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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid0.305 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BRIDGE.MUE 0.00033 0
virtual cancel order
f92dcf74 wants 0.0473 BRIDGE.BTC for 351 BRIDGE.USERV
1cbbc949 cancel order
7debf71a wants 0.0629 BRIDGE.BTC for 340 BRIDGE.USERV
d38d4500 cancel order
beaa1759 cancel order
0937a6e2 issue 3.24 BRIDGE.USERV to
2ced98c8 issue 1.298 BRIDGE.USERV to
79b7bb91 wants 0.0379 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.3 BRIDGE.USERV
1c87fcb4 cancel order
fca625aa wants 0.0315 BRIDGE.BTC for 157.6 BRIDGE.USERV
61962cda paid 0.00524 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.7 BRIDGE.USERV
fe2747fc paid 0.00057 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.56 BRIDGE.USERV
abf9e8c5 paid 0.00747 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.6 BRIDGE.USERV
6c891bc9 paid 0.00784 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BRIDGE.USERV
9bd851b1 paid 0.002234 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.95 BRIDGE.USERV
8acfa3bd paid 0.0001912 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.195 BRIDGE.USERV
8d7c50cf paid 0.001597 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.97 BRIDGE.USERV
6802da68 wants 157 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.02514 BRIDGE.BTC
5a29a3b8 cancel order
090085a6 wants 164.3 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.02514 BRIDGE.BTC
60cc600c cancel order
ff06f92c wants 0.0394 BRIDGE.BTC for 171.5 BRIDGE.USERV
b289fb8e cancel order
c653d549 cancel order
01930338 cancel order
634b28a0 cancel order
77c573b7 wants 1,042 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.7 BRIDGE.USERV
e5aac0eb cancel order
f2d0b413 wants 0.0868 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.5 BRIDGE.USERV
d026349d paid 0.00534 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.6 BRIDGE.USERV
42b3c68e wants 226 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0305 BRIDGE.BTC
b1b70d5b wants 0.01476 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.8 BRIDGE.USERV
0e477f4f paid 0.00952 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.7 BRIDGE.USERV
55a293c0 wants 68.7 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00952 BRIDGE.BTC
d1e3effd wants 0.001037 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.18 BRIDGE.USERV
ebdee552 wants 0.01016 BRIDGE.BTC for 50.8 BRIDGE.USERV
c25282e5 wants 19.26 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00259 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00259 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.26 BRIDGE.USERV
91f0fb11 wants 7.45 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001003 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001003 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.45 BRIDGE.USERV
f5f59076 wants 9.21 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00124 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00124 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.21 BRIDGE.USERV
52186075 wants 9.2 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001224 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00109 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.2 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 0.000133 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.USERV
35921974 cancel order
da81a5c2 cancel order
4f287f64 wants 39.3 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
e99279d5 wants 11.36 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.001307 BRIDGE.BTC
4e268612 paid 11 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00131 BRIDGE.BTC
3c1eb160 wants 0.00131 BRIDGE.BTC for 11 BRIDGE.USERV
ff228e55 sent 0.001738 BRIDGE.BTC to
cb93a16b wants 0.000681 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.78 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 7.78 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.000681 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
db8d98d9 wants 0.00107 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.19 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 12.19 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00107 BRIDGE.BTC
878da43f cancel order
c8c0145e paid 0.01 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00000125 BRIDGE.BTC
ea5249b2 wants 0.001624 BRIDGE.BTC for 13 BRIDGE.USERV
121ed5d2 sent 0.000858 BRIDGE.BTC to
b6c82c81 wants 0.00087 BRIDGE.BTC for 99 BRIDGE.MUE
virtual paid 99 BRIDGE.MUE for 0.00087 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
62ba740b cancel order
d03063cd wants 0.00121 BRIDGE.BTC for 98.9 BRIDGE.MUE