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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.0541 BTS
Lifetime fees paid495 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0541
HOURS 10,000
BRICS 6,417,038
TRUST 999,990
MINUTES 9,997,500
5ea742f7 issue 185 STRANGE to
ba97ef84 sent 1 SBUZZ to
323e91a5 sent 0.999 SBUZZ to
20683683 cancel order
bb2bbdcb cancel order
c1f7a26e cancel order
653f74be sent 1 SBUZZ to
8db0b231 sent 549 BTS to
43993b13 sent 0.359 HERO to
5ee30824 wants 0.359 HERO for 1,001 BTS
virtual paid 1,001 BTS for 0.359 HERO
3d0e9c5e paid 0.01 MINUTES for 0.005 BTS
5b5987df paid 2,500 MINUTES for 1,250 BTS
314768f3 wants 999,990,000 BTS for 999,990 TRUST
52f82422 wants 1,000,000 BTS for 10,000 HOURS
3411a6a2 wants 5,000,000 BTS for 10,000,000 MINUTES
667f3117 wants 962,493 BRICS for 192.5 BTS
virtual paid 192.5 BTS for 962,493 BRICS
d1514527 wants 5,454,545 BRICS for 300 BTS
virtual paid 300 BTS for 5,454,545 BRICS
102ea1e4 sent 72,000 BTS to
085914c4 paid 0.613 USD for 107.5 BTS
b4ca1835 paid 180 USD for 31,579 BTS
d47e989c paid 114 USD for 20,000 BTS
60597969 paid 1.707 USD for 299.5 BTS
ccda1e51 paid 114 USD for 20,000 BTS
791ef0ea wants 71,986 BTS for 410 USD
b44e20a4 cancel order
ac564ff6 cancel order
014552cf cancel order
5adf90ef cancel order
11ea9e41 cancel order
b4eb43c9 cancel order
0500f13f cancel order
46ca0a85 cancel order
393a6f1d cancel order
32d8556f cancel order
c18668c1 wants 1,000 HOURS for 60,000 MINUTES
8600fe63 wants 60,010 MINUTES for 1,000 HOURS
16e12f7d cancel order
abeeaf1b cancel order
bbb1131e cancel order
7077e6f5 cancel order
5533fd86 cancel order
29723ae5 cancel order
4ebd7020 cancel order
e48c6850 cancel order
c367deeb cancel order
ac91156a cancel order
8eec6bf3 wants 5 HOURS for 50 USD
59ba18ec wants 50.5 USD for 5 HOURS
532cd192 issue 5,000 HOURS to
1776ffab wants 995 HOURS for 59,700 MINUTES
da858ce2 wants 64,675 MINUTES for 995 HOURS
d56bca23 wants 1,000 HOURS for 60,000 MINUTES
98f77f37 wants 65,000 MINUTES for 1,000 HOURS
21d973a2 wants 1,000 HOURS for 60,000 MINUTES
9ff81305 wants 65,000 MINUTES for 1,000 HOURS
3f2d1825 wants 1,000 HOURS for 60,000 MINUTES
1ec05920 wants 65,000 MINUTES for 1,000 HOURS
862b7284 wants 1,000 HOURS for 60,000 MINUTES
eaa57e6d wants 65,000 MINUTES for 1,000 HOURS
21f3abe0 wants 200 TRUST for 200 USD
f20092f6 wants 220 USD for 200 TRUST
aaf64179 wants 600 MINUTES for 100.2 USD
ecd29e9a wants 110.4 USD for 600 MINUTES
049bbb42 cancel order
0632b133 cancel order
c48be3f7 cancel order
560fedac cancel order
c7368b2e cancel order
3740d952 cancel order
075053a3 cancel order
d3fe64ae cancel order
3828a57a cancel order
e94baac7 cancel order
9855c044 cancel order
68a320a0 cancel order
53ffbd9d cancel order
70d3374e cancel order
cb9f512c cancel order
d33b5e93 wants 5 HOURS for 50 USD
d5e2fd50 wants 50.5 USD for 5 HOURS
6c355fc6 issue 5,000 HOURS to
10d9db7a update asset SECOND
8786993c wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
46596ded wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
5b098b63 wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
68563f49 wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
05e7253b wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
844d6950 wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
c5a5398d wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
50bc8eee wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
caede7ac wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
22a513c8 wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
c4cac5c6 wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
94b4af5d wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
00229e7e wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
590d54eb wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES
ae985827 wants 30 BTS for 62 MINUTES