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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid48.5 BTS


Asset Balance
OPEN.HEAT 0.0001
4d4d4ec3 sent 294.7 BTS to
0ec9afc8 sent 4,167 RUBLE to
a041e7fa sent 133.5 BLOCKPAY to
82b346e4 sent 1,309 OCEANIA to
134f46d9 sent 51.2 OPEN.HEAT to
6e20f5e2 sent 0.776 ICOO to
f7792b6a sent 69.7 CADASTRAL to
786c15e5 sent 0.00813 OPEN.BTC to
7f256262 sent 0.658 OPEN.DASH to
c43e90e4 sent 0.0822 OPEN.ETH to
5b3c560e sent 41,402,828 COMPUCEEDS to
442dd3e7 sent 55 OBITS to
5a91b7af sent 7.47 USD to
4e936079 sent 9.5 EUR to
f480b3b0 sent 924 CNY to
9762b676 sent 0.00561 GOLD to
c5b81547 sent 0.423 SILVER to
41bc161b sent 0.00284 BTC to
bc6147a5 cancel order
ec35040b cancel order
d9f7683d cancel order
ef631bc4 cancel order
f78d665a cancel order
e00cd151 cancel order
d1fee365 cancel order
fd4b99a0 cancel order
c13d437c cancel order
e1d05130 cancel order
5dcd18a7 cancel order
f22fae79 cancel order
d6606562 cancel order
361e7dd1 cancel order
1cd0cf8f cancel order
57a6d515 cancel order
53d9a57c cancel order
82925bfe cancel order
11ff3e4f cancel order
8892e0d4 cancel order
5e1d2641 cancel order
53853bd6 cancel order
d686264b cancel order
97b1e846 cancel order
3b46691a paid 4.01 BTS for 0.0943 ICOO
3c756961 paid 4.24 BTS for 0.0999 ICOO
d8aa40ce paid 24.8 BTS for 0.584 ICOO
e37e070a paid 0.00000012 OPEN.BTC for 0.000001 OPEN.ETH
363891a1 paid 0.000197 OPEN.BTC for 0.001827 OPEN.ETH
1d1c5544 paid 0.000452 OPEN.BTC for 0.00419 OPEN.ETH
c8f4c875 cancel order
5aef16f2 cancel order
1128e760 cancel order
7d1087cb cancel order
83efd8d4 cancel order
ebc25e3f cancel order
e3e2eb1b paid 0.375 ICOO for 0.001558 OPEN.BTC
c5093e39 paid 0.0499 ICOO for 0.000208 OPEN.BTC
4ca97aab paid 0.0562 ICOO for 0.0002338 OPEN.BTC
bbb9a55a paid 33 BTS for 39 CADASTRAL
5e660af8 paid 33.1 BTS for 0.00561 GOLD
7f1d41a0 paid 0.00005 BTS for 0.00072 RUBLE
0e972273 paid 33.1 BTS for 481 RUBLE
a8258f7e paid 0.00065 OPEN.BTC for 12 CNY
66463a88 paid 5.75 BTS for 1.213 EUR
virtual cancel order
0bac4da0 paid 27.3 BTS for 5.76 EUR
fe124a38 paid 33.1 BTS for 0.423 SILVER
dd524ab0 paid 33.1 BTS for 7.47 USD
13ac961c paid 33 BTS for 0.02555 OPEN.ETH
9ef893cc paid 33.1 BTS for 16.8 BLOCKPAY
f80fc8c0 paid 33.1 BTS for 0.00287 OPEN.BTC
2502e6f7 paid 33 BTS for 0.00284 BTC
2f844dd9 paid 33 BTS for 50.1 CNY
bfae9be8 wants 3,010 OCEANIA for 33.1 BTS
bfae9be8 wants 12.38 OPEN.HEAT for 33.1 BTS
bfae9be8 wants 20.2 BTSR for 33.1 BTS
1e9aa759 cancel orders (8)
1e9aa759 wants 50.1 CNY for 33 BTS
1e9aa759 wants 0.778 ICOO for 33.1 BTS
1e9aa759 wants 1,366 CRYPTOCEEDS for 33.1 BTS
1e9aa759 wants 1,777 BTCPLUS for 33.1 BTS
1e9aa759 wants 10,274,301 COMPUCEEDS for 33.1 BTS
1e9aa759 wants 3,009 OCEANIA for 33.1 BTS
1e9aa759 wants 12.38 OPEN.HEAT for 33.1 BTS
1e9aa759 wants 20.2 BTSR for 33.1 BTS
6a1367ff cancel orders (9)
6a1367ff wants 12.6 EUR for 100 CNY
6a1367ff wants 0.00579 OPEN.BTC for 100 CNY
6a1367ff wants 39 CADASTRAL for 33 BTS
6a1367ff wants 10.78 CNY for 1.269 EUR
6a1367ff wants 0.185 ICOO for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
6a1367ff wants 10.17 CADASTRAL for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
6a1367ff wants 16.6 USD for 5.11 OBITS
6a1367ff wants 0.002 OPEN.BTC for 0.481 ICOO
6a1367ff wants 0.00347 OPEN.BTC for 30.7 CADASTRAL
db12fd69 cancel orders (2)
db12fd69 wants 0.0523 OPEN.ETH for 100 CNY
db12fd69 wants 38.1 CNY for 0.0169 OPEN.ETH
85430d25 cancel orders (2)
85430d25 wants 5.95 BTSR for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
85430d25 wants 0.00624 OPEN.BTC for 5.11 OBITS
35f89a0b cancel orders (3)
35f89a0b wants 12 CNY for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
35f89a0b wants 2.944 OPEN.HEAT for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
35f89a0b wants 0.00634 OPEN.BTC for 22.95 OPEN.HEAT
1c47135b cancel orders (5)
1c47135b wants 0.0522 OPEN.ETH for 100 CNY
1c47135b wants 0.00602 OPEN.ETH for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
1c47135b wants 38.2 CNY for 0.0169 OPEN.ETH
1c47135b wants 5.83 USD for 0.0169 OPEN.ETH
1c47135b wants 0.00282 OPEN.BTC for 0.0169 OPEN.ETH
f77dbba4 cancel orders (2)
f77dbba4 wants 0.1856 ICOO for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
f77dbba4 wants 15.58 USD for 0.0812 OPEN.DASH
8d18931c cancel order
8d18931c wants 15.58 USD for 0.0809 OPEN.DASH
5ddb75fa cancel orders (5)
5ddb75fa wants 0.00577 OPEN.BTC for 100 CNY
5ddb75fa wants 0.02555 OPEN.ETH for 33 BTS
5ddb75fa wants 10.21 CADASTRAL for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
5ddb75fa wants 0.001992 OPEN.BTC for 0.481 ICOO
5ddb75fa wants 0.00345 OPEN.BTC for 30.7 CADASTRAL
c876a832 cancel order
c876a832 wants 15.58 USD for 0.0812 OPEN.DASH
c89a0afb cancel order
c89a0afb wants 5.97 BTSR for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
0428a4ab cancel orders (3)
0428a4ab wants 0.00284 BTC for 33 BTS
0428a4ab wants 0.00287 OPEN.BTC for 33.1 BTS
0428a4ab wants 0.00621 OPEN.BTC for 5.11 OBITS
daec71cd cancel order
daec71cd wants 16.56 USD for 5.11 OBITS
b2d6db28 cancel orders (2)
b2d6db28 wants 2.953 OPEN.HEAT for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
b2d6db28 wants 0.00632 OPEN.BTC for 22.95 OPEN.HEAT
3876edbe cancel order
3876edbe wants 15.6 USD for 0.0808 OPEN.DASH
092829bc cancel orders (3)
092829bc wants 0.052 OPEN.ETH for 100 CNY
092829bc wants 38.3 CNY for 0.0169 OPEN.ETH
092829bc wants 5.85 USD for 0.0169 OPEN.ETH
a6d4af7e cancel order
a6d4af7e wants 58.7 OCT for 100 CNY
369ed0a8 cancel orders (2)
369ed0a8 wants 15.6 USD for 0.081 OPEN.DASH
3fb45c78 wants 0.02544 OPEN.ETH for 33 BTS
837df95c cancel order
837df95c wants 0.02544 OPEN.ETH for 33 BTS
903ee85c cancel order
903ee85c wants 59.1 OCT for 100 CNY
e2a7561a cancel orders (2)
e2a7561a wants 481 RUBLE for 33.1 BTS
e2a7561a wants 1.778 USD for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
1add67ef cancel order
1add67ef wants 15.6 USD for 0.0806 OPEN.DASH
fdf6ee8c cancel orders (3)
fdf6ee8c wants 39.2 CADASTRAL for 33.1 BTS
fdf6ee8c wants 10.24 CADASTRAL for 0.00065 OPEN.BTC
fdf6ee8c wants 0.00344 OPEN.BTC for 30.7 CADASTRAL
67e47ba1 cancel order
67e47ba1 wants 0.02537 OPEN.ETH for 33 BTS
503427d2 cancel order
503427d2 wants 15.6 USD for 0.081 OPEN.DASH
c291ba09 wants 0.02545 OPEN.ETH for 33.1 BTS