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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid1.188 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BRIDGE.BIR 3,811 3,811
BRIDGE.PPO 0.0203 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
BRIDGE.EXD 9,907 0
virtual cancel order
92f8887c issue 9,907 BRIDGE.EXD to
37b3de1f sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
7e8d1b86 sent 2.923 BRIDGE.ETH to
419e1560 sent 461 BRIDGE.EXD to
f8cacfe3 paid 0.0611 BRIDGE.BTC for 462 BRIDGE.EXD
84201810 wants 462 BRIDGE.EXD for 0.0611 BRIDGE.BTC
d5ca24be wants 0.1143 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,811 BRIDGE.BIR
3a263877 issue 3,811 BRIDGE.BIR to
f2894f56 cancel order
cd1339b5 wants 430 BRIDGE.PRX for 0.0611 BRIDGE.BTC
272ffdd5 wants 0.034 BRIDGE.BTC for 125,889 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 125,889 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.034 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3d72065a cancel order
06b7ec98 cancel order
3346052c paid 15,774 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
58ffb2d8 wants 0.00438 BRIDGE.BTC for 16,018 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 244.4 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000669 BRIDGE.BTC
e72c0c43 wants 0.01315 BRIDGE.BTC for 47,832 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 47,832 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01315 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ff493150 wants 0.0173 BRIDGE.BTC for 62,945 BRIDGE.PPO
fa8b907e wants 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC for 71,184 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 8,240 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.002267 BRIDGE.BTC
ceede8c9 cancel order
f8ba888e wants 0.0674 BRIDGE.BTC for 197,981 BRIDGE.PPO
2eecefd9 cancel order
bbf93be2 wants 0.099 BRIDGE.BTC for 197,981 BRIDGE.PPO
8a0b15bf cancel order
2e9ad079 wants 0.099 BRIDGE.BTC for 197,981 BRIDGE.PPO
df0d8199 cancel order
9a6d8708 wants 0.198 BRIDGE.BTC for 197,981 BRIDGE.PPO
39faa39f sent 0.1003 BRIDGE.BTC to
2b5b8c7a wants 0.02876 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.ETH
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.02876 BRIDGE.BTC
06d53703 cancel order
85ccea4b wants 1,580 BRIDGE.THRL for 0.079 BRIDGE.BTC
ad40a69b cancel order
b201c027 sent 62,121 BRIDGE.PPO to
21746827 cancel order
267c0978 cancel order
c9d4bd73 cancel order
8406e879 cancel order
677ec2eb cancel order
6ec35a53 wants 157,983 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.079 BRIDGE.BTC
dfde48da wants 0.0436 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,624 BRIDGE.PPO
2aa4e11f wants 0.0419 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,500 BRIDGE.PPO
0a077619 wants 0.0435 BRIDGE.BTC for 15,000 BRIDGE.PPO
8955a4ec wants 0.028 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.PPO
4a962214 cancel order
21781524 wants 0.027 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.PPO
d0760406 paid 10,000 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0155 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 10,000 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0165 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 10,000 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0175 BRIDGE.BTC
3a0403bb paid 8,500 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01233 BRIDGE.BTC
ccdec806 paid 6,500 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0091 BRIDGE.BTC
94d5bf9a paid 1,500 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.001875 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3,500 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00455 BRIDGE.BTC
7c4534e0 paid 1,500 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0018 BRIDGE.BTC
9d56e478 wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 16,608 BRIDGE.PPO
6604a612 wants 0.0175 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.PPO
96f16f60 wants 0.0165 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.PPO
cb87a3ca wants 0.0155 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.PPO
8189b259 wants 0.01233 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,500 BRIDGE.PPO
7ec5186c wants 0.0091 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,500 BRIDGE.PPO
fedca18b wants 0.00455 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,500 BRIDGE.PPO
704c4b5c wants 0.001875 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.PPO
d3e35385 wants 0.0018 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.PPO
2cd2766d sent 1,463 BRIDGE.PPO to
b416acea wants 1,464 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.032 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.032 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,464 BRIDGE.PPO
de5d64e2 cancel order
07a8c882 wants 1,583 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.032 BRIDGE.BTC
4ff9f69e cancel order
9220989f sent 1,786 BRIDGE.PPO to
6da5b04f wants 1,504 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.032 BRIDGE.BTC
6cd0dce4 cancel order
d3f59f9b wants 1,508 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.032 BRIDGE.BTC
dc7b6024 cancel order
a3f40200 wants 1,510 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.032 BRIDGE.BTC
45df69cb cancel order
3595db5b cancel order
5702eed2 wants 1,015 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0216 BRIDGE.BTC
ea48f5fe wants 482 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01026 BRIDGE.BTC
9e950fde wants 352 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00747 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00747 BRIDGE.BTC for 352 BRIDGE.PPO
edf33ffb cancel order
ca0aec08 cancel order
0aeba55f cancel order
b7878a55 cancel order
50106e62 cancel order
fb45d055 wants 535 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01133 BRIDGE.BTC
ae96bcb0 wants 535 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01133 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01133 BRIDGE.BTC for 535 BRIDGE.PPO
98fdc6b4 wants 475 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01006 BRIDGE.BTC
908a5d33 wants 150 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00317 BRIDGE.BTC
da13e251 wants 754 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01595 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01278 BRIDGE.BTC for 604 BRIDGE.PPO
f78bf872 wants 300 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00635 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000846 BRIDGE.BTC for 40 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.0055 BRIDGE.BTC for 260 BRIDGE.PPO
bff5df8c cancel order
44238fe7 wants 3,328 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
aca885bf cancel order
1840fb04 wants 3,642 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
1f97136c cancel order
1b0940e0 wants 3,495 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
0c385283 cancel order
459824a6 wants 4,236 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
993723ff cancel order
2dc2d754 wants 5,824 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
58ff37d1 sent 1,513 BRIDGE.PPO to
2b5ca5a9 paid 0.006 BRIDGE.BTC for 296.6 BRIDGE.PPO
6eceb048 paid 0.0000202 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.PPO
c2511382 paid 0.0000202 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.PPO
5ef47730 paid 0.0000202 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.PPO
ca3351ba paid 0.0000202 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.PPO
3845a229 paid 0.02456 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,215 BRIDGE.PPO
342095eb wants 1,515 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.03064 BRIDGE.BTC
186230a9 sent 1,117 BRIDGE.PPO to
09863608 cancel order
bcd8bf81 wants 1.006 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,118 BRIDGE.PPO
74bcde23 wants 679 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01447 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01447 BRIDGE.BTC for 680 BRIDGE.PPO
b0901a34 wants 54 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC for 54 BRIDGE.PPO
c6c5b2db wants 54 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC for 54 BRIDGE.PPO
d74b8bb2 wants 106.7 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC for 106.7 BRIDGE.PPO
08041e3a wants 226 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.00481 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00002644 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.25 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC for 224.7 BRIDGE.PPO
5bfd5373 cancel order
c6d02654 wants 1,255 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.02385 BRIDGE.BTC
175ac12e sent 601 BRIDGE.BIR to
ffb478e9 paid 0.01748 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.BIR
47a393da wants 603 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.01748 BRIDGE.BTC