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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.9 BTS
Lifetime fees paid17.1 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.9
BRIDGE.POLIS 0.0000168
BRIDGE.USERV 0.0000017
BRIDGE.SINS 0.000009
BRIDGE.GCASH 0.0000001
BRIDGE.ABET 0.0002555
00859691 issue 0.074 BRIDGE.BTC to
30594812 sent 0.0814 BRIDGE.BTC to
72ed9b3e cancel order
ee3546ad wants 125.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0814 BRIDGE.BTC
360f8b8e cancel order
bdfb1f99 wants 121.8 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0814 BRIDGE.BTC
055dc714 wants 0.0816 BRIDGE.BTC for 113.3 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 113.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0816 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0475f2d4 cancel order
05917cbf wants 0.0899 BRIDGE.BTC for 113.3 BRIDGE.SINS
88705324 cancel order
149cf590 wants 0.0848 BRIDGE.BTC for 113.3 BRIDGE.SINS
059578fe cancel order
b18e9123 wants 0.0898 BRIDGE.BTC for 113.3 BRIDGE.SINS
f25f8385 cancel order
754aef23 wants 0.0895 BRIDGE.BTC for 113.3 BRIDGE.SINS
6e70c9a3 paid 0.084 BRIDGE.BTC for 113.6 BRIDGE.SINS
240aef34 wants 113.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.084 BRIDGE.BTC
f38bcf1a paid 106.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0842 BRIDGE.BTC
1ae6cd3b wants 0.0842 BRIDGE.BTC for 106.6 BRIDGE.SINS
9c46164b sent 0.0966 BRIDGE.BTC to
16c8497f cancel order
09fd49b9 wants 773 BRIDGE.USDT for 0.0966 BRIDGE.BTC
856e0405 cancel order
6290a035 wants 144.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0966 BRIDGE.BTC
78101232 cancel order
954b667d wants 144.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0966 BRIDGE.BTC
056c9ecc cancel order
7e8f37b3 wants 145.2 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0966 BRIDGE.BTC
f27e17af cancel orders (2)
2629ed5d wants 95.2 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0636 BRIDGE.BTC
3cf7b069 wants 0.0637 BRIDGE.BTC for 89.8 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 89.8 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0637 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ab0109e1 cancel order
82a2648c wants 0.0658 BRIDGE.BTC for 89.8 BRIDGE.SINS
f291187d cancel order
b64488ab wants 0.0659 BRIDGE.BTC for 89.8 BRIDGE.SINS
e85c00b2 cancel order
2702e179 cancel order
0b41b16c wants 49.4 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC
0822b348 cancel order
f2c71db8 wants 48.7 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC
95522f51 cancel order
5a7466ac wants 47.1 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC
9c4431b5 cancel order
556f9b9b cancel order
c2bf8514 wants 0.0183 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.77 BRIDGE.SINS
b89e5b47 wants 17.47 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01197 BRIDGE.BTC
669350fb cancel order
6c481640 wants 17.05 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01197 BRIDGE.BTC
1d1e4dd4 cancel order
99fa12f4 wants 17.07 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01197 BRIDGE.BTC
ea72f4df cancel order
2076487d wants 31.05 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02102 BRIDGE.BTC
5ea28c04 cancel order
30dffe01 paid 0.00827 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.08 BRIDGE.SINS
740cf560 paid 0.0002267 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.331 BRIDGE.SINS
f61438e1 paid 0.0085 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.4 BRIDGE.SINS
460c7f67 wants 42.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.029 BRIDGE.BTC
6c120a90 cancel order
f1ca4d69 wants 42.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.029 BRIDGE.BTC
f508da9e paid 39.2 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02903 BRIDGE.BTC
082862b3 wants 31.05 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02102 BRIDGE.BTC
01fd2e20 cancel order
8cb2a124 wants 31.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02102 BRIDGE.BTC
cdbbe0fb cancel order
5aeda4d3 wants 31.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02102 BRIDGE.BTC
49ed7b12 cancel order
79720228 wants 0.02903 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.2 BRIDGE.SINS
82574c99 cancel order
9a41d9c1 wants 31.33 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02102 BRIDGE.BTC
3b2c085a paid 29.67 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02106 BRIDGE.BTC
c44a9ffe wants 0.02106 BRIDGE.BTC for 29.67 BRIDGE.SINS
3961f142 paid 0.0202 BRIDGE.BTC for 29.7 BRIDGE.SINS
3b99a12d wants 29.7 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0202 BRIDGE.BTC
efdd9d65 paid 7.4 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00526 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
39efad27 paid 1.407 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000999 BRIDGE.BTC
5f1bd154 wants 2 BTS for 0.0000181 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000181 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BTS
e84f8c8a paid 19.75 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01402 BRIDGE.BTC
305b8c6d wants 0.02027 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.56 BRIDGE.SINS
2d0fa409 paid 0.00871 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.53 BRIDGE.SINS
9ba24343 paid 0.00489 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.59 BRIDGE.SINS
4812a935 paid 0.00483 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.5 BRIDGE.SINS
253970d8 wants 28.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01842 BRIDGE.BTC
9155a59d paid 26 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01846 BRIDGE.BTC
55638aae wants 0.029 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.2 BRIDGE.SINS
f77cd922 wants 0.0506 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.SINS
1eb18dc0 cancel order
d417c60a wants 0.0507 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.SINS
9bf5defe wants 0.01846 BRIDGE.BTC for 26 BRIDGE.SINS
bd14a88f cancel orders (3)
775ddb18 wants 0.02807 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.3 BRIDGE.SINS
f8bd30f4 wants 0.0479 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.SINS
f0d1fbd9 wants 0.01788 BRIDGE.BTC for 24 BRIDGE.SINS
171f1b47 cancel order
3610ad3f wants 0.0711 BRIDGE.BTC for 120.3 BRIDGE.SINS
ee37919d cancel orders (3)
a2bdf6ef wants 0.0282 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.3 BRIDGE.SINS
9f76d770 wants 0.018 BRIDGE.BTC for 24 BRIDGE.SINS
71a3bf6e wants 0.0476 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.SINS
0d159f9a cancel order
f22a5654 wants 0.0902 BRIDGE.BTC for 120.3 BRIDGE.SINS
f80e3a3a paid 0.0785 BRIDGE.BTC for 120.6 BRIDGE.SINS
094886ae wants 120.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0785 BRIDGE.BTC
97d33642 paid 114 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0786 BRIDGE.BTC
11990e47 wants 0.0786 BRIDGE.BTC for 114 BRIDGE.SINS
10520ae9 cancel orders (2)
ee72b032 paid 7 BRIDGE.GCASH for 0.00000007 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d65bf4e0 wants 0.0455 BRIDGE.BTC for 57 BRIDGE.SINS
a617c093 wants 0.0427 BRIDGE.BTC for 57 BRIDGE.SINS
8011fc9b cancel order
579188fc paid 0.0526 BRIDGE.BTC for 77.4 BRIDGE.SINS
a9c52281 wants 0.02554 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.8 BRIDGE.SINS
5a2d022b paid 0.0251 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.9 BRIDGE.SINS
60484025 wants 114.2 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0777 BRIDGE.BTC
e52d607a cancel order
19fdb3f3 wants 107 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0777 BRIDGE.BTC
8b90c7c1 cancel order
6ab4169f wants 114.2 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0777 BRIDGE.BTC
ee1174a9 cancel order
8e5fd0b8 wants 113 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0777 BRIDGE.BTC
eb804fd0 cancel order
229818d3 paid 53.4 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0405 BRIDGE.BTC
d799b285 wants 53.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0373 BRIDGE.BTC
2392a4db cancel order
10703ca0 cancel order
6e2a212a wants 0.0405 BRIDGE.BTC for 53.4 BRIDGE.SINS
8978f8ea cancel order
72ab85b6 wants 32.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02272 BRIDGE.BTC
7d5afb58 paid 30 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02277 BRIDGE.BTC
c2cd4c41 wants 20.92 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01455 BRIDGE.BTC
eeb8e743 wants 0.02277 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.SINS
1d30d917 cancel order
0b117116 paid 20 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01458 BRIDGE.BTC
8e21de34 wants 0.0423 BRIDGE.BTC for 53.4 BRIDGE.SINS
69586869 wants 0.02274 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.SINS
c6489877 wants 0.01458 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.SINS
2db1945a cancel order
df1d1dc3 paid 0.0628 BRIDGE.BTC for 88.8 BRIDGE.SINS
9be90284 wants 88.8 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0628 BRIDGE.BTC
42c6eabd cancel order
9a03c305 wants 88.9 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0628 BRIDGE.BTC
b7975487 cancel order
5a6c859a wants 0.01096 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.7 BRIDGE.SINS
5496622c cancel order
f61d2aa7 wants 89 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0628 BRIDGE.BTC
5b721f10 cancel order
66acdd57 wants 88.5 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0628 BRIDGE.BTC
8f23d656 paid 49 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0364 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 35 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02657 BRIDGE.BTC
3094fe12 wants 0.0364 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BRIDGE.SINS
a90ebb94 cancel order
50fa4665 wants 0.0365 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BRIDGE.SINS
7fccc6cc cancel order
0e167d46 wants 0.01173 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.7 BRIDGE.SINS
b26d3218 wants 0.02657 BRIDGE.BTC for 35 BRIDGE.SINS
58d59b09 cancel order
f93e91a3 wants 0.0365 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BRIDGE.SINS
03d97315 cancel order
dbf2e966 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BRIDGE.SINS
2da599c5 cancel order
eb68d41d wants 0.0397 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.7 BRIDGE.SINS
bf07d7ee wants 0.0371 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BRIDGE.SINS
737e0e81 paid 0.02965 BRIDGE.BTC for 42.6 BRIDGE.SINS
9f3c1613 wants 42.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.02965 BRIDGE.BTC
f337b6dc cancel order
ec064090 paid 0.00487 BRIDGE.BTC for 7 BRIDGE.SINS
49dddc70 paid 0.0301 BRIDGE.BTC for 43.3 BRIDGE.SINS
9d5f0778 paid 0.00207 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.98 BRIDGE.SINS
e9985a17 paid 0.002086 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BRIDGE.SINS
1a808d63 wants 99 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0688 BRIDGE.BTC
cf7f1f31 cancel order
216d72a3 wants 99.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0688 BRIDGE.BTC
8d829a63 cancel order
3c8f37e9 wants 99.5 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0688 BRIDGE.BTC
530c18b1 wants 0.0689 BRIDGE.BTC for 98 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 98 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0689 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
128cd7a2 cancel order
aed8f352 wants 0.01478 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.5 BRIDGE.SINS
3ca4bc26 cancel order
2c1f548b wants 0.0704 BRIDGE.BTC for 98 BRIDGE.SINS
2b665ab0 cancel orders (3)
48780ccf wants 0.00271 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.39 BRIDGE.SINS
00284fc3 wants 0.038 BRIDGE.BTC for 47.5 BRIDGE.SINS
43e12d11 paid 0.00162 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00000123 BRIDGE.BTC