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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0003 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.36 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.0003 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.000491 0
DEEX 0.0014 0
BRIDGE.XN 0.123 0
DONGFENG 0.00043 0
BRIDGE.PPO 445 444
virtual cancel order
22667b70 sent 0.00031 BRIDGE.BTC to
2936dd72 sent 0.000312 BRIDGE.BTC to
da3653fc sent 0.000311 BRIDGE.BTC to
62415198 sent 0.000311 BRIDGE.BTC to
80413d94 sent 0.00031 BRIDGE.BTC to
8170cb2a sent 0.00031 BRIDGE.BTC to
e5f81af8 sent 0.00032 BRIDGE.BTC to
1a32406a sent 0.0006 BRIDGE.BTC to
ceb3c487 wants 0.0034 BRIDGE.BTC for 48,591 BRIDGE.XN
virtual paid 3,978 BRIDGE.XN for 0.000301 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 32,093 BRIDGE.XN for 0.002247 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 12,521 BRIDGE.XN for 0.000876 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1af14cac cancel order
d44175b4 cancel order
3a9796bd wants 0.0265 BRIDGE.BTC for 27,072 BRIDGE.XN
8f92c571 cancel order
b0afab12 cancel order
03aee3b3 cancel order
d0794edc wants 0.00836 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.PPO
0c290bd8 cancel order
b01f52b2 wants 0.001587 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.PPO
83c0b39c paid 0.000517 BRIDGE.BTC for 446 BRIDGE.PPO
ee7052bb wants 446 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000517 BRIDGE.BTC
d0d9f7c2 wants 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC for 363 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 56.2 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000826 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 307 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000436 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
017f1705 cancel order
78d71e1a wants 0.000606 BRIDGE.BTC for 363 BRIDGE.PPO
2c693ebe cancel order
687a7750 wants 0.00061 BRIDGE.BTC for 363 BRIDGE.PPO
1e84c56f cancel order
b326eb5d wants 0.000577 BRIDGE.BTC for 363 BRIDGE.PPO
e8659790 paid 0.000426 BRIDGE.BTC for 364 BRIDGE.PPO
a724282f wants 364 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000426 BRIDGE.BTC
317353dc paid 255.6 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000427 BRIDGE.BTC
ddcd1b92 wants 0.000427 BRIDGE.BTC for 255.6 BRIDGE.PPO
ca7fcf93 cancel order
e09a2dda wants 0.000724 BRIDGE.BTC for 255.7 BRIDGE.PPO
8a36939f cancel order
26ae5310 wants 0.000903 BRIDGE.BTC for 255.7 BRIDGE.PPO
a0e5c096 paid 0.000643 BRIDGE.BTC for 256.3 BRIDGE.PPO
3fb5745b wants 256.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000643 BRIDGE.BTC
a127e4c2 paid 164 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000645 BRIDGE.BTC
5bbfc12d wants 0.000645 BRIDGE.BTC for 164 BRIDGE.PPO
2a1d2447 cancel order
22946de8 wants 0.000645 BRIDGE.BTC for 164 BRIDGE.PPO
96844466 paid 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC for 164.5 BRIDGE.PPO
72a7e92e wants 164.5 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC
22cfcfb9 cancel order
05dc04c2 wants 165.5 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC
6306eed3 cancel order
266a32f3 wants 156.6 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC
4bb3373b cancel order
79bd924d wants 125.8 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC
8b0a98e4 cancel order
0618cb91 wants 156.6 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC
1d94c8a9 cancel order
e7fc9147 wants 161.6 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC
7082311a cancel order
dcac7f6d wants 142.2 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC
c61187a7 wants 0.0000884 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.08 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 20.08 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000884 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1cea0bee cancel order
0fbb3481 wants 0.0000893 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.08 BRIDGE.PPO
478cbbb8 wants 0.000469 BRIDGE.BTC for 105.7 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 105.7 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000469 BRIDGE.BTC
b67cfc80 cancel order
c33308cd wants 0.000602 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
6402be33 cancel order
05d7d33b wants 0.000541 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
22d3c362 cancel order
1ed5f043 wants 0.000548 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
3a68345e cancel order
f5b1d3f1 wants 0.000598 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
1867914a cancel order
0f899d26 wants 0.000665 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
dcf1e742 cancel order
ca6ae4de wants 0.000679 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
5e8f1397 cancel order
f2a4efbe wants 0.000685 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
4e12fa48 cancel order
f4049242 wants 0.000677 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
ec2c3905 cancel order
9d3e2599 wants 0.00068 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
f32c6d2d cancel order
2bd804af wants 0.000684 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PPO
fee6716a paid 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC for 126.2 BRIDGE.PPO
673d9a48 wants 126.2 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
9ff38452 cancel order
5d55fa5e wants 196.5 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
1a1168f8 cancel order
fb436b95 wants 100.7 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
8e488757 cancel order
18c95cc5 wants 127.7 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
0d1ee884 cancel order
c3471b85 wants 128.4 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
30b794f5 cancel order
b22fa629 wants 241.7 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
d121c5a4 cancel order
9bb55d95 wants 160 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
bc41b221 cancel order
633865ff wants 244 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC
21d4d227 paid 68.9 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000516 BRIDGE.BTC
4e7537b1 wants 0.000516 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.9 BRIDGE.PPO
7965f1e5 cancel order
0078e0c7 wants 0.000558 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.9 BRIDGE.PPO
7c33e19b cancel order
9229c8eb wants 0.000572 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.9 BRIDGE.PPO
92641bc4 paid 0.000381 BRIDGE.BTC for 69 BRIDGE.PPO
7a94ff63 wants 69 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000381 BRIDGE.BTC
c45cdd48 paid 45.6 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000382 BRIDGE.BTC
c6c14a97 wants 0.000382 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.6 BRIDGE.PPO
90906420 cancel order
40a3e60f wants 0.000385 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.6 BRIDGE.PPO
11d0e5bf paid 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.7 BRIDGE.PPO
da8b868c wants 45.7 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
ea4f087e cancel order
32bcfb34 wants 41.4 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
a1186f6e cancel order
0c2d1269 wants 79.5 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
3faec9bf cancel order
fa5c622f wants 84.5 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
a4c6e82c cancel order
77b5aa02 wants 33.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
8fe94894 cancel order
41051e9f wants 37.8 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
9d262dcd cancel order
5903afea wants 38.4 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
4a4e520c cancel order
4a910f52 wants 34.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
9ce4a0c9 cancel order
88431830 wants 34.8 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0003133 BRIDGE.BTC
1c70a923 paid 28.6 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000314 BRIDGE.BTC
fedefc26 wants 0.000314 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.6 BRIDGE.PPO
44bbfe42 paid 0.000248 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.7 BRIDGE.PPO
7b6ba2d3 wants 28.7 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000248 BRIDGE.BTC
3f5e7dc7 cancel order
ffb0bd8b wants 28 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000248 BRIDGE.BTC
9b5615e0 cancel order
b679b1c8 wants 35.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000248 BRIDGE.BTC
f35d8714 paid 28.9 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0002487 BRIDGE.BTC
0760a70d wants 0.0002487 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.9 BRIDGE.PPO
669748e0 cancel order
3fdf26c3 wants 0.000249 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.9 BRIDGE.PPO
7a49962e cancel order
7b477726 wants 0.0002524 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.9 BRIDGE.PPO
70a40112 cancel order
4c89b20a wants 0.000229 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.9 BRIDGE.PPO
67d30e7f paid 0.0002073 BRIDGE.BTC for 29 BRIDGE.PPO
d2dad8be wants 29 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0002073 BRIDGE.BTC
b5019602 cancel order
f83fa215 wants 37.6 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0002073 BRIDGE.BTC
90ecf3eb cancel order
ea67ab28 wants 30.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0002073 BRIDGE.BTC
078b3c65 paid 20.8 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000208 BRIDGE.BTC
e7766273 wants 0.000208 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.8 BRIDGE.PPO
54664c95 cancel order
315334d7 wants 0.000309 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.8 BRIDGE.PPO
86bf918b cancel order
1e1544f8 wants 0.000347 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.8 BRIDGE.PPO
6663bda5 wants 20.86 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000307 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000307 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.86 BRIDGE.PPO
cec52cf4 cancel order
19ad62fc wants 5,118 BRIDGE.XN for 0.000307 BRIDGE.BTC
6cfb4720 cancel order
2f7cf3df wants 22.23 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000307 BRIDGE.BTC
18ab4fe2 cancel order
8d7d90cd wants 22.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000307 BRIDGE.BTC
1995d643 cancel order
5e22219a wants 21.67 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000307 BRIDGE.BTC
250f3d3a wants 0.000308 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.26 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 20.26 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000308 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
9a990147 paid 0.0002906 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.3 BRIDGE.PPO
d0263b15 wants 20.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0002906 BRIDGE.BTC
2556f9e2 cancel order
47dd0bcc wants 21.07 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0002906 BRIDGE.BTC
d5a28bf4 cancel order
f2baf54c paid 1.93 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000292 BRIDGE.BTC
47c8cf0c wants 19.9 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0002615 BRIDGE.BTC
040c340a cancel order
6b4bcd98 wants 0.0000292 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.93 BRIDGE.PPO
06497d27 wants 19.9 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0002615 BRIDGE.BTC
eaa6c55e cancel order
82a13537 wants 3.04 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000415 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00002655 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.946 BRIDGE.PPO
d8050018 cancel order
31603d9a cancel order
d6b4f490 paid 0.00001528 BRIDGE.BTC for 218.3 BRIDGE.XN
c694dea3 paid 0.00000626 BRIDGE.BTC for 89.4 BRIDGE.XN
515c5a28 wants 0.002155 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,972 BRIDGE.XN
71890f02 paid 0.000814 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,632 BRIDGE.XN
af8c9d07 paid 0.00001606 BRIDGE.BTC for 229.4 BRIDGE.XN
828028c1 paid 0.00000028 BRIDGE.BTC for 4 BRIDGE.XN
f2399c18 paid 0.00000893 BRIDGE.BTC for 127.6 BRIDGE.XN
011ab230 paid 0.00000052 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.43 BRIDGE.XN