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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid1,796 BTS
898408cd sent 144.8 BTS to
27f7fabe cancel order
080b449c cancel order
93fb37db cancel order
a8dfe9e5 cancel orders (2)
a09e28f2 cancel order
b5841dcd cancel order
cd790ef6 sent 24,130,367 TOKENCLUB to
e89a510c sent 0.25 BTS to
80049e1c sent 700,002 TOKENCLUB to
ea200e02 sent 1,000,000 TOKENCLUB to
5fe2dcbd wants 0.0196 GDEX.BTC for 18,310 TOKENCLUB
4f7dec17 wants 0.0399 GDEX.BTC for 37,605 TOKENCLUB
e3fbea29 wants 0.1353 GDEX.BTC for 128,903 TOKENCLUB
7eda206e wants 0.00812 GDEX.BTC for 7,810 TOKENCLUB
ad423c4b wants 0.02524 GDEX.BTC for 24,506 TOKENCLUB
523ff84a wants 0.0191 GDEX.BTC for 18,709 TOKENCLUB
3c170c09 wants 0.0458 GDEX.BTC for 45,371 TOKENCLUB
b67118dc cancel orders (7)
42f5871d paid 0.0002703 GDEX.BTC for 5,407 TOKENCLUB
virtual paid 0.000654 GDEX.BTC for 16,343 TOKENCLUB
a5ad667d paid 0.000648 GDEX.BTC for 10,807 TOKENCLUB
c19901a5 paid 0.000984 GDEX.BTC for 12,306 TOKENCLUB
virtual paid 0.0018 GDEX.BTC for 25,710 TOKENCLUB
73114838 sent 900,000 TOKENCLUB to
8f881cc0 wants 0.0196 GDEX.BTC for 18,310 TOKENCLUB
f7086206 wants 0.0399 GDEX.BTC for 37,605 TOKENCLUB
20cc97de wants 0.1353 GDEX.BTC for 128,903 TOKENCLUB
cbf936cd wants 0.00812 GDEX.BTC for 7,810 TOKENCLUB
6840638a wants 0.02524 GDEX.BTC for 24,506 TOKENCLUB
131921cd wants 0.0191 GDEX.BTC for 18,709 TOKENCLUB
c85bf68c wants 0.0458 GDEX.BTC for 45,371 TOKENCLUB
55567582 wants 16,343 TOKENCLUB for 0.000654 GDEX.BTC
96061ada wants 5,407 TOKENCLUB for 0.0002703 GDEX.BTC
7d1b5411 wants 10,807 TOKENCLUB for 0.000648 GDEX.BTC
344ffb17 wants 25,710 TOKENCLUB for 0.0018 GDEX.BTC
8a21f87a wants 12,306 TOKENCLUB for 0.000984 GDEX.BTC
91babbae update asset TOKENCLUB
904686b9 cancel orders (14)
a94668fb sent 4.08 BTS to
8a3071c7 sent 980,000 TOKENCLUB to
51354c1a wants 64,296 TOKENCLUB for 0.00514 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00514 GDEX.BTC for 64,296 TOKENCLUB
40ba7b6d cancel order
1dbc02db wants 15,505 TOKENCLUB for 0.00124 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00124 GDEX.BTC for 15,505 TOKENCLUB
00c111da wants 290,706,505 TOKENCLUB for 0.000291 GDEX.BTC
b01d6aae cancel order
bf61d068 cancel order
34f5d3c6 cancel order
c4eff585 cancel order
0cb7cb69 wants 578,904 TOKENCLUB for 0.0000579 GDEX.BTC
3fe3d4d2 wants 117,605 TOKENCLUB for 0.0001176 GDEX.BTC
81381e93 cancel order
61453616 wants 23,607 TOKENCLUB for 0.00137 GDEX.BTC
e30528ed wants 115,606 TOKENCLUB for 0.001156 GDEX.BTC
8c3ae80b wants 4,910 TOKENCLUB for 0.0000982 GDEX.BTC
750b2a1f wants 15,920 TOKENCLUB for 0.000478 GDEX.BTC
86bd5b75 wants 8,310 TOKENCLUB for 0.000332 GDEX.BTC
9532ed44 wants 25,308 TOKENCLUB for 0.001265 GDEX.BTC
05c0059e wants 12,303 TOKENCLUB for 0.000738 GDEX.BTC
b3a6571f wants 73,453 TOKENCLUB for 0.00514 GDEX.BTC
6a5dc37e wants 0.01203 GDEX.BTC for 12,405 TOKENCLUB
25c54bf7 wants 0.0948 GDEX.BTC for 98,706 TOKENCLUB
95ea4191 wants 0.11 GDEX.BTC for 115,707 TOKENCLUB
4ca96938 wants 0.00536 GDEX.BTC for 5,702 TOKENCLUB
48d90285 wants 0.0453 GDEX.BTC for 48,708 TOKENCLUB
b3cf214d wants 0.096 GDEX.BTC for 104,305 TOKENCLUB
05a81a10 wants 0.02886 GDEX.BTC for 31,710 TOKENCLUB
9639f3e1 wants 0.01263 GDEX.BTC for 14,036 TOKENCLUB
b547760c wants 0.232 GDEX.BTC for 260,741 TOKENCLUB
9684e038 sent 70,000,000 TOKENCLUB to
a2fa13a4 wants 0.000748 GDEX.BTC for 337 BTS
virtual paid 337 BTS for 0.000748 GDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
f16bf22d cancel order
3dc6cff6 wants 0.00188 GDEX.BTC for 846 BTS
virtual paid 509 BTS for 0.001131 GDEX.BTC
9a585080 issue 1,000,000,000 TOKENCLUB to
b17c1904 create asset TOKENCLUB
8b0795cb wants 2,700 BTS for 0.006 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.006 GDEX.BTC for 2,701 BTS