立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.00002 BTS
Lifetime fees paid83.9 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00002
DEEX 1,205
DEEX.ETH 0.0569
e01226cd sent 12.27 DEEX to
097c030a sent 12.27 DEEX to
0f390dc9 sent 12.27 DEEX to
1c77c9ad sent 12.27 DEEX to
1641bfbc sent 12.27 DEEX to
2618a9fa sent 12.27 DEEX to
98caa543 sent 12.27 DEEX to
3c30d55c sent 12.27 DEEX to
3d7841d4 sent 12.27 DEEX to
6a85e5c3 sent 12.27 DEEX to
712513e0 sent 12.27 DEEX to
67c5ddbe sent 49.1 DEEX to
6237ede5 sent 12.27 DEEX to
884281e3 sent 12.27 DEEX to
33d863e3 sent 12.27 DEEX to
c047fddd sent 61.4 DEEX to
59c588fb sent 12.27 DEEX to
4a19c4a8 sent 12.27 DEEX to
7be1d0ea sent 12.27 DEEX to
44331d08 sent 36.8 DEEX to
2df3f86a sent 12.27 DEEX to
bc515b3c sent 12.27 DEEX to
32460a34 sent 49.1 DEEX to
b7ff07dd sent 73.6 DEEX to
f858cd61 sent 36.8 DEEX to
cfa828be sent 24.55 DEEX to
488a3ad0 sent 24.55 DEEX to
fbdc63f7 sent 49.1 DEEX to
1eb8e107 sent 12.27 DEEX to
70f3671e sent 61.4 DEEX to
bce999b6 sent 49.1 DEEX to
df9a8c01 sent 12.27 DEEX to
8a895248 sent 49.1 DEEX to
8cdb255f sent 73.6 DEEX to
8d7032cb sent 12.27 DEEX to
53099d9e sent 73.6 DEEX to
4d4b5b9a sent 49.1 DEEX to
0e48c13a sent 73.6 DEEX to
e6ab8147 sent 49.1 DEEX to
981a0b88 sent 12.27 DEEX to
b0a9f5be sent 12.27 DEEX to
1b2a090f sent 12.27 DEEX to
26124f7c sent 12.27 DEEX to
a92007f8 sent 12.27 DEEX to
7692bb6c sent 12.27 DEEX to
b78d3b2c sent 12.27 DEEX to
ffad9a6b sent 12.27 DEEX to
0bb19f3a sent 12.27 DEEX to
10fe3b4e sent 12.27 DEEX to
1f7c9809 sent 12.27 DEEX to
dbf6df6e sent 12.27 DEEX to
22f78e8a sent 12.27 DEEX to
2b947279 sent 24.55 DEEX to
d4941264 sent 12.27 DEEX to
9a3df2f8 sent 12.27 DEEX to
2b34e4d1 sent 12.27 DEEX to
b5a317fb sent 12.27 DEEX to
7a2250aa sent 12.27 DEEX to
b5046a47 sent 24.55 DEEX to
1d1ca771 sent 12.27 DEEX to
b65bf2ff sent 36.8 DEEX to
35465769 sent 12.27 DEEX to
f1a47491 sent 24.55 DEEX to
e3a34210 sent 24.55 DEEX to
d3cb1cf2 sent 24.55 DEEX to
083b5eea sent 12.27 DEEX to
15264b63 sent 12.27 DEEX to
65001aa8 sent 36.8 DEEX to
382777d3 sent 12.27 DEEX to
9d83f53c sent 49.1 DEEX to
ba05fa40 sent 49.1 DEEX to
d4fd7bc3 sent 12.27 DEEX to
1e462531 sent 12.27 DEEX to
3ff0bcec sent 49.1 DEEX to
ede028fe sent 24.55 DEEX to
680ca1c2 sent 36.8 DEEX to
beb5564f sent 36.8 DEEX to
103c85b9 sent 24.55 DEEX to
e5b20020 sent 12.27 DEEX to
9351dff6 sent 12.27 DEEX to
55cea44b sent 12.27 DEEX to
d5c30044 sent 24.55 DEEX to
9780bb69 sent 12.27 DEEX to
a2d150fd sent 36.8 DEEX to
e5ccd1f3 sent 12.27 DEEX to
edad2017 sent 13 DEEX to
13589ea7 sent 12.27 DEEX to
4c960478 sent 12.27 DEEX to
712a1d83 sent 10 DEEX to
3b50a03a sent 12.27 DEEX to
198af8c6 sent 61.4 DEEX to
18ef1fc8 sent 61.4 DEEX to
0651b597 sent 49.1 DEEX to
fc79389a sent 24.55 DEEX to
bea2aca2 sent 61.4 DEEX to
35b178c8 sent 12.27 DEEX to
0de98bf0 sent 12.27 DEEX to
4310a5cd sent 49.1 DEEX to
41e4bf78 sent 12.27 DEEX to
7c040664 sent 24.55 DEEX to
a16f49ed sent 61.4 DEEX to
90f31099 sent 49.1 DEEX to
9ce0ce3b sent 12.27 DEEX to
a40103a8 sent 12.27 DEEX to
d86cd0f6 sent 61.4 DEEX to
0a92f306 sent 12.27 DEEX to
89c6379e sent 61.4 DEEX to
9ee12bc3 sent 24.55 DEEX to
1e8190c4 sent 73.6 DEEX to
6c8ed925 sent 61.4 DEEX to
125b095d sent 36.8 DEEX to
f60ba4f8 sent 12.27 DEEX to
9e51e5a4 sent 12.27 DEEX to
9bd2371a sent 73.6 DEEX to
1ba6bf72 sent 24.55 DEEX to
ef91502d sent 49.1 DEEX to
7bfed348 sent 36.8 DEEX to
0da69616 sent 61.4 DEEX to
5bb19a8f sent 24.55 DEEX to
50c71978 sent 73.6 DEEX to
eac1ad32 sent 12.27 DEEX to
db31c708 sent 36.8 DEEX to
23556230 sent 61.4 DEEX to
94b6eac6 sent 11,052 DEEX to
ef60aa01 fund DEEX fee pool with 189.40285 BTS
c464c071 wants 202 BTS for 1,000 DEEX
virtual paid 1,000 DEEX for 202 BTS
c7e7a39b sent 1,313 DEEX to
1b5396d1 sent 1,373 DEEX to
c4b985b3 sent 1,398 DEEX to
f80f6245 sent 15 BTS to
dd05b3a1 wants 15 BTS for 75 DEEX
virtual paid 75 DEEX for 15 BTS
f3e4e4d1 wants 95.2 DEEX for 0.01 DEEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.01 DEEX.ETH for 95.2 DEEX
e3e2cfe4 sent 10 BTS to
a0383354 wants 10 BTS for 50 DEEX
virtual paid 50 DEEX for 10 BTS
a80daa49 sent 2.273 DEEX to
e5b6796d sent 2.273 DEEX to
da2cfb8b wants 94.5 DEEX for 0.01 DEEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.01 DEEX.ETH for 94.5 DEEX
7e385f7c sent 2.273 DEEX to
82d045ed sent 2.273 DEEX to
0c5fbcad sent 2.273 DEEX to
a3720991 sent 2.273 DEEX to
52a3b1e6 sent 2.273 DEEX to
5a2222e8 sent 2.273 DEEX to
50509044 sent 2.273 DEEX to
6e83f26b sent 2.273 DEEX to
d6b862ce sent 2.273 DEEX to
0d212da7 sent 0.01 DEEX to
1a77c26c sent 0.01 DEEX to
73a08d23 sent 0.01 DEEX to
aa564e91 sent 0.01 DEEX to
6a077762 sent 0.01 DEEX to
a0db2547 sent 0.01 DEEX to
4c94cc89 sent 0.01 DEEX to
8ece3d99 sent 0.01 DEEX to
15381cae sent 0.01 DEEX to
db6e4731 sent 0.01 DEEX to
d10004b4 sent 0.01 DEEX to
e98cf184 sent 0.01 DEEX to
ebc1a96f sent 0.55 BTS to
a99c4920 wants 0.55 BTS for 2.75 DEEX
virtual paid 2.75 DEEX for 0.55 BTS
8ae60afc sent 0.0673 DEEX to
df3a5b54 sent 0.51 DEEX to
763f74fd wants 47.3 DEEX for 0.005 DEEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.005 DEEX.ETH for 47.3 DEEX
fc8fe714 cancel order
293b647d wants 50 DEEX for 0.005 DEEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.00308 DEEX.ETH for 30.8 DEEX
28f366a6 sent 39.8 BTS to
63186446 wants 35.9 BTS for 199.5 DEEX
virtual paid 199.5 DEEX for 35.9 BTS
72605b3d wants 135 DEEX for 0.015 DEEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.015 DEEX.ETH for 135 DEEX
b0484cfa cancel order
1c74fec1 wants 0.000002 DEEX.ETH for 0.0186 DEEX
9a401d02 wants 3.85 BTS for 7,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 7,000 BADCOIN for 3.85 BTS
6924298a cancel order
a6f4e195 wants 9.1 BTS for 7,000 BADCOIN