立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.03045 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.03045 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000081 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BRIDGE.MRJA 0.0046 0
BRIDGE.DV 2,188 0
BRIDGE.MIE 49.9 49.9
LIQPAY 0.004 0
BRIDGE.DXC 0.000429 0
BRIDGE.AEG 0.711 0
BRIDGE.DC 13.3 0
BRIDGE.AKL 1,033 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
7f4e2e6b sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
721aad3b sent 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO to
d1db1c01 issue 4.43 BRIDGE.DC to
efefd6a9 issue 4.43 BRIDGE.DC to
9120494d issue 4.43 BRIDGE.DC to
70d895b3 sent 72.1 BRIDGE.OYS to
64079db0 cancel orders (3)
52e44d90 cancel orders (2)
a8c5d5c0 sent 0.00063 BRIDGE.BTC to
a5695ab2 sent 0.865 BTS to
0acf0415 sent 1.086 BRIDGE.ARION to
ea6182be sent 1.196 BRIDGE.ARION to
7f63f4e8 cancel order
60c91324 wants 0.00792 BRIDGE.BTC for 660 BRIDGE.ARION
77b9b552 sent 1,300 BRIDGE.DVB to
12c4f56d sent 2,169 BRIDGE.DVB to
95e013bd paid 7.75 BRIDGE.PZDC for 0.000213 BRIDGE.BTC
1b57058e wants 0.000213 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.75 BRIDGE.PZDC
c9646922 paid 130 BRIDGE.DC for 0.000427 BRIDGE.BTC
7b7714b7 wants 0.000427 BRIDGE.BTC for 130 BRIDGE.DC
48a56810 cancel order
56896347 wants 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.AKL
a83a7d6f wants 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC for 833 BRIDGE.AKL
32373576 sent 0.01152 BRIDGE.BTC to
d67383f1 paid 385 BRIDGE.DRV for 0.01154 BRIDGE.BTC
adcc6e0f wants 0.01154 BRIDGE.BTC for 385 BRIDGE.DRV
56fa1b8e cancel order
d054c24a wants 0.000817 BRIDGE.BTC for 54.5 BRIDGE.OYS
233adb72 wants 0.01155 BRIDGE.BTC for 385 BRIDGE.DRV
5f00658f wants 0.001515 BRIDGE.BTC for 101 BRIDGE.OYS
211b9de2 sent 0.01028 BRIDGE.BTC to
a8485b4c paid 375 BRIDGE.ARION for 0.00447 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 489 BRIDGE.ARION for 0.00583 BRIDGE.BTC
39fc9701 wants 0.00583 BRIDGE.BTC for 489 BRIDGE.ARION
09ac9a29 wants 0.00447 BRIDGE.BTC for 375 BRIDGE.ARION
4602f8fe sent 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC to
6b8bd799 wants 0.01624 BRIDGE.BTC for 676 BRIDGE.CCB
virtual paid 676 BRIDGE.CCB for 0.01624 BRIDGE.BTC
901fb117 cancel order
a1ac01ea wants 0.0176 BRIDGE.BTC for 676 BRIDGE.CCB
bd2ea6e0 cancel order
a736d684 wants 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC for 676 BRIDGE.CCB
e0d62b7b wants 0.001288 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.7 BRIDGE.DC
eb45717e sent 2,280 BRIDGE.DRV to
540795e4 cancel order
42b4d60c cancel order
18d45502 cancel order
1353200b wants 0.02494 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,247 BRIDGE.DRV
581fc64f wants 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.DRV
cd06845d cancel order
60e44d42 wants 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.5 BRIDGE.DRV
6fd3ba49 wants 0.0449 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,247 BRIDGE.DRV
21990250 wants 0.0000549 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.HDLC
78bf7918 paid 274 BRIDGE.DRV for 0.00341 BRIDGE.BTC
351917c2 wants 0.00341 BRIDGE.BTC for 274 BRIDGE.DRV
dee5a221 cancel order
8b1c0972 cancel order
8d599ab0 cancel order
4076ed0a sent 0.00806 BRIDGE.BTC to
e7d5fe9e paid 50 BRIDGE.GMCN for 0.000587 BRIDGE.BTC
e97763cf paid 250 BRIDGE.GMCN for 0.00294 BRIDGE.BTC
c691847a paid 50 BRIDGE.AQA for 0.00277 BRIDGE.BTC
cf0bb26d wants 0.00277 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.AQA
ed41f8dc paid 10 BRIDGE.CBT for 0.0000408 BRIDGE.BTC
43851ee2 wants 0.0000408 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.CBT
4696ba48 wants 0.00352 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.GMCN
94055db0 paid 618 BRIDGE.HIGHT for 0.00099 BRIDGE.BTC
c41e2ccb paid 5 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.0006 BRIDGE.BTC
84ce49e8 wants 0.0006 BRIDGE.BTC for 5 BRIDGE.FROST
6504e2e6 paid 2 BRIDGE.ULTRA for 0.0001439 BRIDGE.BTC
9b9459e5 wants 0.0001439 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BRIDGE.ULTRA
776829ae wants 0.00099 BRIDGE.BTC for 618 BRIDGE.HIGHT
19476e91 wants 0.00251 BRIDGE.BTC for 194.5 BRIDGE.ARION
b874b2c6 wants 0.0056 BRIDGE.BTC for 187.2 BRIDGE.DRV
7f3ab09c wants 0.0026 BRIDGE.BTC for 87 BRIDGE.DRV
c27304ff sent 0.0038 BRIDGE.BTC to
f1db2263 paid 216.5 BRIDGE.ARION for 0.002783 BRIDGE.BTC
74a1fe3b wants 0.0002924 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.OHMC
7ba7c509 wants 0.002783 BRIDGE.BTC for 216.5 BRIDGE.ARION
7ea6b583 sent 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC to
684b66bb paid 1,232 BRIDGE.MEDIC for 0.00716 BRIDGE.BTC
c4ec6d33 paid 0.00172 BRIDGE.MEDIC for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
6ed72e9b paid 17.2 BRIDGE.MEDIC for 0.0001 BRIDGE.BTC
02f445b1 wants 2.2 BTS for 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC
1c1a36c0 paid 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.2 BTS
bfa03c42 wants 0.00726 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,250 BRIDGE.MEDIC
55f2e873 cancel order
5bfb5543 sent 297,812 BRIDGE.DV to
379bc20a paid 99 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.000485 BRIDGE.BTC
b4fb357b wants 0.000485 BRIDGE.BTC for 99 BRIDGE.AEG
d4bc589a wants 0.0126 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,250 BRIDGE.MEDIC
a9fa1339 sent 0.00708 BRIDGE.BTC to
ded53be1 wants 0.0071 BRIDGE.BTC for 710 BRIDGE.SEND
virtual paid 710 BRIDGE.SEND for 0.0071 BRIDGE.BTC
f8504050 sent 0.01135 BRIDGE.BTC to
ad7b35cd paid 24.5 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.000562 BRIDGE.BTC
a45cdd1a wants 0.000562 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.5 BRIDGE.MRJA
5c6dc80e cancel order
cb688af0 paid 0.408 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.00001182 BRIDGE.BTC
f79aec3e wants 0.000719 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.8 BRIDGE.MRJA
5ea2f918 paid 75 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.001798 BRIDGE.BTC
5232b916 wants 0.001798 BRIDGE.BTC for 75 BRIDGE.MRJA
84890d5e paid 100 BRIDGE.DXC for 0.009 BRIDGE.BTC
8aa33e72 wants 0.009 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.DXC
3b1da4eb sent 0.0813 BRIDGE.BTC to
98885f48 paid 875 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.063 BRIDGE.BTC
6b991aee paid 60 BRIDGE.OLMP for 0.0115 BRIDGE.BTC
eb1196bc wants 0.063 BRIDGE.BTC for 875 BRIDGE.MIE
0109f14d cancel order
782d3b14 paid 11.94 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.000915 BRIDGE.BTC
419ca662 sent 111 BRIDGE.MIE to
5244aa79 wants 0.0679 BRIDGE.BTC for 887 BRIDGE.MIE
fcb5d59c cancel order
30d0fef4 wants 0.0688 BRIDGE.BTC for 898 BRIDGE.MIE
35562b5a paid 0.07 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.MIE
7ae50c1f wants 1,000 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.07 BRIDGE.BTC
5f49cb2b cancel order
bdfcac63 wants 100 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.006 BRIDGE.BTC
e7801dfa wants 0.0115 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.OLMP
194f0dce cancel order
70cb05b1 wants 0.00998 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.9 BRIDGE.MIE
c20a8a96 paid 0.00541 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.2 BRIDGE.MIE
40c4df78 paid 0.000088 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.8 BRIDGE.MIE
f7d08c29 wants 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.OLMP
b2561016 sent 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC to
f71e4b84 wants 50 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.0055 BRIDGE.BTC
aa5bcc04 paid 329 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.1018 BRIDGE.BTC
edcf0ea8 wants 0.1018 BRIDGE.BTC for 329 BRIDGE.MIE
62ad8de8 sent 4,349 BRIDGE.DOGE to
566e01af wants 4,360 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.00337 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00337 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,360 BRIDGE.DOGE
71c447bd wants 0.00338 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.MIE
virtual paid 30 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.00338 BRIDGE.BTC