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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight273.7 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.09 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 2.39 0
CNY 99.5 0
BADCOIN 10,010 0
GDEX.EOS 69.9 69.9
GDEX.BTO 500 0
TIREX 0.63 0
NAKED 0.064 0
FRESHCOIN 0.0002 0
STEPCOIN 0.045 0
TURION 0.1 0
CROKS 0.019 0
GDEX.IQ 357 0
virtual cancel order
3528ac92 paid 271.3 BTS for 99.3 CNY
1845441a wants 2,797 CNY for 69.9 GDEX.EOS
76b0b485 wants 99.3 CNY for 271.3 BTS
virtual cancel order
cf82ff87 wants 8,392 CNY for 69.9 GDEX.EOS
virtual cancel order
9dff0e04 sent 357 GDEX.IQ to
56af694d wants 9,091 CNY for 69.9 GDEX.EOS
3d356e97 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
bc741aa5 paid 12.6 CNY for 14 BTS
0d25b257 wants 14 BTS for 12.6 CNY
9d60820f paid 400 CNY for 10 GDEX.EOS
af09cf2e paid 450 CNY for 10 GDEX.EOS
6f60fead paid 1,000 CNY for 20 GDEX.EOS
5d23d253 wants 250 BTS for 410 CNY
virtual paid 410 CNY for 250 BTS
880580f6 paid 550 CNY for 10 GDEX.EOS
d5200a2b paid 570 CNY for 10 GDEX.EOS
fa9289bd wants 10 GDEX.EOS for 570 CNY
2125ece9 wants 10 GDEX.EOS for 550 CNY
c333408f wants 20 GDEX.EOS for 1,000 CNY
3bf92448 cancel order
04bfffa3 wants 40 GDEX.EOS for 2,000 CNY
eda8f4b1 cancel order
09a63c6a wants 62.5 GDEX.EOS for 2,500 CNY
61ecb720 paid 320 CNY for 200 GDEX.BTO
d83a007c paid 510 CNY for 300 GDEX.BTO
0daabe08 wants 200 GDEX.BTO for 320 CNY
751f0b70 cancel order
3b60f3b5 wants 300 GDEX.BTO for 510 CNY
12f5c377 wants 200 GDEX.BTO for 340 CNY
04646d57 cancel order
7d3fac1b paid 500 CNY for 10 GDEX.EOS
84e539a4 wants 10 GDEX.EOS for 350 CNY
40a6cb47 wants 10 GDEX.EOS for 400 CNY
6b343cf6 wants 10 GDEX.EOS for 450 CNY
71d6bb86 wants 10 GDEX.EOS for 500 CNY
d6ed33f0 sent 2 BTS to
e61ffba4 sent 1 BTS to
98280868 sent 1 BTS to
61744c0f sent 1 BTS to
34a78b46 sent 1 BTS to
f1cb8cdf sent 10 BTS to
466c5c42 sent 10 BTS to
3152a512 sent 10 BTS to
7e1a454c sent 10 BTS to
6224a17d sent 10 BTS to
f45dc584 sent 10 BTS to
5ab17d21 sent 10 BTS to
476cb8d8 sent 10 BTS to
39fc4e52 sent 10 BTS to
fa1ff263 sent 20 BTS to
a0412fb6 sent 10 BTS to
64093917 sent 10 BTS to
a9151bb0 sent 10 BTS to
2b9ca504 sent 10 BTS to
bfe792a1 sent 10 BTS to
d7fd45a1 sent 8 BTS to