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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.1 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.23 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1
CNY 0.0176
0c0c430b paid 0.598 CNY for 0.1 BTS
d9b37a98 wants 0.1 BTS for 0.598 CNY
58a8992d sent 102 CNY to
410badb4 paid 4,300 MALAGEBI for 44.3 CNY
7292a018 wants 44.3 CNY for 4,300 MALAGEBI
2694e8c1 cancel order
df697cac wants 53.5 CNY for 12.65 BTS
virtual paid 12.65 BTS for 53.6 CNY
e5144e15 cancel order
b6159416 wants 51.6 CNY for 4,300 MALAGEBI
5559db5f wants 763 MALAGEBI for 6.1 CNY
3959202f cancel order
806f7109 wants 3.99 BTS for 18.04 CNY
virtual paid 18.04 CNY for 3.99 BTS
bed5ff68 sent 0.3 BTS to
d936dd8c sent 0.03 BTS to
65be6d59 wants 5.96 BTS for 26.5 CNY
virtual paid 26.5 CNY for 5.96 BTS
c2739bbe sent 0.2135 BTS to
f6122323 sent 0.437 BTS to
789990ed sent 1,000 MALAGEBI to
d39a2860 wants 727 MALAGEBI for 4.36 CNY
0efcb951 wants 4.1 CNY for 1.003 BTS
virtual paid 1.003 BTS for 4.1 CNY
cec783d4 cancel order
4ae7486e wants 4.1 CNY for 1 BTS
f3ba9ed9 cancel order
b67d52a4 wants 4.1 CNY for 1 BTS
456bda86 wants 0.0532 CNY for 0.874 OPEN.DOGE
virtual paid 0.874 OPEN.DOGE for 0.0532 CNY
e252ac13 paid 20.96 CNY for 5 BTS
1ce56e13 wants 5 BTS for 20.96 CNY
4919ac13 sent 0.03 BTS to
db0c3b0a sent 0.1213 BTS to
fce75b9e sent 0.2 BTS to
7d889821 sent 0.02426 BTS to
b1f6d0d2 sent 0.005 BTS to
f7ad8ddb sent 109 CNY to
aadd0d7a cancel order
4912e5d8 paid 200 MALAGEBI for 1.46 CNY
298524c7 wants 21.9 CNY for 3,000 MALAGEBI
d3fabdb7 sent 0.1 BTS to
7cd5b1cf paid 1.754 BTS for 6 CNY
0cec52c3 wants 6 CNY for 1.754 BTS
577209a2 sent 0.2 BTS to
9f6437c4 paid 17.36 CNY for 5 BTS
f0f04fa5 paid 0 CNY for 0.00001 BTS
06e97e89 wants 5 BTS for 17.36 CNY
9795dd1a wants 37.5 CNY for 5,000 MALAGEBI
virtual paid 5,000 MALAGEBI for 37.5 CNY
9f880236 sent 0.5 BTS to
6a5b30f8 sent 425 CNY to
89623ff9 wants 1 BTS for 3.69 CNY
virtual paid 3.69 CNY for 1 BTS
11278c9d wants 368 CNY for 100.3 BTS
virtual paid 100.3 BTS for 369 CNY
69bb3679 cancel order
56de1322 paid 387 OPEN.DOGE for 23.2 CNY
6ec380a5 paid 673 OPEN.DOGE for 40.4 CNY
4c143bcb wants 63.6 CNY for 1,060 OPEN.DOGE
e2247267 cancel order
0264d4a4 wants 64.7 CNY for 1,060 OPEN.DOGE
8b75b0b2 paid 62.8 CNY for 1,063 OPEN.DOGE
a546584c wants 1,063 OPEN.DOGE for 62.8 CNY
017f03ae cancel order
5ea36d2c wants 1,065 OPEN.DOGE for 62.8 CNY
33081458 wants 430 CNY for 100 BTS
bda0f136 paid 390 CNY for 100 BTS
dc739b3e wants 100 BTS for 390 CNY
e4bea9e2 wants 0.3 BTS for 1.21 CNY
virtual paid 1.21 CNY for 0.3 BTS
94eb5027 sent 0.03 BTS to
a0fa05e1 sent 0.01 CNY to
95fdff83 wants 279 CNY for 9,000 MALAGEBI
virtual paid 9,000 MALAGEBI for 279 CNY
89f3f41a wants 31 CNY for 1,000 MALAGEBI
virtual paid 1,000 MALAGEBI for 31 CNY