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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.371 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.21 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.356 0
BRIDGE.LTC 0.000918 0
BRIDGE.SCP 602 2,197,090
b42d6e63 sent 2,188,000 BRIDGE.SCP to
04e8395d cancel order
dadd2a0a wants 1.011 BRIDGE.LTC for 2,198,100 BRIDGE.SCP
7a70c92f cancel order
4ded69ad cancel order
d4a7ea34 cancel order
1bca52b1 cancel order
43bcb271 paid 4.95 PIRATE.PIRATE for 0.371 BTS
a2c31f46 wants 0.371 BRIDGE.LTC for 1,079,847 BRIDGE.SCP
014172c0 wants 0.178 BRIDGE.LTC for 518,747 BRIDGE.SCP
fc2f083a wants 0.096 BRIDGE.LTC for 276,747 BRIDGE.SCP
3badc53b wants 0.1126 BRIDGE.LTC for 321,747 BRIDGE.SCP
715c1c1b wants 0.371 BTS for 4.95 PIRATE.PIRATE
701f862f sent 0.374 BRIDGE.LTC to
d873896e paid 860,160 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.2985 BRIDGE.LTC
c6a5c1ff wants 0.2985 BRIDGE.LTC for 860,160 BRIDGE.SCP
940eaf10 cancel order
a2b7b799 cancel order
cba06bfd paid 211,747 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.073 BRIDGE.LTC
cd166ced wants 0.073 BRIDGE.LTC for 211,747 BRIDGE.SCP
bcb4d1f5 sent 0.172 BRIDGE.LTC to
ecb107c1 wants 0.0279 BRIDGE.LTC for 70,160 BRIDGE.SCP
ee2bb42b cancel order
66c5e72e wants 0.02284 BRIDGE.LTC for 70,160 BRIDGE.SCP
15e08b84 wants 0.055 BRIDGE.LTC for 168,890 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 168,890 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.055 BRIDGE.LTC
7703216d wants 0.1747 BRIDGE.LTC for 436,747 BRIDGE.SCP
dec5b993 paid 369,747 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.1146 BRIDGE.LTC
a3d363fb wants 0.1146 BRIDGE.LTC for 369,747 BRIDGE.SCP
f87321ec sent 0.502 BRIDGE.LTC to
cbd672f0 paid 538,247 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.1542 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 733,747 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.2275 BRIDGE.LTC
04182d49 wants 0.1542 BRIDGE.LTC for 538,247 BRIDGE.SCP
11b1b25b wants 0.2275 BRIDGE.LTC for 733,747 BRIDGE.SCP
c0c28902 paid 179,495 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0556 BRIDGE.LTC
31e311bc paid 237,499 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0736 BRIDGE.LTC
616174a4 wants 0.1293 BRIDGE.LTC for 416,995 BRIDGE.SCP
791f1f1e sent 0.222 BRIDGE.LTC to
7c739992 wants 0.1222 BRIDGE.LTC for 406,500 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 406,500 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.1222 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual cancel order
b78efc09 wants 0.0691 BRIDGE.LTC for 281,796 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 281,796 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0697 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual cancel order
8758e9a5 wants 0.0334 BRIDGE.LTC for 116,747 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 116,747 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0334 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual cancel order