ffba sent 35,000 BTSUCN to
17d2babd sent 18,630 BTSUCN to
49718e7e sent 28,493 BTSUCN to
2c0cc92e sent 1,100,000 BTSUCN to
e748cea3 paid 2,240 CNY for 878,443 BTSUCN
de171b18 wants 1,150,087 BTSUCN for 2,933 CNY
virtual paid 472 CNY for 185,150 BTSUCN
virtual paid 101 CNY for 39,643 BTSUCN
virtual paid 119.5 CNY for 46,850 BTSUCN
aaa7b613 paid 1,042 BTS for 153.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
3b20cda9 wants 2,936 CNY for 19,970 BTS
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 294 CNY
virtual paid 680 BTS for 100 CNY
virtual paid 3,248 BTS for 478 CNY
virtual paid 5,000 BTS for 735 CNY
virtual paid 8,000 BTS for 1,176 CNY
bfd20763 cancel order
44c791bc sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
8b527853 wants 3,032 CNY for 19,950 BTS
01e831cb cancel order
d60817fc wants 3,035 CNY for 19,960 BTS
59ba9bb7 cancel order
5e2f9b39 wants 3,037 CNY for 19,970 BTS
371b9362 cancel order
016b0103 wants 3,065 CNY for 19,970 BTS
a9583dcd cancel order
4ba72e4a wants 3,065 CNY for 19,970 BTS
b01eddc1 cancel order
67eca294 wants 3,065 CNY for 19,970 BTS
d8e015fd cancel order
4e3f1005 wants 3,065 CNY for 19,970 BTS
eeb11677 cancel order
95e71be4 wants 3,071 CNY for 19,970 BTS
47fec0ee cancel order
f5312ba3 wants 3,073 CNY for 19,973 BTS
72fd0f3b sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
6b2af123 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
59cd08a8 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
c6f62595 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
eb8f4994 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
068f3eae sent 3,700,000 BTSUCN to
42667d9c paid 254.3 CNY for 83,934 BTSUCN
da8233a9 paid 1,893 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
3e694b8b paid 288.6 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
688a0d6f paid 4,132 CNY for 1,363,689 BTSUCN
f965cfae paid 23.66 CNY for 7,808 BTSUCN
9ddf22fc paid 123.3 CNY for 40,698 BTSUCN
03da1a8c paid 100.7 CNY for 33,250 BTSUCN
a6688083 paid 82.8 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
28dd119d paid 1,183 CNY for 390,412 BTSUCN
ab2f5281 paid 468 CNY for 154,600 BTSUCN
11d36c64 paid 580 CNY for 191,395 BTSUCN
6c604d77 paid 487 CNY for 160,854 BTSUCN
7198568d paid 539 CNY for 178,027 BTSUCN
55205d16 paid 409 CNY for 135,082 BTSUCN
bce4dad0 paid 468 CNY for 154,602 BTSUCN
9c9fb947 paid 208 CNY for 68,710 BTSUCN
6010abfb wants 3,710,305 BTSUCN for 11,242 CNY
e060818f paid 25,915 BTS for 3,915 CNY
virtual cancel order
cc030e3d paid 6,619 BTS for 1,000 CNY
07654588 wants 11,254 CNY for 74,490 BTS
virtual paid 31,956 BTS for 4,828 CNY
virtual paid 8,000 BTS for 1,209 CNY
389e7400 paid 2,000 BTS for 302 CNY
df45b815 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
7e7c5884 wants 248 BTS for 37 CNY
virtual paid 37 CNY for 248 BTS
86f747b3 paid 12,132 BTSUCN for 36.9 CNY
bc2dba63 wants 36.9 CNY for 12,132 BTSUCN
9bd29761 sent 700,000 BTSUCN to
4dcdab23 paid 1,447 CNY for 474,136 BTSUCN
bc030162 paid 222.4 CNY for 72,900 BTSUCN
6a78273b paid 241 CNY for 78,964 BTSUCN
c473fc91 paid 174 CNY for 56,999 BTSUCN
23a381b3 wants 682,999 BTSUCN for 2,084 CNY
295cf370 wants 2,063 CNY for 14,069 BTS
virtual paid 3,971 BTS for 589 CNY
virtual paid 10,098 BTS for 1,498 CNY
virtual cancel order
2e512cc4 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
05174382 sent 4,300 BTS to
35058996 paid 85.4 CNY for 461 BTS
798e7069 wants 461 BTS for 85.4 CNY
5c843096 wants 85.4 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,872 BTSUCN for 18.38 CNY
virtual paid 21,456 BTSUCN for 67.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
7524415c cancel order
1bc66a6f wants 86.6 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
0e407b50 cancel order
244cf260 wants 86.9 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
50e40897 paid 88.2 CNY for 439 BTS
9874bd5e wants 439 BTS for 88.2 CNY
3a7e5f39 wants 88.3 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 88.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
a50dbf60 paid 97.2 CNY for 450 BTS
virtual paid 94.7 CNY for 439 BTS
999a7bec wants 450 BTS for 97.2 CNY
7bd68e2b cancel order
dcaeb147 wants 439 BTS for 94.7 CNY
bd76fe8f wants 94.6 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 94.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
069d8825 wants 457 BTS for 97.2 CNY
329629a9 paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 97.3 CNY
0d923428 wants 97.3 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
5c3dce84 paid 46.5 CNY for 216 BTS
fd23006e paid 48.2 CNY for 223.5 BTS
bc393a5d wants 439 BTS for 94.7 CNY
dc78a3fc paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 94.8 CNY
a1800c9a wants 94.8 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
f5bde696 wants 434 BTS for 93.4 CNY
virtual paid 93.4 CNY for 434 BTS
a38f1844 paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 93.5 CNY
6e11778f wants 93.5 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
e3043345 paid 94.5 CNY for 443 BTS
4cb0bcb8 wants 443 BTS for 94.5 CNY
811b0abc paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 94.6 CNY
c9309f04 wants 94.6 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
7697fa25 paid 190.3 CNY for 853 BTS
f5587e6f wants 853 BTS for 190.3 CNY
eeb01be0 paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 94.3 CNY
4691e2d6 wants 94.3 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
a9a9a027 paid 27,016 BTSUCN for 95 CNY
853fa50e paid 312.5 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
fe41060c wants 96.2 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
2a2846f1 paid 95.6 CNY for 425 BTS
5b22f5d0 sent 3,435 BTS to
0e86dcb3 wants 425 BTS for 95.6 CNY
e10c2a96 paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 95.6 CNY
7fdb5bbe wants 95.6 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
2821a461 paid 91.5 CNY for 408 BTS
df580d40 wants 408 BTS for 91.5 CNY
6d042d05 paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 91.5 CNY
d7739b34 wants 91.5 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
2252ee0f paid 87.6 CNY for 390 BTS
349d881e wants 390 BTS for 87.6 CNY
0aa1c298 paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 87.7 CNY
d484c240 wants 87.7 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
b5f42fdb paid 87.4 CNY for 389 BTS
142c508f wants 389 BTS for 87.4 CNY
virtual paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00045 BTS
0f60a37b paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 87.4 CNY
3ffaf206 wants 87.4 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
856f784a paid 87.4 CNY for 389 BTS
63300959 wants 389 BTS for 87.4 CNY
a95f49c1 wants 87.4 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 87.4 CNY
d9569db7 paid 86 CNY for 384 BTS
e3906ca7 wants 384 BTS for 86 CNY
9b859de1 wants 86 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 86 CNY