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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00191 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.872 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00191
DEEX 0.1
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
0d294fab sent 0.1 DEEX to
55998df9 sent 0.001665 BRIDGE.BTC to
e6e52ac5 wants 0.000447 BRIDGE.BTC for 363 BRIDGE.PROTON
virtual paid 363 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000447 BRIDGE.BTC
a5cb3403 sent 0.73 BTS to
f5ac6f63 wants 0.000674 BRIDGE.BTC for 492 BRIDGE.PROTON
virtual paid 492 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000674 BRIDGE.BTC
9b393a6d cancel order
d659111a paid 130.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0002084 BRIDGE.BTC
70be6382 sent 0.9 BTS to
37fa00a1 wants 0.000996 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PROTON
f379c8f2 cancel orders (2)
f0855cca wants 33.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000453 BRIDGE.BTC
1fae6027 wants 0.0001123 BRIDGE.BTC for 80.9 BRIDGE.PROTON
6434740f cancel order
05d5bdde paid 0.0000521 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.9 BRIDGE.PROTON
251b4a49 wants 37.9 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000521 BRIDGE.BTC
05aa3f08 wants 0.0001065 BRIDGE.BTC for 76 BRIDGE.PROTON
95428cd0 cancel order
cef4fc92 paid 0.0000599 BRIDGE.BTC for 42.8 BRIDGE.PROTON
f83deb21 wants 42.8 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000599 BRIDGE.BTC
20d98a60 wants 0.0001005 BRIDGE.BTC for 70.4 BRIDGE.PROTON
acc437ec cancel order
b1447edb paid 0.0000688 BRIDGE.BTC for 47.6 BRIDGE.PROTON
9ce8e978 wants 47.6 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000688 BRIDGE.BTC
5bc54a00 wants 0.0000948 BRIDGE.BTC for 64.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
980df247 cancel order
b4d6f5de paid 0.0000783 BRIDGE.BTC for 50.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
33c086b9 paid 0.00000072 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.47 BRIDGE.PROTON
47d77777 wants 51 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000079 BRIDGE.BTC
fad59660 wants 0.0000912 BRIDGE.BTC for 57.6 BRIDGE.PROTON
8a7b1f45 cancel orders (2)
cc64cd24 wants 50.6 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000079 BRIDGE.BTC
09e9fb54 wants 0.0000906 BRIDGE.BTC for 57.6 BRIDGE.PROTON
b0bc4fa1 cancel orders (2)
be2212fb wants 48.7 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000079 BRIDGE.BTC
ab327a2f wants 0.0000942 BRIDGE.BTC for 57.6 BRIDGE.PROTON
05d293c4 cancel order
961d5fe8 paid 66.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000993 BRIDGE.BTC
0aa7f34e wants 44.4 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000662 BRIDGE.BTC
811e4246 wants 0.0000993 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
d0ed3ede cancel order
b550acfa paid 0.0000761 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.8 BRIDGE.PROTON
3e9263d4 wants 46.8 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000761 BRIDGE.BTC
5cb1a36b wants 0.0000983 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.2 BRIDGE.PROTON
c0fbbfc3 cancel order
ce07ad8d paid 68.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001024 BRIDGE.BTC
71786417 paid 0.00000903 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.05 BRIDGE.PROTON
781c878d sent 1.2 BTS to
8845d737 wants 42.9 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000064 BRIDGE.BTC
d8ceee74 wants 0.0001024 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
9a12ace4 cancel order
e6076dd0 paid 0.0000735 BRIDGE.BTC for 44.9 BRIDGE.PROTON
62a06057 wants 44.9 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000735 BRIDGE.BTC
185e70e7 wants 0.0001028 BRIDGE.BTC for 62.4 BRIDGE.PROTON
8f6e9bd0 cancel order
69022672 paid 71.8 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000105 BRIDGE.BTC
8f68d110 wants 41.1 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000599 BRIDGE.BTC
d0c2cb64 wants 0.000105 BRIDGE.BTC for 71.8 BRIDGE.PROTON
46dd7ba9 cancel order
58205868 paid 82.5 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001133 BRIDGE.BTC
ab78a02d wants 33.1 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000452 BRIDGE.BTC
bdf4c3e7 wants 0.0001133 BRIDGE.BTC for 82.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
255b3ff2 cancel order
a9611559 paid 94.8 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000129 BRIDGE.BTC
a50cf88a wants 21.04 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.00002846 BRIDGE.BTC
fff59432 wants 0.000129 BRIDGE.BTC for 94.8 BRIDGE.PROTON
e6ee8c87 cancel order
5eeb3980 paid 0.0000327 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.13 BRIDGE.PROTON
25c495a1 wants 24.13 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000327 BRIDGE.BTC
60d40d69 wants 0.000125 BRIDGE.BTC for 91.7 BRIDGE.PROTON
2c1c3151 cancel order
56685536 paid 0.0000376 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.6 BRIDGE.PROTON
4abc46fd wants 27.6 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000376 BRIDGE.BTC
d7b18aed wants 0.0001206 BRIDGE.BTC for 88.1 BRIDGE.PROTON
0ca2fbf0 cancel order
62f61e52 paid 0.0000432 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
8fa7be34 wants 31.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000432 BRIDGE.BTC
a654ec33 wants 0.0001167 BRIDGE.BTC for 84 BRIDGE.PROTON
84b77291 cancel order
89bf1df3 paid 0.0000497 BRIDGE.BTC for 35.2 BRIDGE.PROTON
022d8c0d wants 35.2 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000497 BRIDGE.BTC
6bffd13b wants 0.0001129 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
9e5e5f26 cancel order
7630ee93 paid 0.0000481 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
0e8bc757 paid 0.00000901 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.05 BRIDGE.PROTON
4f26809e wants 38.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000571 BRIDGE.BTC
67caf1c0 wants 0.0001115 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
6b01cb33 cancel order
4c870e44 paid 43.4 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.00006 BRIDGE.BTC
2c7a3894 paid 42.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000584 BRIDGE.BTC
e13effe7 wants 30.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000417 BRIDGE.BTC
c1f25a5e wants 0.0001185 BRIDGE.BTC for 85.7 BRIDGE.PROTON
3ded2c24 cancel order
8e678e13 paid 0.0000392 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.1 BRIDGE.PROTON
089de9cc paid 0.00000875 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.05 BRIDGE.PROTON
1b0ddff6 wants 33.2 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000048 BRIDGE.BTC
0646005a wants 0.0001182 BRIDGE.BTC for 81.4 BRIDGE.PROTON
51db20d4 cancel order
3c928555 paid 0.0000551 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
ef0810c5 wants 34.5 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000551 BRIDGE.BTC
b94353c0 wants 0.0001234 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.9 BRIDGE.PROTON
6e259652 cancel order
377f0dab paid 0.0000634 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
46d64414 wants 39.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000634 BRIDGE.BTC
52b33683 wants 0.0001163 BRIDGE.BTC for 71.8 BRIDGE.PROTON
943a6ffc cancel order
fa2790c6 paid 82.5 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001313 BRIDGE.BTC
d995fbe5 wants 29.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000463 BRIDGE.BTC
7e6d3ab0 wants 0.0001313 BRIDGE.BTC for 82.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
47f46e1d cancel order
a559700f paid 0.0000533 BRIDGE.BTC for 33.6 BRIDGE.PROTON
aab54f1d wants 33.6 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000533 BRIDGE.BTC
e5bc3859 wants 0.0001244 BRIDGE.BTC for 78.1 BRIDGE.PROTON
40f5c357 cancel order
6e4ca464 paid 0.0000516 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
7082e937 paid 0.0000096 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.05 BRIDGE.PROTON
a9f0030b wants 38.6 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000612 BRIDGE.BTC
bb73d342 wants 0.0001166 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.1 BRIDGE.PROTON
f4595b51 cancel order
badaf293 paid 0.0000704 BRIDGE.BTC for 44 BRIDGE.PROTON
be24e5e9 wants 44 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000704 BRIDGE.BTC
f6ae5fe6 wants 0.0001084 BRIDGE.BTC for 67.4 BRIDGE.PROTON
1f6c2aeb cancel order
821b53aa paid 0.0000809 BRIDGE.BTC for 50.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
7fd4fbda wants 50.5 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000809 BRIDGE.BTC
3562c7a0 wants 0.000098 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.9 BRIDGE.PROTON
ad16a9fd cancel order
efd327f8 paid 0.0000604 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.7 BRIDGE.PROTON
dbcc4158 paid 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.33 BRIDGE.PROTON
97816c52 wants 58.1 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000093 BRIDGE.BTC
9760ad59 wants 0.0000858 BRIDGE.BTC for 53.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
8bfc8b58 paid 52.4 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000836 BRIDGE.BTC
852ddea8 paid 0.0000942 BRIDGE.BTC for 59.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
c194ab43 paid 0.00000021 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.136 BRIDGE.PROTON
a9ac14f4 wants 59.5 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000944 BRIDGE.BTC
1a22c59b wants 0.0000836 BRIDGE.BTC for 52.4 BRIDGE.PROTON
d7552d6e cancel order
c089db95 paid 60.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000958 BRIDGE.BTC
f25d2d87 wants 51.8 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000082 BRIDGE.BTC
9163fc4c wants 0.0000958 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
85b930e3 cancel order
ba1d6d87 paid 0.0000907 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.2 BRIDGE.PROTON
d7ca341a paid 14.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000232 BRIDGE.BTC
ee44b976 wants 56.2 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000907 BRIDGE.BTC
b332e3b9 wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 54.8 BRIDGE.PROTON
9cae3c6e cancel order
8c3ee1dd paid 63 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001006 BRIDGE.BTC
638502d3 wants 48.9 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000777 BRIDGE.BTC
cd712ce2 wants 0.0001006 BRIDGE.BTC for 63 BRIDGE.PROTON
8e5081e6 cancel order
d8bbfd84 paid 68.5 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001056 BRIDGE.BTC
27cb45dd paid 0.0000314 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.46 BRIDGE.PROTON
01d86355 paid 0.00000929 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.06 BRIDGE.PROTON
e0ef2ee1 wants 45.1 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000693 BRIDGE.BTC
6c993d5f wants 0.0001056 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
47403306 cancel order
58d2481a paid 0.0000542 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
e99c4d8d paid 0.00000782 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.99 BRIDGE.PROTON
802325b8 paid 0.0000176 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.21 BRIDGE.PROTON
1aed8175 wants 50.7 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000796 BRIDGE.BTC
fb6ee61d wants 0.0000977 BRIDGE.BTC for 61.9 BRIDGE.PROTON
8ae8a8eb cancel order
025a0351 paid 0.0000915 BRIDGE.BTC for 55.1 BRIDGE.PROTON
30137bbb wants 55.1 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000915 BRIDGE.BTC
a9663c22 wants 0.0000915 BRIDGE.BTC for 54.8 BRIDGE.PROTON
eddae786 cancel orders (2)
d951615b wants 0.0000867 BRIDGE.BTC for 54.8 BRIDGE.PROTON
d97a97b8 wants 58.1 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000915 BRIDGE.BTC
3d273638 cancel order
2057205c paid 0.0001052 BRIDGE.BTC for 63.3 BRIDGE.PROTON
aef26581 wants 0.0000778 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.6 BRIDGE.PROTON
2f809c7c wants 63.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001052 BRIDGE.BTC
e9bfaadd cancel orders (2)
d2e5b3dc paid 0.0000474 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.56 BRIDGE.PROTON
1cd354e6 wants 67 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001113 BRIDGE.BTC
e1bcdf7a wants 0.0000716 BRIDGE.BTC for 42.9 BRIDGE.PROTON
f2f3188a paid 0.0001174 BRIDGE.BTC for 65.4 BRIDGE.PROTON
c95ce880 paid 39.5 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000712 BRIDGE.BTC
f7aedeba wants 65.4 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001174 BRIDGE.BTC
31a1dd58 wants 0.0000712 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.5 BRIDGE.PROTON
4a20ede3 cancel order
877e5990 paid 45.4 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000797 BRIDGE.BTC
54925f81 wants 61.3 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000107 BRIDGE.BTC
c13f9d0b wants 0.0000797 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.4 BRIDGE.PROTON
c155a542 cancel order
d2507f53 paid 44.9 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0000749 BRIDGE.BTC
535ca8db paid 0.00000345 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.08 BRIDGE.PROTON
413e07bd paid 0.0000775 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.7 BRIDGE.PROTON
3fd6a76e wants 65 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.0001078 BRIDGE.BTC
eff9c7ae wants 0.0000749 BRIDGE.BTC for 44.9 BRIDGE.PROTON
9f1c08fc cancel order
f8d565d3 paid 0.000124 BRIDGE.BTC for 68 BRIDGE.PROTON
b577db7e wants 68 BRIDGE.PROTON for 0.000124 BRIDGE.BTC
7490fe25 wants 0.0000661 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.1 BRIDGE.PROTON
888924d1 cancel order