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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.645 BTS
Lifetime fees paid210.4 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.645
MKR 0.00001
cc46b309 sent 549 MKR to
9d06ebaa wants 0.00043 MKR for 7 BTS
virtual paid 7 BTS for 0.00043 MKR
d415d4e0 sent 35.2 MKR to
35d8b554 cancel order
75de73af wants 0.041 OPEN.ETH for 0.01 MKR
e735f39f cancel order
67fb5c5d wants 2,564 OPEN.ETH for 514 MKR
c9e8a79a cancel order
4c0a31f2 wants 2,565 OPEN.ETH for 514 MKR
8fbed665 cancel order
abe862e7 wants 1,875 OPEN.ETH for 250 MKR
f45fc087 cancel order
df62d2ce wants 1,588 OPEN.ETH for 250 MKR
02743f69 cancel order
a32fdfeb wants 3,264 OPEN.ETH for 514 MKR
86893629 cancel order
394741e4 cancel order
6c447310 cancel order
b20627f1 wants 99.8 OPEN.ETH for 20.66 MKR
c016534e wants 100.4 OPEN.ETH for 20.66 MKR
fab34fab cancel order
0de47c72 cancel order
0176aa45 cancel order
053d6c89 wants 100.2 OPEN.ETH for 20.66 MKR
7f7122cc wants 484 OPEN.ETH for 100 MKR
e7b0dd23 wants 483 OPEN.ETH for 100 MKR
ac1d420f wants 482 OPEN.ETH for 100 MKR
ea737620 paid 451 BTS for 0.0311 MKR
virtual cancel order
cea24dce wants 0.0511 MKR for 741 BTS
virtual paid 290 BTS for 0.02 MKR
eac66e44 wants 83.3 BTS for 0.000719 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000719 OPEN.BTC for 83.3 BTS
4bb86213 wants 4.43 OPEN.ETH for 5.72 OPEN.DGD
virtual paid 5.72 OPEN.DGD for 4.43 OPEN.ETH
bb697159 wants 0.00414 OPEN.BTC for 0.365 OPEN.DGD
ad7fc031 paid 0.365 OPEN.DGD for 0.00414 OPEN.BTC
9d2d8c45 wants 403 OPEN.ETH for 520 OPEN.DGD
virtual paid 34.6 OPEN.DGD for 27.64 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 160 OPEN.DGD for 128 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 126.3 OPEN.DGD for 101 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 199.4 OPEN.DGD for 154.4 OPEN.ETH
8d585814 cancel order
03f3f7ed cancel order
170c5e2d cancel order
6c955a7e cancel order
6329ba98 cancel order
f42eb69d cancel order
ef5ef3fe cancel order
5650867d cancel order
a5b50571 cancel order
f17a46ba wants 0.00414 OPEN.BTC for 0.365 OPEN.DGD
7174d23a paid 0.365 OPEN.DGD for 0.00414 OPEN.BTC
a5a9a88e wants 1.99 OPEN.ETH for 2.487 OPEN.DGD
virtual paid 2.487 OPEN.DGD for 1.99 OPEN.ETH
a451deb6 cancel order
5a5ff858 paid 4.53 OPEN.DGD for 0.0584 OPEN.BTC
d97367da wants 3.62 OPEN.BTC for 233.4 OPEN.DGD
30695c75 wants 0.0645 OPEN.BTC for 5 OPEN.DGD
232cfd1f wants 0.139 OPEN.BTC for 10 OPEN.DGD
6680ec2c paid 9.74 OPEN.DGD for 0.1315 OPEN.BTC
65905f86 wants 8 OPEN.ETH for 10 OPEN.DGD
virtual paid 10 OPEN.DGD for 8 OPEN.ETH
ae8e24a4 wants 0.45 OPEN.BTC for 30 OPEN.DGD
3609afb4 wants 0.2025 OPEN.BTC for 15 OPEN.DGD
d8c381a1 cancel order
c9124a3d cancel order
7048ba44 cancel order
6c60f2bf cancel order
e2f3877e cancel order
49df5ec3 cancel order
f7012e75 paid 8.52 OPEN.DGD for 0.1108 OPEN.BTC
ede1694a paid 17.6 OPEN.DGD for 0.2233 OPEN.BTC
022923c9 wants 0.2233 OPEN.BTC for 17.6 OPEN.DGD
7494a6ee cancel order
3a1dbced paid 0.67 OPEN.DGD for 0.00805 OPEN.BTC
42ecd00a paid 0.278 OPEN.DGD for 0.00334 OPEN.BTC
c922aaec wants 0.1108 OPEN.BTC for 8.52 OPEN.DGD
18dfe2e8 paid 1.465 OPEN.DGD for 0.01758 OPEN.BTC
9ef143d7 wants 0.24 OPEN.BTC for 20 OPEN.DGD
098e37c9 wants 18 OPEN.ETH for 20 OPEN.DGD
a284180a cancel order
0341ed6f paid 0.314 OPEN.DGD for 0.329 OPEN.ETH
56935366 wants 0.719 OPEN.BTC for 40 OPEN.DGD
b7d6ad19 cancel order
d708717d wants 1.077 OPEN.BTC for 60 OPEN.DGD
70ccb026 cancel order
bdef048a cancel order
15340295 wants 0.639 OPEN.BTC for 40 OPEN.DGD
9da9f821 wants 0.479 OPEN.BTC for 30 OPEN.DGD
ffe96857 wants 0.477 OPEN.BTC for 30 OPEN.DGD
5ea41154 cancel order
8d4881a5 cancel order
14b97ec4 paid 1 OPEN.DGD for 1.05 OPEN.ETH
d4f3c3de paid 0.1632 OPEN.DGD for 0.1714 OPEN.ETH
03c6e5b0 wants 51.2 OPEN.ETH for 43.4 OPEN.DGD
e54009d7 wants 0.0116 OPEN.BTC for 1 OPEN.DGD
virtual paid 0.00000067 OPEN.DGD for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 1 OPEN.DGD for 0.0116 OPEN.BTC
c227e346 wants 0.0854 OPEN.BTC for 5.73 OPEN.DGD
virtual paid 5.73 OPEN.DGD for 0.0854 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000066 OPEN.DGD for 0 OPEN.BTC
99be384f cancel order
2cdd4a1d wants 0.0854 OPEN.BTC for 5.73 OPEN.DGD
bcf7685e cancel order
b97a916b wants 98.6 OPEN.ETH for 90 OPEN.DGD
65cb0e7b wants 54.5 OPEN.ETH for 50 OPEN.DGD
2f83f9a7 wants 57.8 OPEN.ETH for 50 OPEN.DGD
7b28e617 wants 57.7 OPEN.ETH for 50 OPEN.DGD
82793966 wants 52.5 OPEN.ETH for 50 OPEN.DGD
712af401 wants 0.93 OPEN.BTC for 50 OPEN.DGD
c82922af wants 0.925 OPEN.BTC for 50 OPEN.DGD
837f221e wants 0.92 OPEN.BTC for 50 OPEN.DGD
75814eae wants 0.915 OPEN.BTC for 50 OPEN.DGD
f8c49be6 wants 0.91 OPEN.BTC for 50 OPEN.DGD
f7c0260d wants 0.905 OPEN.BTC for 50 OPEN.DGD
de4b34d9 cancel order
95a9cb71 wants 10.68 OPEN.BTC for 590 OPEN.DGD
23b64e69 cancel order
bf2c28d9 wants 0.00332 OPEN.BTC for 0.1583 OPEN.DGD
4ee99f77 cancel order
63c68e66 cancel order
b29a9f00 paid 0.2083 OPEN.DGD for 0.5 OPEN.ETH
c7067f1e wants 24 OPEN.ETH for 10 OPEN.DGD
ecc4a415 cancel order
e97321e2 cancel order
ec80d216 wants 0.576 OPEN.BTC for 18 OPEN.DGD
4b475362 cancel order
8bc79e54 cancel order
ed462027 cancel order
a3b25634 wants 3 OPEN.ETH for 2 OPEN.DGD
4d82c116 cancel order
24fca66d wants 2.6 OPEN.ETH for 2 OPEN.DGD
09019a66 paid 1.033 OPEN.DGD for 1.033 OPEN.ETH
78c10054 paid 0.84 OPEN.DGD for 0.84 OPEN.ETH
d2632de4 paid 0.1267 OPEN.DGD for 0.1267 OPEN.ETH
f42d56e1 wants 2 OPEN.ETH for 2 OPEN.DGD
909fca08 paid 6 OPEN.DGD for 10.8 OPEN.ETH
75316bb8 wants 14.4 OPEN.ETH for 8 OPEN.DGD
90371dae cancel order
8fc408a1 wants 14.4 OPEN.ETH for 8 OPEN.DGD
c155fc6d wants 0.216 OPEN.BTC for 8 OPEN.DGD
b1f2e930 wants 0.192 OPEN.BTC for 8 OPEN.DGD
6ebc6241 wants 0.232 OPEN.BTC for 8 OPEN.DGD
ebe2d961 paid 8 OPEN.DGD for 0.184 OPEN.BTC
452ba6a9 wants 0.184 OPEN.BTC for 8 OPEN.DGD
367a02eb wants 0.34 OPEN.BTC for 20 OPEN.DGD
virtual paid 20 OPEN.DGD for 0.34 OPEN.BTC
73dcee52 cancel order
2c08a588 wants 1.022 OPEN.BTC for 60.1 OPEN.DGD
virtual paid 0.00000014 OPEN.DGD for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000014 OPEN.DGD for 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 16.8 OPEN.DGD for 0.291 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 6.01 OPEN.DGD for 0.1033 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 16.8 OPEN.DGD for 0.288 OPEN.BTC
bc13d1ce cancel order
9476d112 wants 1 OPEN.BTC for 0.00000014 OPEN.DGD
4c9223b1 wants 540 BTS for 1,000 QBITS
virtual paid 1,000 QBITS for 540 BTS
60cc86ec wants 514 MKR for 514 MKRCOIN
virtual paid 514 MKRCOIN for 514 MKR
fabfb1f2 wants 36.1 MKRCOIN for 1.004 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 1.004 OPEN.BTC for 36.1 MKRCOIN
c9d6e5fe wants 15.1 MKRCOIN for 0.284 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.284 OPEN.BTC for 15.1 MKRCOIN
db28459b cancel order
36d2e4c0 cancel order
2929fb31 wants 23.1 MKRCOIN for 0.434 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.434 OPEN.BTC for 23.1 MKRCOIN
a889d71e cancel order
2f77605d wants 0.525 OPEN.BTC for 15 MKRCOIN
89929b83 cancel order
216684a0 cancel order
3fcc258e cancel order
cf19a914 wants 0.33 OPEN.BTC for 9.43 MKRCOIN
59a49aad wants 0.15 OPEN.BTC for 5 MKRCOIN
5cf682f6 wants 0.125 OPEN.BTC for 5 MKRCOIN
1b4ce59f wants 0.1 OPEN.BTC for 5 MKRCOIN
f604ae21 wants 24.43 MKRCOIN for 0.413 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.413 OPEN.BTC for 24.43 MKRCOIN
3e4ff1f2 wants 0.05 MKRCOIN for 92.5 BTS
265684ff wants 0.2 MKRCOIN for 410 BTS
virtual paid 410 BTS for 0.21 MKRCOIN
15eee071 wants 0.25 MKRCOIN for 525 BTS
virtual paid 525 BTS for 0.25 MKRCOIN
74cdbf6e wants 100 MKRCOIN for 120,000 BTS
virtual paid 120,000 BTS for 100 MKRCOIN
cea5feda wants 68.5 MKRCOIN for 75,347 BTS
virtual paid 75,347 BTS for 68.5 MKRCOIN
b5262b1e wants 31.5 MKRCOIN for 34,653 BTS
virtual paid 34,653 BTS for 31.5 MKRCOIN
a96b6b6d wants 100 MKRCOIN for 100,000 BTS
virtual paid 100,000 BTS for 100 MKRCOIN