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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid33 BTS
39e93f4d sent 2,102 BTS to
a3b3454f paid 85 CNY for 179.5 BTS
798449fa wants 2,102 BTS for 996 CNY
475d2423 paid 875 CNY for 1,848 BTS
3ddaf3d0 paid 35.3 CNY for 74.5 BTS
05bc27d1 paid 2,069 BTSUCN for 0.1407 CNY
virtual cancel order
0ef150e9 paid 12,867,647 BTSUCN for 875 CNY
0387df30 paid 7,287 BTSUCN for 0.496 CNY
a3dad84d wants 876 CNY for 12,877,003 BTSUCN
ae36ab7f paid 226 BTS for 121 CNY
1dbdf5a3 wants 121 CNY for 226 BTS
1bf12cfe paid 22.6 CNY for 44.7 BTS
186f7e55 wants 44.7 BTS for 22.6 CNY
f2ec70b3 cancel order
ce4e5c57 wants 44.6 BTS for 22.6 CNY
beea6c3f cancel order
69cd5505 wants 44.3 BTS for 22.6 CNY
6dcabccd paid 288,733 BTSUCN for 22.6 CNY
37c83ec2 paid 90.2 CNY for 180.3 BTS
c3e6f363 wants 22.6 CNY for 288,733 BTSUCN
f52ffeed cancel order
b05f8a84 wants 180.3 BTS for 90.2 CNY
aad42a5a wants 26 CNY for 288,733 BTSUCN
18e144b0 cancel order
f4a21147 wants 26 CNY for 288,733 BTSUCN
9206716a cancel order
b2b6eeaa paid 95,260 BTSUCN for 8.57 CNY
virtual paid 568,609 BTSUCN for 51.2 CNY
0951eef4 wants 8.57 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
db44ee2b wants 77.2 CNY for 857,342 BTSUCN
f2069d21 cancel order
50682704 paid 381,041 BTSUCN for 30.5 CNY
16bdb35f wants 30.5 CNY for 381,041 BTSUCN
61db9fb4 wants 77.2 CNY for 514,406 BTSUCN
de6ecf1f cancel order
a7b4caef wants 56.6 CNY for 514,406 BTSUCN
5304a948 sent 685 BTS to
86a021ff wants 682 BTS for 328 CNY
virtual paid 328 CNY for 682 BTS
20822f29 wants 14 CNY for 190,521 BTSUCN
virtual paid 190,520 BTSUCN for 14.02 CNY
virtual cancel order
ebbffc7b cancel order
74ae6dfd wants 28.6 CNY for 190,521 BTSUCN
10cd6703 paid 2,856,025 BTSUCN for 254 CNY
88514ef9 paid 646,970 BTSUCN for 57.6 CNY
66c8a3c0 wants 312 CNY for 3,502,994 BTSUCN
9aed0170 cancel order
750a7705 cancel order
1915edd4 wants 42.9 CNY for 476,301 BTSUCN
4d1862c2 wants 272.4 CNY for 3,026,693 BTSUCN
4abb5b70 cancel order
a262eefd wants 272.4 CNY for 3,026,693 BTSUCN
a7be29fe cancel order
435a3524 wants 272.4 CNY for 3,026,693 BTSUCN
effd9f27 cancel order
7fdf300b wants 272.4 CNY for 3,026,693 BTSUCN
ae95b591 cancel order
3719093b wants 272.4 CNY for 3,026,693 BTSUCN
e5301186 cancel order
c105bcc7 wants 397 CNY for 2,645,652 BTSUCN
d1a53d87 cancel order
23abf2c5 wants 238 CNY for 2,645,652 BTSUCN
846e19ac cancel order
b578b7a3 wants 262 CNY for 2,645,652 BTSUCN
a4cb60bb cancel order
1e1b1cf1 wants 238 CNY for 2,645,652 BTSUCN
3c88c12c cancel order
906ce46c wants 397 CNY for 2,645,652 BTSUCN
f9810dc5 cancel order
a3603e1b cancel order
55b322af paid 21,413 BTSUCN for 1.927 CNY
abc237f9 wants 71.4 CNY for 476,301 BTSUCN
9b55c494 wants 197 CNY for 2,190,765 BTSUCN
cbc4883f cancel order
4fa11b10 wants 197 CNY for 2,190,765 BTSUCN
83b917f0 cancel order
d11309b6 wants 217 CNY for 2,190,765 BTSUCN
0901d850 cancel order
db218703 wants 217 CNY for 2,190,765 BTSUCN
c0fe0abe cancel order
06ab433b wants 217 CNY for 2,190,765 BTSUCN
33f06ca2 cancel order
6d5939db wants 219 CNY for 2,190,765 BTSUCN
5916907f cancel order
ad266189 wants 241 CNY for 2,190,765 BTSUCN
eefec4bd cancel order
4b0c77aa wants 178 CNY for 1,619,204 BTSUCN
037b11b8 cancel order
cd779bd7 wants 176.5 CNY for 1,619,204 BTSUCN
62207cc0 cancel order
5ed5caa4 wants 178 CNY for 1,619,204 BTSUCN
4a028744 cancel order
b18b3678 cancel order
96dab49b wants 41.9 CNY for 381,041 BTSUCN
b0886e51 wants 148.6 CNY for 1,238,163 BTSUCN
d9973b01 cancel order
52b05bf4 wants 157.2 CNY for 1,238,163 BTSUCN
997f3b2d cancel order
a9d393c5 cancel order
1464333e wants 48.4 CNY for 381,041 BTSUCN
aaf204b1 wants 103 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
8581b14e cancel order
05d869b8 wants 102.9 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
41c43601 cancel order
d736e5c5 wants 102.9 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
29598769 cancel order
b0a16eac wants 87.9 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
c88f5eb7 cancel order
95094bfc wants 87.9 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
3d6157d7 cancel order
8fa0ce45 wants 85.7 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
216741e1 cancel order
5e5a0749 wants 102.9 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
af897054 cancel order
f70c7a5d wants 87.9 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
be2ffb66 cancel order
9543a88f wants 87.9 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
9ae89e44 cancel order
ca910a44 wants 87.4 CNY for 857,122 BTSUCN
1f651383 cancel order
58c16247 wants 66.7 CNY for 666,602 BTSUCN
48b91050 cancel order
473378f7 cancel order
de4e0fee wants 19.05 CNY for 190,520 BTSUCN
dfbf049b sent 145 BTS to
ea5c2b26 wants 47.6 CNY for 476,082 BTSUCN
dafe7070 paid 36 CNY for 153 BTS
91cbea66 wants 153 BTS for 36 CNY
2dcd641f wants 32.5 CNY for 153.6 BTS
virtual paid 153.6 BTS for 36.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
c7cab279 wants 0.0013 CNY for 19 BTSUCN
virtual paid 18.3 BTSUCN for 0.0013 CNY
virtual cancel order
31445f68 wants 0.0144 CNY for 202.3 BTSUCN
virtual paid 201.4 BTSUCN for 0.0144 CNY
virtual cancel order
68b130c5 wants 151.5 BTS for 26.24 CNY
virtual paid 26.24 CNY for 154 BTS
15c7c630 wants 25.9 CNY for 381,041 BTSUCN
virtual paid 289,855 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
virtual paid 91,185 BTSUCN for 6.27 CNY
virtual cancel order
a9d35c44 cancel order
29ded924 wants 0.0028 CNY for 40 BTSUCN
36680919 sent 2,128 BTS to
7a1deb54 wants 2,073 BTS for 393 CNY
virtual paid 393 CNY for 2,123 BTS
aa5ab9cf wants 353 CNY for 5,429,820 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,096,233 BTSUCN for 80.1 CNY
virtual paid 1,452,232 BTSUCN for 106 CNY
virtual paid 1,270,400 BTSUCN for 92.7 CNY
virtual paid 1,610,955 BTSUCN for 114.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
cbdc8829 sent 6,380 BTS to
ea1820d5 wants 6,376 BTS for 1,020 CNY
virtual paid 143.8 CNY for 900 BTS
virtual paid 876 CNY for 5,477 BTS
144148d2 wants 922 CNY for 4,286,707 BTSUCN
virtual paid 296,353 BTSUCN for 71.1 CNY
virtual paid 2,500,000 BTSUCN for 600 CNY
virtual paid 1,490,354 BTSUCN for 350 CNY
virtual cancel order
5ebc96f1 sent 15,700 BTS to
8bd9b856 wants 15,469 BTS for 2,026 CNY
virtual paid 3.96 CNY for 30.75 BTS
virtual paid 258 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 645 CNY for 5,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,031 CNY for 8,000 BTS
virtual paid 88.6 CNY for 683 BTS
8fd765e3 wants 288.6 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
virtual paid 95,260 BTSUCN for 288.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
3e694b8b wants 288.6 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
virtual paid 95,260 BTSUCN for 288.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
e9d2cb78 paid 73,754 BTSUCN for 223.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
48a7106d wants 577 CNY for 190,520 BTSUCN
virtual paid 116,766 BTSUCN for 355 CNY
cb0ca857 wants 289.7 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
virtual paid 95,260 BTSUCN for 290 CNY
virtual cancel order
b9bcab9d wants 290 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
virtual paid 95,260 BTSUCN for 291.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
3c6f79a8 wants 291.7 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
virtual paid 95,260 BTSUCN for 292 CNY
virtual cancel order
0e65b549 sent 33,580 BTS to
0a4b2131 wants 1,865 BTS for 291.7 CNY
virtual paid 291.7 CNY for 1,865 BTS
f5164d11 cancel order
03e76399 wants 1,989 BTS for 291.7 CNY
c2c26301 wants 291.7 CNY for 95,260 BTSUCN
virtual paid 95,260 BTSUCN for 292 CNY
virtual cancel order
86b0e754 paid 291.7 CNY for 1,865 BTS