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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight87.1 BTS
Lifetime fees paid13.95 BTS
Whitelisting accounts
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 87.1 0
EUR 1.468 0
COMPUCEEDS 10,007,954 0
BTCPLUS 5.31 5.31
OCEANIA 2,458 0
GALLEON 0.459 0
LUCRA 0.25 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
ARCOIN 0.037 0
STATER 2,460 0
AMAZONCOM 0.00001 0
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 3.075 USD for 74.8 BTS
2ae5d633 settle 3.0745 USD
becfa788 whitelisted
2cb90d0f cancel orders (2)
37d02ce9 sent 1 SIMULATOR to
e3840935 wants 20,000 BTCCORE for 2 BTS
fa272bd3 wants 10,000 BTCCORE for 1 BTS
8cd2a419 sent 20 BTS to
72058854 wants 30 BTS for 9,417,526 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 313,918 COMPUCEEDS for 1 BTS
virtual paid 9,103,608 COMPUCEEDS for 29 BTS
5cdfb3c8 update account/votes
4f930eb8 sent 35 BTS to
3e348f46 wants 15,925,035 COMPUCEEDS for 31.9 BTS
virtual paid 3.65 BTS for 1,871,828 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 8.2 BTS for 4,183,682 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 20 BTS for 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
47923f4f sent 400 BTS to
568d29fe sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
5e3ea88d cancel order
a751acdc sent 700 BTCPLUS to
f878d60a cancel order
79d57e93 sent 490 BTCPLUS to
837b304a sent 490 BTS to
83b9adfa cancel order
16dc0391 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
c0d890bf cancel order
2dbb523a wants 1.222 BTS for 5.31 BTCPLUS
c6b760d7 sent 20 BTS to
db4f6078 paid 0.000437 OPEN.BTC for 37 BTS
de1f4d27 paid 0.0083 OPEN.BTC for 704 BTS
a57966f6 wants 741 BTS for 0.00874 OPEN.BTC
ac3a5f74 wants 14,999,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
e6f120bc sent 150 BTCPLUS to
2653f717 sent 15 BTS to
8535625b cancel order
233a76cd wants 8,399,300 USD for 700 BTCPLUS
a341bbcd sent 150 BTS to
7dfe681c wants 1,805 BTCPLUS for 249 BTS
virtual paid 249 BTS for 1,805 BTCPLUS
584da2b9 sent 20 BTS to
34114826 paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00078 BTS
7f703fa7 paid 0 OPEN.BTC for 0.0007 BTS
33ca7fe4 paid 0.0029 OPEN.BTC for 226 BTS
f1e596bb wants 1,800,000 USD for 150 BTCPLUS
0916fe92 wants 226 BTS for 0.0029 OPEN.BTC
f51f8db5 sent 20 BTS to
fd5ed3d6 sent 20 BTS to
83af132b cancel order
a00e2c1d paid 0.0000306 OPEN.BTC for 2.385 BTS
cae038e4 sent 3 BTS to
69bb76a5 paid 0.002686 OPEN.BTC for 209 BTS
b0ff71c3 wants 225.6 BTS for 0.0029 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000712 OPEN.BTC for 5.54 BTS
745fceb7 cancel order
017a422a wants 219.6 BTS for 0.0028 OPEN.BTC
a6acf4ef wants 2,939,510 USD for 490 BTCPLUS
5c8a9a6c cancel order
1bd3ff88 wants 2,940,000 USD for 490 BTCPLUS
ffc281e6 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
70cf6cf5 cancel order
852d2c66 sent 400 BTCPLUS to
1297c22e wants 4,499,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
30ed99c8 cancel order
0930ddb7 wants 3,592,000 USD for 800 BTCPLUS
67e9d519 cancel order
cf33f437 sent 10 CRYPTOCEEDS to
5aa776ba sent 1,500,000 COMPUCEEDS to
668b3f3b sent 40,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
7f20e860 wants 5,990,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
21c7a819 cancel order
8e6828bd sent 50 BTS to
6ff87877 sent 1,767 BTCPLUS to
08370d34 cancel order
6bb5f914 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
f84684b1 wants 6,000,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
221eee65 paid 2,400 BTS for 4,000 BTCPLUS
a7f23d5a cancel order
2d1a0d8e wants 4,000 BTCPLUS for 2,400 BTS
f235be6b wants 117,031 BTS for 0.459 GALLEON
0a5485bf wants 2,640,918 USD for 1,767 BTCPLUS
402e0669 wants 1,135 BTCPLUS for 3.075 USD
a82ceead cancel order
774e6813 wants 2,640,170 USD for 1,766 BTCPLUS
ab9c1869 cancel order
70cd8c69 wants 3.075 USD for 1,133 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 1,133 BTCPLUS for 3.075 USD
35d2e2fd wants 555 BTS for 19,491,035 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 309,768 COMPUCEEDS for 8.82 BTS
virtual paid 19,181,267 COMPUCEEDS for 546 BTS
af9f462e wants 3,000 BTCPLUS for 2,250 BTS
virtual paid 2,250 BTS for 3,000 BTCPLUS
8018653f wants 125 BTS for 0.01083 GALLEON
virtual paid 0.01083 GALLEON for 125 BTS
a2048554 wants 462 BTS for 0.04 GALLEON
virtual paid 0.04 GALLEON for 462 BTS
084cf138 wants 100 BTS for 0.00803 GALLEON
virtual paid 0.00803 GALLEON for 100 BTS
f4b790b0 wants 0.00099 BTS for 0.00000004 GALLEON
virtual paid 0.00000004 GALLEON for 0.00099 BTS
7bfbe628 wants 44,850 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
9f2b9ed4 cancel order
d4ec1181 wants 42,460 BTS for 0.518 GALLEON