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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight49.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.53 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 49.5
07fc23dc issue 4,000 BRIDGE.ARRR to
90c6b936 sent 0.245 BRIDGE.BTC to
56ed219e sent 0.01 OPTIONS.J19CALL to
25c1bcf7 wants 50 BTS for 0.000254 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000254 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
ed7476fd wants 0.046 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,492 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 6,492 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.046 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
9a1a712d wants 0.1835 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,811 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 426 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 424 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0032 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 538 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 28.85 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0002144 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3,297 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0235 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 21,097 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.15 BRIDGE.BTC
692b0807 cancel order
4d6c3c78 wants 0.424 BRIDGE.BTC for 32,304 BRIDGE.ARRR
73979699 cancel order
c618a532 wants 0.481 BRIDGE.BTC for 32,304 BRIDGE.ARRR
e79eb39d cancel order
f9b9613c paid 1.455 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00002203 BRIDGE.BTC
3c8162cb paid 396 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.006 BRIDGE.BTC
79c03e64 wants 0.495 BRIDGE.BTC for 32,701 BRIDGE.ARRR
64ab4099 cancel order
e0a5dc4f wants 0.72 BRIDGE.BTC for 32,701 BRIDGE.ARRR
166903d7 wants 2,175 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0515 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0515 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,175 BRIDGE.ARRR
8eb9f6b6 cancel order
7dede7e4 paid 0.000012 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.685 BRIDGE.ARRR
6e41a9ae wants 3,550 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0515 BRIDGE.BTC
78b699cd cancel order
42acf608 wants 1,200 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.021 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.021 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,200 BRIDGE.ARRR
e6aa2d1d wants 453 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00747 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002575 BRIDGE.BTC for 156 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 0.0049 BRIDGE.BTC for 297 BRIDGE.ARRR
42f90d88 cancel order
ae9ab513 sent 100 BRIDGE.ARRR to
18070aaa sent 4,000 BRIDGE.ARRR to
0380a4c7 sent 300 BRIDGE.ARRR to
4fad406f paid 0.0596 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,443 BRIDGE.ARRR
ebedbe98 paid 0.01034 BRIDGE.BTC for 770 BRIDGE.ARRR
eb36b7aa paid 0.001648 BRIDGE.BTC for 122.8 BRIDGE.ARRR
98aac6d3 paid 0.0000544 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.62 BRIDGE.ARRR
e4b9f30d wants 6,655 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.08 BRIDGE.BTC
f330ffd0 wants 5,336 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0716 BRIDGE.BTC
f0daba7f wants 5,403 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0811 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0642 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,282 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 0.01518 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,012 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 0.001635 BRIDGE.BTC for 109 BRIDGE.ARRR
1876bd23 cancel order
0e3d297e wants 7,925 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.1189 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0378 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,522 BRIDGE.ARRR
88bb0410 cancel orders (15)
165e3caf wants 50,302 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.02817 BRIDGE.BTC
6b10f3f9 wants 56,587 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0645 BRIDGE.BTC
d66ee794 wants 5,659 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.065 BRIDGE.BTC
be1f32e9 wants 5,659 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0672 BRIDGE.BTC
91b7c73c wants 189.2 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.002335 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002335 BRIDGE.BTC for 189.2 BRIDGE.ARRR
e0ec36ef wants 496 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00609 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002666 BRIDGE.BTC for 217 BRIDGE.ARRR
e64d0ffa wants 122.6 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.001505 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001505 BRIDGE.BTC for 122.6 BRIDGE.ARRR
767365f1 wants 2,289 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.022 BRIDGE.BTC
4b32779f wants 18,018 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC
0d9b5a68 wants 6,000 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.078 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.078 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,000 BRIDGE.ARRR
bca1a0de wants 9,375 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.1215 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.1215 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,375 BRIDGE.ARRR
0203b787 cancel order
1901b74f wants 798 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01034 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000463 BRIDGE.BTC for 35.8 BRIDGE.ARRR
edb6090d wants 3,000 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0389 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0389 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.ARRR
98cfa877 cancel order
c8453b30 cancel order
db193dc2 cancel order
35ed1293 cancel order
ba2f1ca4 cancel order
079e1bf0 cancel order
9b552a8e cancel order
2aadce3a wants 4,001 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00096 BRIDGE.BTC
99aac9b1 wants 10,001 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00435 BRIDGE.BTC
b2419660 wants 1,001 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00435 BRIDGE.BTC
aa2a08e4 wants 1,001 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00535 BRIDGE.BTC
e56cfee7 wants 1,001 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00635 BRIDGE.BTC
cdce6d0f cancel order
4167a24e wants 0.2095 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.ARRR
1b76ce08 wants 0.0191 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ARRR
4511adae wants 0.0091 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ARRR
6f18c962 wants 0.00609 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ARRR
303ae3f7 wants 0.209 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ARRR
88860d08 cancel order
7ff3223c cancel order
5b292aae wants 0.2074 BRIDGE.BTC for 190 BRIDGE.ARRR
9a01b3a1 wants 0.1372 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.ARRR
4e0e9679 wants 0.0772 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.ARRR
fc0722b5 wants 0.0944 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.ARRR
62fa27be wants 0.0504 BRIDGE.BTC for 346 BRIDGE.ARRR
46030ea9 wants 3,473 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.029 BRIDGE.BTC
ef245c64 wants 2,201 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0209 BRIDGE.BTC
6acfa7d5 wants 3,042 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
761abaef wants 1,148 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01672 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01672 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,148 BRIDGE.ARRR