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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight44.6 BTS
Lifetime fees paid18.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 24.07
CNY 3.6
RIPLE 0.12
b3be9829 cancel order
7ff12879 wants 4.18 CNY for 11 BTS
2bed5a6f cancel order
a0142ab5 wants 11.5 CNY for 44.5 BTS
aa5a9c5c sent 15,115 CNY to
22f3977e sent 30,000 BTS to
38bcf8af cancel order
eae06537 wants 20,000 BTS for 4,680 CNY
07b2330d wants 30,000 BTS for 7,397 CNY
virtual paid 306 CNY for 1,241 BTS
virtual paid 3,025 CNY for 12,267 BTS
virtual paid 4,066 CNY for 16,493 BTS
a648975a cancel order
15642f18 wants 30,000 BTS for 7,397 CNY
5e1b130e sent 110,300 BTS to
484e7d93 paid 7,050 CNY for 28,243 BTS
a3fde425 cancel order
2431c21e cancel order
3ad1e4d3 cancel order
9b4927bf wants 30,000 BTS for 7,488 CNY
virtual paid 438 CNY for 1,757 BTS
eca7ab15 wants 17,328 BTS for 4,307 CNY
virtual paid 3,498 CNY for 14,076 BTS
virtual paid 808 CNY for 3,252 BTS
64a1ae24 paid 1,996 CNY for 8,000 BTS
cc9c7910 wants 8,000 BTS for 1,996 CNY
a173a3f2 wants 30,000 BTS for 7,471 CNY
virtual paid 7,471 CNY for 30,000 BTS
6ef31756 wants 20,000 BTS for 4,981 CNY
virtual paid 4,981 CNY for 20,000 BTS
06cc0cfb wants 5,000 BTS for 1,245 CNY
virtual paid 1,245 CNY for 5,000 BTS
6072b2ca sent 50,000 BTS to
17ba70a1 wants 10.68 CNY for 0.971 BTS
96a02a5a wants 0.583 CNY for 0.971 BTS
8307c75b wants 1 CNY for 1 BTS
dc1822a3 sent 49,999 CNY to
26003597 sent 50,000 CNY to
20cc6794 sent 20,000 CNY to
9c91880b sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
1b93fdc3 sent 10,000 CNY to
997947bf sent 10,000 CNY to
8c13fcde sent 10,000 CNY to
f211ff9a sent 10,000 CNY to
55ad36f2 sent 10,000 CNY to
68f47a69 sent 30,000 CNY to
12efcb7d sent 10,000 CNY to
e490cf23 sent 10,000 CNY to
454c5461 sent 10,000 CNY to
8f101e50 sent 10,000 CNY to
052468ff sent 30,000 CNY to
0c2e1af6 sent 30,000 CNY to
358812c5 sent 30,000 CNY to
d9a3881b sent 50,000 CNY to
c290aec2 sent 50,000 CNY to
9a2bf2f3 sent 50,000 CNY to
e729c042 sent 100,000 CNY to
93a2ecc6 sent 101,000 CNY to
8be37792 sent 50,000 CNY to
4c2fe288 sent 50,000 CNY to
d600ec07 sent 49,000 CNY to
9623f215 sent 30,000 CNY to
6108fb7d sent 30,000 CNY to
ee0c39f4 sent 40,000 CNY to
c8e4bc86 sent 30,000 CNY to
30e6f261 sent 30,000 CNY to
2707bf53 sent 50,000 CNY to
a62dc027 sent 50,000 CNY to
a134c467 sent 100,000 CNY to
35e04dd7 sent 30,000 CNY to
b035e80e sent 29,910 CNY to
9b90afa2 sent 49,850 CNY to
83dfd277 sent 18,943 CNY to
76dcc39a sent 49,800 CNY to
78311b0f sent 49,900 CNY to
ce5e4449 sent 22,770 CNY to
09a5e632 sent 29,700 CNY to
0aecfbba sent 200,000 CNY to
5edcfbf5 sent 200,000 CNY to
ef204238 sent 8,040 CNY to
6ead9c37 sent 4,014 CNY to
e6f8ff45 sent 20,504 CNY to
16c1cfa6 sent 30,303 CNY to
8b1e4688 sent 10,200 CNY to
67bea40d wants 2 BTS for 1.86 CNY
virtual paid 1.86 CNY for 2 BTS
2026bbd6 sent 30,000 BTS to
3de1c886 sent 16,058 CNY to
f1b0fdf9 sent 3,700 BTS to
da843741 wants 4,800 CNY for 5,000 BTS
virtual paid 188 BTS for 181.8 CNY
virtual paid 4,812 BTS for 4,640 CNY
01a5fba2 paid 702 BTS for 695 CNY
cfcba79a wants 4,950 CNY for 5,000 BTS
virtual paid 4,298 BTS for 4,255 CNY
dd14cb5c cancel order
3a026a13 paid 1,300 BTS for 1,287 CNY
ab43de85 wants 1,287 CNY for 1,300 BTS
3762a5b4 wants 1,300 CNY for 1,300 BTS
4e56ba55 cancel order
4dc009a0 wants 1,300 CNY for 1,300 BTS
e50f05c6 cancel order
41c67211 wants 5,000 CNY for 5,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,014 BTS for 1,014 CNY
virtual paid 3,986 BTS for 3,986 CNY
85e496fd wants 5,050 CNY for 5,000 BTS
7851c2ba sent 24,197 CNY to
603b1b8e sent 30,000 BTS to
80c9df19 sent 40,000 CNY to
43e5e969 sent 8,000 BTS to
6ee54c1d cancel order
4d535911 sent 12,737 BTS to
5eb80109 wants 5,760 CNY for 8,000 BTS
2a5bde6a wants 231.3 CNY for 324 BTS
virtual paid 324 BTS for 231.4 CNY
f4b8b6ad cancel order
6b0bbd0d wants 5,784 CNY for 8,000 BTS
7943ab5f cancel order
3bc0b45a wants 5,792 CNY for 8,000 BTS
f885a204 wants 5,760 CNY for 8,000 BTS
virtual paid 2,942 BTS for 2,118 CNY
virtual paid 4,450 BTS for 3,204 CNY
virtual paid 608 BTS for 438 CNY
48d4edda cancel order
85d2d44d wants 5,792 CNY for 8,000 BTS
5c2bf7ac cancel order
37550a81 wants 5,800 CNY for 8,000 BTS
5fe68b0b sent 20,000 BTS to
4880e474 paid 10,000 BTS for 7,140 CNY
6a6229f1 wants 7,140 CNY for 10,000 BTS
35b3ad86 cancel order
fbfc266a wants 7,170 CNY for 10,000 BTS
86e72879 sent 20,000 BTS to
18c13425 sent 20,000 CNY to
cbe186cf sent 20,000 BTS to
926c76b6 paid 5,998 BTS for 4,319 CNY
7da47f1c paid 2 BTS for 1.44 CNY
bd97919e wants 4,320 CNY for 6,000 BTS
23ce7257 cancel order
266e45eb wants 4,592 CNY for 6,378 BTS
fc7c3789 wants 611 CNY for 851 BTS
virtual paid 851 BTS for 611 CNY
32305cbd cancel order
e6f9d989 wants 7,180 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,393 BTS for 1,000 CNY
virtual paid 8,607 BTS for 6,181 CNY
75af3b34 paid 1,389 BTS for 1,000 CNY
2e7b6d0a wants 1,440 CNY for 2,000 BTS
64059bfd paid 10,000 BTS for 7,210 CNY
fd18d008 wants 7,210 CNY for 10,000 BTS
914d24e9 cancel order
61cfdc36 wants 10,000 BTS for 7,120 CNY
bfdf30f3 cancel order
21f04e43 wants 10,000 BTS for 7,113 CNY
2b39ee7a wants 1,024 CNY for 1,400 BTS
virtual paid 1,400 BTS for 1,024 CNY
2142390b cancel order
fd5bfc6c wants 1,028 CNY for 1,400 BTS
a367a8df cancel order
7a2eb970 sent 10,000 CNY to
742ae443 wants 1,029 CNY for 1,400 BTS
a73b5453 paid 5,000 BTS for 3,680 CNY
9d0955ce wants 3,680 CNY for 5,000 BTS
5db90ea0 paid 951 BTS for 705 CNY
c3f70a81 paid 4,049 BTS for 3,000 CNY
0dc62748 wants 3,705 CNY for 5,000 BTS
aa57c732 cancel order
b3c38441 wants 79 CNY for 100 BTS
30724ec2 cancel order
2bb962f5 wants 2,000 BTS for 1,461 CNY
96cb124e sent 5,000 CNY to
54ce5327 sent 10,000 CNY to
1c9a1f9b sent 10,000 CNY to
b44c2548 paid 6,612 BTS for 4,878 CNY
e43e0c60 paid 3,388 BTS for 2,500 CNY
1ac910b1 wants 7,378 CNY for 10,000 BTS
ef406511 paid 10,000 BTS for 7,340 CNY
f82b6298 wants 7,340 CNY for 10,000 BTS
2aa0d6cc cancel order
dc1dbac3 wants 7,350 CNY for 10,000 BTS
3088c4b5 cancel order
f09317d2 wants 7,359 CNY for 10,000 BTS
e6945b08 paid 312 BTS for 229 CNY
727bef0c paid 2,725 BTS for 2,000 CNY
74a992cb paid 168 BTS for 123.3 CNY
752858ed paid 1,395 BTS for 1,024 CNY
7aebe909 wants 3,376 CNY for 4,600 BTS
b0345b8a paid 6,000 BTS for 4,350 CNY
5a6c84ae wants 4,350 CNY for 6,000 BTS
7bf7ac9a sent 300 CNY to
42c0c228 paid 1,110 CNY for 1,573 BTS
53c88531 paid 3.26 CNY for 4.62 BTS
af4958e9 paid 29 CNY for 41.1 BTS
f93a6755 paid 17.3 CNY for 24.5 BTS
1005e71d paid 10.7 CNY for 15.15 BTS
da348e10 paid 27.5 CNY for 38.9 BTS
31ce426e paid 1.666 CNY for 2.36 BTS
0494ef8b paid 3.4 CNY for 4.81 BTS
34efe7f3 paid 2,196 CNY for 3,110 BTS
9297668c paid 16.32 CNY for 23.1 BTS