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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight5,730 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.88 BTS


Asset Balance
CNY 54
BTSUCN 0.00159
96a705ff paid 241 BTS for 54.1 CNY
d45aadc8 wants 54.1 CNY for 241 BTS
2ff60227 cancel order
cc129d05 wants 54.1 CNY for 241 BTS
80317cab wants 145 BTS for 34.7 CNY
virtual paid 34.7 CNY for 145.2 BTS
ca0a2a35 cancel order
3100d7ef paid 142.2 BTS for 33.9 CNY
a7d87bab sent 1,308 CNY to
98e51a79 paid 1,268 BTS for 302.4 CNY
7d51d17f paid 40.2 BTS for 9.6 CNY
c031e49d paid 21.3 BTS for 5.08 CNY
7d3cf38d paid 763 BTS for 182 CNY
8cb18f49 paid 2.856 BTS for 0.681 CNY
9fcb6f2d paid 143 BTS for 34.1 CNY
f3461e0d wants 1,367 CNY for 5,730 BTS
virtual paid 875 BTS for 208.7 CNY
virtual paid 1,285 BTS for 306.6 CNY
virtual paid 251.5 BTS for 60 CNY
virtual paid 842 BTS for 201 CNY
dfda0842 sent 773 CNY to
70b78ebe wants 578 CNY for 131,400 BTSUCN
virtual paid 66,667 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
virtual paid 64,734 BTSUCN for 285 CNY
virtual cancel order
6488b8a9 cancel order
46c0bdc5 wants 135 CNY for 30,000 BTSUCN
33475379 cancel order
36c2b9bb wants 450 CNY for 100,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 41,911 BTSUCN for 188.6 CNY
b5fe6bb2 cancel order
1560b588 wants 780 CNY for 173,311 BTSUCN
d66e67a8 cancel order
0ec7ae44 wants 953 CNY for 173,311 BTSUCN
5bed8f05 sent 1,167 CNY to
8d653c62 wants 0.007 CNY for 167,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 167,000 BTSUCN for 1,169 CNY
569dfb3d cancel order
431e137b wants 8,350 CNY for 167,000 BTSUCN
2f63427e sent 5,732 BTS to
b4639902 sent 167,611 BTSUCN to
5ee37529 sent 10 BTSUCN to
23d9e234 sent 10 BTSUCN to
0d186b7b sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
d55fb41a sent 800 BTS to
f95d9cc8 sent 80 BTS to
248c7ebe wants 165,552 BTSUCN for 9,950 CNY
virtual paid 9,950 CNY for 165,833 BTSUCN
fdd955fe wants 41.1 BTS for 10 CNY
virtual paid 10 CNY for 41.2 BTS