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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid120 BTS
f7de88b6 wants 0.284 CNY for 284 DEFI.BTSDEFI
virtual paid 284 DEFI.BTSDEFI for 0.312 CNY
virtual cancel order
0b6e227c sent 2,480 BTS to
e5c1e0b7 paid 30.2 CNY for 108.6 BTS
2f6f5e53 paid 90.3 CNY for 325 BTS
41f32287 paid 16.55 CNY for 59.5 BTS
f5727f5a paid 34 CNY for 122.2 BTS
a7c88630 paid 5.52 CNY for 19.85 BTS
04b0e0f8 paid 1.715 CNY for 6.17 BTS
9fde8738 wants 2,472 BTS for 687 CNY
b28959d6 paid 28.2 CNY for 101.4 BTS
7c2c8e10 paid 447 CNY for 1,607 BTS
776f3abc paid 34 CNY for 122.4 BTS
41245010 wants 334 CNY for 982,680 BTSUCN
virtual paid 982,679 BTSUCN for 344 CNY
virtual cancel order
a1bbe7b0 wants 334 CNY for 982,680 BTSUCN
virtual paid 982,679 BTSUCN for 344 CNY
virtual cancel order
659a61b0 cancel order
36f10684 wants 350 CNY for 1,000,000 BTSUCN
4b64dff5 cancel order
fea087ac wants 688 CNY for 1,965,359 BTSUCN
7ee53260 sent 3,850 BTS to
fc34c7ac cancel order
2e3f875c cancel order
e66f861f wants 3,824 BTS for 1,066 CNY
virtual paid 230.2 CNY for 826 BTS
virtual paid 304 CNY for 1,090 BTS
5ff6f5d4 paid 532 CNY for 1,908 BTS
ab7c6b47 wants 1,750 CNY for 4,999,832 BTSUCN
virtual paid 748,758 BTSUCN for 266.6 CNY
virtual paid 2,285,714 BTSUCN for 800 CNY
0a2c8eca cancel order
65e8661f wants 300 CNY for 1,000,000 BTSUCN
8038071a wants 0.2956 CNY for 985 BTSUCN
virtual paid 985 BTSUCN for 0.2956 CNY
virtual cancel order
c03ae8af cancel order
f1b1da2a wants 900 CNY for 3,000,000 BTSUCN
a72e6c01 sent 8,250 BTS to
62a91b39 cancel order
f16d89c2 wants 8,217 BTS for 2,293 CNY
virtual paid 304 CNY for 1,090 BTS
virtual paid 558 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,431 CNY for 5,130 BTS
d346c997 cancel order
4be18463 wants 4,311 BTS for 1,146 CNY
bccdce9e wants 300 CNY for 1,000,000 BTSUCN
2ffd58c5 cancel order
4d6a269d wants 375 CNY for 1,250,204 BTSUCN
15bb5b4a cancel order
50cff831 wants 1,500 CNY for 5,000,817 BTSUCN
bce226df wants 1,500 CNY for 5,000,817 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,000,817 BTSUCN for 1,500 CNY
virtual cancel order
7acdaa47 cancel order
1bc8fbf7 wants 2,025 CNY for 6,137,516 BTSUCN
virtual paid 672 BTSUCN for 0.2554 CNY
virtual paid 2,272,727 BTSUCN for 750 CNY
5a3f7d30 wants 6.84 CNY for 18,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 18,000 BTSUCN for 6.84 CNY
a338aa52 wants 3.85 DEFI.BTSDEFI for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 3.85 DEFI.BTSDEFI
7d905ca8 wants 38 CNY for 100,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 100,000 BTSUCN for 38 CNY
24aa558d wants 179,560 BTSUCN for 104.1 CNY
virtual paid 104.1 CNY for 260,362 BTSUCN
43b1123c cancel order
1d73b047 wants 65,091 BTSUCN for 26.04 CNY
bd59c308 cancel order
bcbfb620 wants 283,779 BTSUCN for 113.5 CNY
virtual paid 9.37 CNY for 23,417 BTSUCN
80bdd9cb cancel order
62e52876 wants 840,825 BTSUCN for 113.5 CNY
1d3c6490 wants 283,779 BTSUCN for 113.5 CNY
virtual paid 113.5 CNY for 283,779 BTSUCN
a888aad8 cancel order
1ec5200f wants 280 BTS for 227 CNY
7da7bd8d cancel order
212c1425 cancel order
491acced wants 70.8 BTS for 56.8 CNY
4839367c wants 226.4 CNY for 266.5 BTS
virtual paid 266.5 BTS for 227.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
620750ec wants 500 CNY for 1,000,000 BTSUCN
1257a078 sent 1 BTS to
f270663f sent 1 BTS to
dc57f929 sent 2,400 BTS to
48acd87a wants 2,407 BTS for 1,283 CNY
9da89f91 paid 1,283 CNY for 2,407 BTS
6a91f278 wants 635 CNY for 8,463,702 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,814,927 BTSUCN for 286.5 CNY
virtual paid 4,648,774 BTSUCN for 349 CNY
virtual cancel order
71ae9da8 wants 635 CNY for 8,463,701 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,756,101 BTSUCN for 220.5 CNY
virtual paid 5,707,598 BTSUCN for 429 CNY
virtual cancel order
191f1f9d wants 0.0764 CNY for 1,017 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,016 BTSUCN for 0.0813 CNY
virtual cancel order
7c22579e sent 2 BTS to
b871d1be wants 0.072 CNY for 1,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 999 BTSUCN for 0.0729 CNY
virtual cancel order
e8935fac cancel order
88a6e3d7 wants 0.073 CNY for 1,000 BTSUCN
dd783679 sent 2 BTS to
b6a780ea sent 2 BTS to
6561320c sent 1,000 BTSUCN to
3821197d paid 0.453 CNY for 3.027 BTS
6135725c sent 5,800 BTS to
4e8b300d paid 568 CNY for 3,794 BTS
40995794 paid 299 CNY for 2,000 BTS
4ccb2ac0 sent 2,900 BTS to
2dc7abdf wants 8,697 BTS for 1,301 CNY
virtual paid 299 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 134.6 CNY for 900 BTS
192ea16c wants 970 CNY for 406,337 BTSUCN
virtual paid 205,343 BTSUCN for 494 CNY
virtual paid 200,994 BTSUCN for 483 CNY
virtual cancel order
d2571bb4 cancel order
f3b4213e wants 977 CNY for 406,337 BTSUCN
480dcd5d paid 10,654 BTSUCN for 25.6 CNY
d7413fa5 paid 124,792 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
73650fad wants 326 CNY for 135,446 BTSUCN
c539ad59 sent 584,150 BTSUCN to
70343597 sent 4,200 BTS to
7bd56d92 wants 4,198 BTS for 643 CNY
virtual paid 643 CNY for 4,211 BTS
303e4874 wants 644 CNY for 214,708 BTSUCN
virtual paid 214,708 BTSUCN for 644 CNY
virtual cancel order
3286e105 cancel order
490d0561 wants 325 CNY for 107,349 BTSUCN
e92543ea sent 2,180 BTS to
f8b9a23c wants 2,149 BTS for 327 CNY
virtual paid 327 CNY for 2,153 BTS
e0bac002 wants 275 CNY for 90,624 BTSUCN
virtual paid 57,941 BTSUCN for 175.7 CNY
virtual paid 32,682 BTSUCN for 99 CNY
virtual cancel order
5de6030b cancel order
88a8a4f7 wants 327 CNY for 107,843 BTSUCN
virtual paid 17,219 BTSUCN for 52.2 CNY
650ab9c6 sent 4,300 BTS to
0a6ffd17 wants 2,139 BTS for 325 CNY
1672db0a paid 325 CNY for 2,139 BTS
b1291bfb wants 325 CNY for 106,875 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,875 BTSUCN for 325 CNY
virtual cancel order
60d5886a wants 2,145 BTS for 326 CNY
virtual paid 4.17 CNY for 27.5 BTS
virtual paid 322 CNY for 2,119 BTS
35d02697 cancel order
f594c423 wants 2,150 BTS for 326 CNY
6f465778 wants 326 CNY for 106,561 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,561 BTSUCN for 326 CNY
virtual cancel order
9ef57225 sent 7,200 BTS to
165c88c1 wants 7,279 BTS for 1,086 CNY
virtual paid 1,086 CNY for 7,279 BTS
893a8593 wants 1,057 CNY for 350,307 BTSUCN
virtual paid 350,307 BTSUCN for 1,058 CNY
virtual cancel order
cb64d628 sent 700,000 BTSUCN to
2c6f60d3 wants 29.34 CNY for 9,582 BTSUCN
virtual paid 9,582 BTSUCN for 29.34 CNY
virtual cancel order
13a160b5 sent 300,500 BTSUCN to
43732b1e sent 100 BTSUCN to
9f18a7d8 sent 1,643 BTS to
708a3701 wants 1,639 BTS for 354 CNY
virtual paid 354 CNY for 1,645 BTS
ccdd41ed wants 353 CNY for 102,885 BTSUCN
virtual paid 102,885 BTSUCN for 354 CNY
virtual cancel order
4eb9726b sent 8,100 BTS to
2ef307f6 wants 958 BTS for 214.5 CNY
virtual paid 1.123 CNY for 5.03 BTS
3b720343 paid 213.4 CNY for 953 BTS
3839d744 cancel order
09b2bace wants 8,088 BTS for 1,807 CNY
virtual paid 1,593 CNY for 7,141 BTS
2a245b03 cancel order
bf8c7152 wants 8,103 BTS for 1,807 CNY
7e71206b wants 1,403 CNY for 408,975 BTSUCN
virtual paid 408,975 BTSUCN for 1,476 CNY
virtual cancel order
bb83e9d8 sent 5 BTS to
a70e47bc wants 332 CNY for 102,600 BTSUCN
virtual paid 102,600 BTSUCN for 332 CNY
virtual cancel order
a07fa336 sent 2,870 BTS to
49e83f46 wants 2,872 BTS for 645 CNY
virtual paid 645 CNY for 2,872 BTS
a0f2dca6 cancel order