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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00006 BTS
Lifetime fees paid93.2 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00006 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000993 0.1126
BRIDGE.ZNY 0.014 0
BRIDGE.COLX 0.1028 0
BRIDGE.FLASH 0.00753 0
BRIDGE.ECA 0.649 0
BRIDGE.TOA 0.113 0
BRIDGE.DEV 0.0001877 0
CALLCNY05MARCH19 0.00031 0
2923a1e3 sent 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC to
23466a43 sent 8,968 BRIDGE.RVN to
63b263e4 cancel order
a80099a1 wants 32,972 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
07385a91 cancel order
903144f0 wants 32,972 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
8dd2eb8b cancel order
7032098c wants 33,078 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
cc9050c5 cancel order
d965e2a5 wants 33,078 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
d30fd281 cancel order
cac6e93f wants 33,083 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
460002dd cancel order
836c8dcf wants 33,083 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
76da425b cancel order
6897cf53 wants 33,083 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
7e68ebd8 cancel order
381325da wants 33,083 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
a2a799f1 cancel order
fa81920e wants 33,076 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
c7f12e32 cancel order
260c44b1 wants 33,083 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
dea874e2 cancel order
6774d3b9 paid 0.0279 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,976 BRIDGE.RVN
cbc9cd5d wants 42,103 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.131 BRIDGE.BTC
53293b04 cancel order
188309e8 wants 0.0001658 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01005 BRIDGE.ETH
virtual paid 0.01005 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.0001658 BRIDGE.BTC
99c0f64c paid 0.0001668 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0101 BRIDGE.ETH
e0194ffa wants 7.94 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.131 BRIDGE.BTC
115c906f cancel order
b521b1b2 wants 7.94 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.131 BRIDGE.BTC
6ef3ee79 cancel order
013f9bbe wants 7.94 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.131 BRIDGE.BTC
36417ec5 cancel order
3e4f1dc0 wants 7.94 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.131 BRIDGE.BTC
ab6ca445 cancel order
80982bd7 wants 8.61 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.131 BRIDGE.BTC
6bc71ce2 cancel order
ca3a7415 cancel order
d9afad82 wants 5,289,308 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.08 BRIDGE.BTC
168b3d9b cancel order
5971de0f wants 5.06 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.077 BRIDGE.BTC
30fee77b cancel order
27004b2b wants 4.55 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.075 BRIDGE.BTC
62d25fc1 wants 3,396,563 BRIDGE.PAC for 0.0509 BRIDGE.BTC
fd0c41a2 cancel order
b7fc4145 wants 7.16 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.1095 BRIDGE.BTC
b4afff38 cancel order
9be2c0a7 sent 0.0383 BRIDGE.BTC to
0b6e6b87 wants 7.19 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.1092 BRIDGE.BTC
bb1e25b1 cancel order
ec65982d wants 8,057,379 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1692 BRIDGE.BTC
3105e5b4 cancel order
5b01d514 wants 11,269,299 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1692 BRIDGE.BTC
a15eed7e cancel order
deeee2aa cancel order
baa80ac9 cancel order
65dd2e67 wants 1,897,821 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0421 BRIDGE.BTC
4389c890 cancel order
16af3e50 wants 2.615 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.0421 BRIDGE.BTC
0b5c4352 cancel order
d045fa49 wants 2.615 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.0421 BRIDGE.BTC
66c03710 cancel order
8e7be8f3 wants 4,571,279 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0992 BRIDGE.BTC
7b0bb09a cancel order
855d8692 wants 2.615 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.0421 BRIDGE.BTC
d2cc2803 cancel order
5c047445 wants 4,572,276 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0992 BRIDGE.BTC
1b653285 cancel order
e4fd5273 wants 4,569,882 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0991 BRIDGE.BTC
a049524c cancel order
897f2186 wants 4,670,450 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0992 BRIDGE.BTC
a5189a92 cancel order
5e54bd9e wants 1,981,990 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0421 BRIDGE.BTC
25828a04 cancel order
4303c796 wants 4,919,248 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0992 BRIDGE.BTC
12193f4d cancel order
af3215cb wants 2,099,525 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.042 BRIDGE.BTC
9ad5b20a wants 1,333,311 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.028 BRIDGE.BTC
c4a0177f wants 8,886,908 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0889 BRIDGE.BTC
f288d8e4 cancel order
23435006 wants 7,933,481 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
46c96934 cancel order
df5147f1 wants 7,935,073 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
8445bee8 cancel order
f1627363 wants 7,941,831 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
f0baa397 cancel order
a26a50b6 wants 7,942,865 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
31b69c4b cancel order
873fa4e6 wants 7,943,367 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
05161950 cancel order
f457f59f wants 7,943,419 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
dc933674 cancel order
48b86270 wants 10,564,751 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
c46cdcdb cancel order
cbe52e02 wants 10,580,641 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
05073de4 cancel order
86c2f0c4 wants 7,943,427 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
f43f3a47 cancel order
c9be948d wants 10,421,779 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
f7b13cb8 cancel order
3da0190a wants 11,772,171 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
7654b41f cancel order
0aa7a103 wants 11,784,885 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
a67883b1 cancel order
b8ef6395 wants 11,943,773 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
b61c723a cancel order
d7c0a91a wants 11,944,284 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
0a966094 cancel order
3951f418 wants 0.00646 BRIDGE.BTC for 255,340 BRIDGE.COLX
virtual paid 255,340 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.00646 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
71a2588c cancel order
0f446fe9 wants 11,580,893 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1524 BRIDGE.BTC
852f89f3 cancel order
6bd93f29 paid 0.0000256 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,013 BRIDGE.COLX
2625de2f paid 0.0000936 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,698 BRIDGE.COLX
192e726b wants 0.00744 BRIDGE.BTC for 250,634 BRIDGE.COLX
1115dbc7 paid 0.00635 BRIDGE.BTC for 250,869 BRIDGE.COLX
4897629e wants 6,279,891 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC
8669ea7d sent 4,508,001 BRIDGE.COLX to
85067bd9 paid 0.1182 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,512,852 BRIDGE.COLX
e0e0ab17 wants 4,512,852 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1182 BRIDGE.BTC
62c70eed cancel order
1a42247a wants 4,512,854 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1182 BRIDGE.BTC
9da9b560 cancel order
241355d1 wants 4,525,167 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1182 BRIDGE.BTC
b48727a5 cancel order
1ae7a64a wants 4,568,883 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1182 BRIDGE.BTC
16806772 cancel order
a9462c23 wants 4,568,886 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1182 BRIDGE.BTC
88c5828c cancel order
f33267f2 wants 4,569,479 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1182 BRIDGE.BTC
09c4b22e cancel order
f9a54171 wants 4,570,069 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.1182 BRIDGE.BTC
68b57ea7 sent 0.0511 BRIDGE.BTC to
d3981783 cancel order
3a912842 wants 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC for 207,746 BRIDGE.COLX
virtual paid 207,746 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b08c0217 cancel order
eae30603 wants 0.00591 BRIDGE.BTC for 207,746 BRIDGE.COLX
08e84af8 wants 1,746,855 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0457 BRIDGE.BTC
8e806f6e cancel order
379aa2f1 wants 1,791,610 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0457 BRIDGE.BTC
eae0ac01 cancel order
d4ca0116 wants 1,792,633 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0457 BRIDGE.BTC
836c323a cancel order
88a5aad6 wants 1,798,579 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0457 BRIDGE.BTC
afc72037 cancel order
f7adde90 wants 1,798,621 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0457 BRIDGE.BTC
d272f303 cancel order
6096dc75 sent 0.0985 BRIDGE.BTC to
721a42d3 cancel order
6d811c29 wants 1,771,886 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC
008ce73c cancel order
d29aec72 wants 1,772,106 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC
2d7df8d0 cancel order
6a5cb245 wants 1,773,244 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC
aacfb037 cancel order
342d1426 wants 1,773,695 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC
1e62ad0f cancel order
64aa54fd paid 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC for 203,637 BRIDGE.COLX
55c5f4f1 wants 8,184,002 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0992 BRIDGE.BTC
341e3dc6 cancel order
d1e7488b sent 0.0518 BRIDGE.BTC to
f50faf9c paid 0.00000449 BRIDGE.BTC for 177 BRIDGE.COLX
d20084d2 paid 0.00000325 BRIDGE.BTC for 128 BRIDGE.COLX
f0cf5c05 paid 0.0001078 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,246 BRIDGE.COLX
67f7df0c wants 8,041,202 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
619bd85e cancel order
8f4c2486 wants 7,435,567 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
81b11a9a cancel order
2678ab1c wants 8,042,182 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
e5043e8e cancel order
1379272f wants 7,412,914 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
85d543e4 cancel order
028dc3cd wants 7,405,915 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0973 BRIDGE.BTC
181bbbb6 cancel order
dea275f4 wants 1,982,065 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0503 BRIDGE.BTC
c666f1c1 cancel order
3186d429 wants 1,982,617 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0503 BRIDGE.BTC
57a7a9bf cancel order
57c229fc wants 7,421,686 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
030f8a42 cancel order
71db30f3 wants 7,422,564 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
5150acfd cancel order
09d68000 wants 7,422,659 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
d1a172b5 cancel order
963e3272 wants 1,983,877 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0503 BRIDGE.BTC
af4d9c09 cancel order
6503f2bc wants 1,983,406 BRIDGE.COLX for 0.0503 BRIDGE.BTC
cefdc768 cancel order
399a6e6e wants 7,432,407 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
25365662 cancel order
195c0e0a wants 7,432,703 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
91dd4334 cancel order
9aa45af5 wants 7,432,708 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0974 BRIDGE.BTC
d71f881f cancel order