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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.1313 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.305 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1313
BRIDGE.LTC 0.00000001
6e654969 paid 0.00233 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
b1ac8c2d paid 1,936 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.0083 BRIDGE.BTC
845f8548 paid 343 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.001472 BRIDGE.BTC
6b6ce95e sent 1,803 BRIDGE.YCE to
6bb998a9 cancel order
bcc75c9e wants 0.00978 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,279 BRIDGE.MARCO
85ada32a cancel order
8972c05f cancel order
75137db2 wants 0.00982 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,279 BRIDGE.MARCO
e787e0b8 cancel order
6d6798f3 wants 2,060 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.0395 BRIDGE.BTC
ce13c674 cancel order
d562e246 wants 2,063 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.0395 BRIDGE.BTC
f6a83647 cancel order
4e42e29c wants 0.01003 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,280 BRIDGE.MARCO
0767092d cancel order
3f0ab3a0 wants 2,066 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.0395 BRIDGE.BTC
2b8b09c4 cancel order
fc510ca7 wants 0.01028 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,280 BRIDGE.MARCO
6acea264 cancel order
0e5f6f8f wants 2,069 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.0395 BRIDGE.BTC
4a4e60eb wants 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,280 BRIDGE.MARCO
0b699e05 wants 0.0387 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,557 BRIDGE.MARCO
virtual paid 9,557 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.0387 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ac23b891 sent 1,255 BRIDGE.JIYO to
6bdd5723 cancel order
250515cf paid 0.01946 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,048 BRIDGE.JIYO
e673866a paid 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC for 210 BRIDGE.JIYO
0f8d49f9 wants 1,306 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.02424 BRIDGE.BTC
f2e329f8 cancel order
dd66e79e wants 1,308 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.02424 BRIDGE.BTC
8fe6d9f8 wants 0.02416 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,130 BRIDGE.MARCO
virtual paid 1,050 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,923 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00914 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,157 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.01016 BRIDGE.BTC
b02c4675 sent 751 BRIDGE.JIYO to
7f7fe2d4 paid 0.01307 BRIDGE.BTC for 753 BRIDGE.JIYO
57545e66 wants 753 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.01307 BRIDGE.BTC
61131153 wants 0.00292 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,848 BRIDGE.YCE
c5319c48 cancel order
52b41a78 paid 1,407 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00466 BRIDGE.BTC
992991c6 wants 0.00466 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,407 BRIDGE.MARCO
c036a4e2 cancel order
b69b33bc wants 0.00474 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,407 BRIDGE.MARCO
b837215a cancel order
55116aa1 wants 0.00477 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,407 BRIDGE.MARCO
5e141a60 wants 0.001305 BRIDGE.BTC for 406 BRIDGE.MARCO
virtual paid 406 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.001305 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
56d9ec82 cancel order
56583fc8 wants 1,006 BRIDGE.LUNEX for 0.00712 BRIDGE.BTC
ab6d262b cancel order
4ea07067 paid 0.877 BRIDGE.LUNEX for 0.00002894 BRIDGE.BTC
7abf9ade sent 236.5 BRIDGE.JIYO to
f0735829 paid 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC for 237.5 BRIDGE.JIYO
85e4f5b3 wants 237.5 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
f4f2310e cancel order
04ed9c1b wants 0.00174 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,850 BRIDGE.YCE
448e4524 cancel order
167d021b wants 238 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
d85d4d08 cancel order
fb5e3296 wants 211 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
48714bd7 cancel order
41c26a4d wants 211.4 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
abb9b33f cancel order
662e00b4 wants 216 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
3d431d9d cancel order
33e38931 wants 228.4 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
e1820425 cancel order
f081f81c wants 234.6 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
be47c5c4 wants 0.00002894 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.877 BRIDGE.LUNEX
2a94c01f cancel order
b00efd21 wants 0.0000295 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.894 BRIDGE.LUNEX
41fc0561 cancel order
e2ad59bf wants 0.001792 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,850 BRIDGE.YCE
588bcb92 cancel order
efac6c2d wants 0.00001852 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.561 BRIDGE.LUNEX
72f3ccf2 cancel order
317d06ed wants 0.00001924 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.579 BRIDGE.LUNEX
8116ec18 wants 0.001832 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,851 BRIDGE.YCE
891362d5 cancel order
d02f5dcd wants 0.00259 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,851 BRIDGE.YCE
0ce767c1 cancel order
47f5bd4c wants 0.00263 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,851 BRIDGE.YCE
2b1c320b cancel order
2af9f27f wants 0.002666 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
92f124ca cancel order
95b36470 wants 0.002704 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
1e752337 cancel order
3f55a53a wants 1,005 BRIDGE.LUNEX for 0.0071 BRIDGE.BTC
9c1407ac cancel order
4fbc5514 wants 0.00276 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
99d6be70 cancel order
736dc8ca wants 0.002704 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
e214f653 cancel order
e3b3f0a6 wants 0.00274 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
f115d801 cancel order
707bfbc9 wants 100,000 BRIDGE.YCE for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
cb3fe5d7 cancel order
76dec9a6 wants 0.00309 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
e02969ac cancel order
3dc6de95 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.YCE for 0.0024 BRIDGE.BTC
e6d2b572 cancel order
e5f1a910 cancel order
1f8f61e5 wants 0.00439 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
2076bb46 cancel order
d1656553 cancel order
70a8b3fe wants 10,000 BRIDGE.YCE for 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC
49f2229a wants 0.00443 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
4cc9fd70 cancel order
d6c6e645 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.YCE for 0.0028 BRIDGE.BTC
535e1c71 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.YCE for 0.0026 BRIDGE.BTC
02964bdd wants 0.00457 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.YCE
99023e82 cancel orders (2)
c24e0ae0 paid 500 BRIDGE.YCE for 0.001245 BRIDGE.BTC
e249c8f1 wants 0.00586 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,352 BRIDGE.YCE
9be20c27 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.YCE for 0.0024 BRIDGE.BTC
383a0446 paid 2,261 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00699 BRIDGE.BTC
774c7b8c paid 899 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00278 BRIDGE.BTC
c838e082 wants 0.00976 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,160 BRIDGE.MARCO
fcca8019 cancel order
0b16b835 sent 757 BRIDGE.JIYO to
a42ec479 wants 759 BRIDGE.JIYO for 0.01228 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01228 BRIDGE.BTC for 759 BRIDGE.JIYO
788be0e1 cancel order
bafffab3 wants 7,183 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.01228 BRIDGE.BTC
cc675075 cancel order
f7b9f667 wants 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,160 BRIDGE.MARCO
0656f84d cancel order
519c5e5c wants 0.01097 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,160 BRIDGE.MARCO
bf1c0d61 cancel order
c1c10abe wants 7,312 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.01228 BRIDGE.BTC
caff4db7 sent 0.012 BRIDGE.BTC to
fdcce5d3 wants 0.01103 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,160 BRIDGE.MARCO
07eeb385 wants 0.01862 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,207 BRIDGE.MARCO
virtual paid 6,207 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.01862 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
28511821 paid 1,736 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00571 BRIDGE.BTC
cc5650cd wants 0.00571 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,736 BRIDGE.MARCO
508887c7 cancel order
fec7a7c1 wants 0.00606 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,736 BRIDGE.MARCO
2aefcfb9 cancel order
1328cc18 wants 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,736 BRIDGE.MARCO
65d6ce28 cancel order
c07e0bb5 wants 0.00406 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,736 BRIDGE.MARCO
06aeb6dc cancel order
f71fd9c7 sent 0.0617 BRIDGE.BTC to
d1f38d63 cancel order
18e4c1fb wants 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,736 BRIDGE.MARCO
06dc0032 cancel order
40033eba wants 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,736 BRIDGE.MARCO
633270e3 cancel order
54141055 wants 3.61 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0617 BRIDGE.BTC
40d61051 cancel order
f0de5af4 wants 3.57 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0617 BRIDGE.BTC
92f9a15c wants 0.00483 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,736 BRIDGE.MARCO
ab950e3a wants 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC for 417 BRIDGE.MARCO
virtual paid 417 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
186b3644 wants 0.0583 BRIDGE.BTC for 22,962 BRIDGE.MARCO
virtual paid 22,962 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.0583 BRIDGE.BTC
b98a3ae1 wants 0.00255 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.MARCO
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00255 BRIDGE.BTC
2ace22dc sent 2.364 BRIDGE.LTC to
bf54b49a wants 2.37 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.041 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.041 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.37 BRIDGE.LTC
09de22b3 paid 16,975 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.0411 BRIDGE.BTC
782e0073 wants 0.0411 BRIDGE.BTC for 16,975 BRIDGE.MARCO
1d616a02 cancel order
0ae56744 wants 0.0414 BRIDGE.BTC for 16,975 BRIDGE.MARCO
cc47ca0a cancel order
99fb3795 wants 0.0419 BRIDGE.BTC for 16,975 BRIDGE.MARCO
9c81a941 sent 1.528 BRIDGE.LTC to
e4fd6267 wants 0.37 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00644 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00644 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.37 BRIDGE.LTC
39dd1734 cancel order
d3681427 paid 0.00584 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.336 BRIDGE.LTC
25924090 paid 0.00412 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.237 BRIDGE.LTC
c7311eb1 wants 1.53 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.02665 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00952 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.547 BRIDGE.LTC
75ad9a4d paid 0.000363 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0209 BRIDGE.LTC
455f9c36 paid 0.000362 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0208 BRIDGE.LTC
ac717229 wants 0.02644 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,222 BRIDGE.MARCO
virtual paid 13,222 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.02644 BRIDGE.BTC
d37869de cancel order
d3a58598 wants 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,222 BRIDGE.MARCO
e544dcdf cancel order
0fe42669 paid 10 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.0000229 BRIDGE.BTC
631ecc4c paid 102 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.0002336 BRIDGE.BTC
b164d0a9 wants 0.03054 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,334 BRIDGE.MARCO
8acb9924 sent 0.909 BRIDGE.LTC to
15ca3a1f wants 0.912 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.01537 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01537 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.912 BRIDGE.LTC
b27b33a7 paid 7,000 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.0154 BRIDGE.BTC
c025d1f9 wants 0.0154 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,000 BRIDGE.MARCO
bed38328 cancel order
dc37a605 wants 0.01582 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,000 BRIDGE.MARCO
081d10b6 cancel order
4d29a4f9 wants 0.01603 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,000 BRIDGE.MARCO