立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



BTS5HGftdwMCCKA4LNzHp3wBurMXSUMCLRqauyJrjUKuVJ7meKdhN 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Lifetime fees paid24.1 BTS


Asset Balance
OBITS 0.0043
QUBIT 0.0022
EBAYCOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
e184efc1 sent 0.0043 OBITS.VOTE to
b5337949 sent 0.0043 OBITS.VOTING to
2ae4dffa sent 209.7 BTS to
57bd5a7e sent 0.00001 CISCOCOM to
bc43ac5f sent 0.00001 EBAYCOM to
3e48ea48 sent 0.00001 TESLACOM to
eb83fbdc sent 1 ELECTRON to
428a682c sent 0.0022 QUBIT to
14f920e6 wants 150 BTS for 42.3 USD
virtual paid 42.3 USD for 150 BTS
9d48ff27 wants 59.7 BTS for 16.82 USD
virtual paid 16.82 USD for 59.7 BTS
ca3b9c65 sent 9,461 OBITS to
a76ae66f sent 10 OBITS to
81caad0c sent 5,227 BTS to
1015895a update account/votes
08eb7801 sent 10,000 BTS to
51d2101d sent 9,000 BTS to
f18994e1 sent 500 BTS to
57be0bdf sent 30,000 BTS to
3b93cc45 wants 111.5 BTS for 61.1 USD
virtual paid 61.1 USD for 111.5 BTS
54e4e45d wants 61.1 USD for 0.00443 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00443 OPEN.BTC for 61.1 USD
e7f5d28f wants 0.0394 BTS for 3 OBITS.WARRANT
virtual paid 3 OBITS.WARRANT for 0.0394 BTS
c7142dd5 wants 0.0044 OPEN.BTC for 244 QORA
virtual paid 184 QORA for 0.00336 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 59.9 QORA for 0.00108 OPEN.BTC
f005d6fe wants 0.00036 BTS for 100 SBUZZ
virtual paid 100 SBUZZ for 0.00036 BTS
53e47c00 wants 2.597 BTS for 370 STRANGE
virtual paid 370 STRANGE for 2.597 BTS
007ef1a0 paid 0.0001 USD for 0.00018 BTS
3b4a71e4 paid 0.528 USD for 0.963 BTS
62d79d1c wants 660 BTS for 362 USD
virtual paid 102.8 USD for 187.5 BTS
0b0f133e paid 215.6 USD for 393 BTS
e2b82165 paid 21.86 USD for 39.9 BTS
34c0810d paid 6.2 USD for 11.31 BTS
431acea0 paid 2.67 USD for 4.87 BTS
48c11569 paid 5.34 USD for 9.75 BTS
575d5dfb paid 5.72 USD for 10.43 BTS
6030c721 paid 1.336 USD for 2.437 BTS
06b5c73c sent 21,000 BTS to
fd90df2d update account/votes
1dc8cb8a sent 10 BTS to
3116fa9c sent 199,800 BTS to
6ae43443 sent 200 BTS to
dde78092 sent 20,000 BTS to
36bc034e sent 2,000 OBITS to
708ac16d sent 200,000 BTS to
157d6b48 sent 200 BTS to
8e9a46d9 sent 2,000 BTS to
7dc06c5f sent 10,000 OBITS to
virtual sent 101 BTS to
f74b2557 sent 10,000 OBITS to
b9bdb2ab sent 20,000 BTS to
ec4883f5 sent 130,000 BTS to
39981346 sent 1 OBITS to
d0c79507 sent 5 BTS to
4e672621 sent 50,000 BTS to
7449080c sent 40,000 BTS to
6a41bb54 sent 50,000 BTS to
c825a7a4 sent 160,000 BTS to
4fdcec35 sent 170,000 BTS to
4f6c3e17 sent 270,000 BTS to
613dc109 sent 400,000 BTS to
fd0dccfd sent 158,000 BTS to
8ebc2d26 sent 200,000 BTS to
313bb12e sent 100,000 BTS to
6d1ce2ad sent 100,000 BTS to
0e47eacb sent 100,000 BTS to
8a2ff3a0 sent 200,000 BTS to
6ed4b9b8 sent 200 BTS to
ab9c49b2 sent 10 BTS to
edbedad6 sent 10 BTS to
1bcbd073 sent 100,000 BTS to
8a63914f sent 100,000 BTS to
012d5e03 sent 300,000 BTS to
47b073d7 sent 100 BTS to
3313a59e sent 100,000 BTS to
76d86001 sent 100,000 BTS to
10a87c40 sent 100,000 BTS to
b12b8638 sent 100,000 BTS to
581c6436 sent 100,000 BTS to
8f54fabf sent 100,000 BTS to
7d240ce2 sent 1,000 BTS to
ec225527 sent 140,000 BTS to
f68f0800 sent 140,000 BTS to
fa617dbf sent 110 BTS to
437b006c sent 110 BTS to
2e543909 sent 100 BTS to
34f22a30 sent 1,500,000 BTS to
619069be sent 1 BTS to
3fbd45b5 sent 10,000 OBITS to
6ddec831 sent 50,000 BTS to
08091aba sent 5,000 BTS to
bbd934b0 sent 1,000 BTS to
7d1e5b95 sent 500 OBITS to
d12175cd sent 10 OBITS to
5a3accca sent 10 BTS to
0bf64a63 sent 10 BTS to
439935c9 sent 40.4 BTS to
e62f4cfa sent 99.8 BTS to
30e04cdb sent 196.8 BTS to
4c07f8c7 sent 146.4 BTS to
eec92960 sent 65.8 BTS to
9574c7f2 sent 10 BTS to
b7777033 sent 20,000 BTS to
67585424 sent 196.8 BTS to
d7811c43 sent 7.5 OBITS to
f75241c8 sent 280 BTS to
1828e63c sent 3 BTS to
6be2114f sent 769 BTS to
52ee5f13 sent 71 BTS to
d99eca22 sent 6 BTS to
be4a02cd sent 0.5 OBITS to
d9161f3f sent 9,000 BTS to
4c4ecd07 sent 3 BTS to
243e11d3 sent 1,000 BTS to
17c413a9 sent 100 BTS to
0b9b5f0f sent 2,229 OBITS to
a8d089f4 sent 844 BTS to
696f9ba7 sent 4,134 BTS to
9df85bad sent 1 OBITS to
a738540b sent 1 OBITS to
0e7ee3bf sent 1 OBITS to
908537df sent 1 BTS to
fedaae9b sent 200 BTS to
721464ee sent 4,504 BTS to
d9d7f2bc sent 1.92 BTS to
f55d0957 sent 15,300 BTS to
c151e671 sent 9.96 BTS to
f2b26a97 sent 22,267 BTS to
35944902 sent 225.4 BTS to
23cf9dd8 sent 100 BTS to
7cbab2c0 sent 8,000 BTS to
d809cab8 sent 3.72 BTS to
03782cec sent 11,270 BTS to
74c17ba9 sent 32 BTS to
113ec3cd sent 1,200 OBITS to
32b6520f sent 1 OBITS to
997347f7 sent 3,959 BTS to
bf8a5957 sent 236 BTS to
2dc318c8 sent 5 BTS to
afd2883b sent 0.5 BTS to
d3ab28fb sent 0.5 BTS to