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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.329 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.946 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.329
DEEX 0.1
26167e3e update account/votes
35d5d845 sent 0.1 DEEX to
4ec6dc27 sent 2 QORA to
10abd1b0 sent 3 BTS to
ace6d61f sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
3d1f7a82 sent 20 CRYPTOCEEDS to
93ee04fa sent 38,466,613 COMPUCEEDS to
8257f1ed sent 926 QBITS to
23644ccd sent 0.746 BTCPLUS to
9349cc30 sent 40 BTS to
6c5014ad sent 30,700 BTCPLUS to
6e3c467c cancel order
7d20e2e1 sent 19,300 BTCPLUS to
31e368da cancel order
79155d96 wants 184,138,600 USD for 30,700 BTCPLUS
e19768d1 wants 30,800 BTCPLUS for 8,525 BTS
virtual paid 8,525 BTS for 30,800 BTCPLUS
e2475212 sent 44 BTCPLUS to
10d889cf sent 44 BTS to
2b80aebe sent 1,800 BTCPLUS to
efdef1e7 sent 3,000 BTCPLUS to
af080eb9 sent 1,500 BTCPLUS to
e1691a4d sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
cd207658 cancel order
2816fa17 cancel order
b83d293f cancel order
25ec849b cancel order
2984a1c7 wants 86,792,100 USD for 19,300 BTCPLUS
0e322bae wants 17,000 BTCPLUS for 1,998 BTS
virtual paid 1,998 BTS for 17,000 BTCPLUS
467b2f5b wants 1,930 BTCPLUS for 227 BTS
virtual paid 227 BTS for 1,930 BTCPLUS
3ecabbb2 wants 8,976,000 USD for 3,000 BTCPLUS
f0d7b959 wants 5,387,400 USD for 1,800 BTCPLUS
60c96bc5 wants 4,491,000 USD for 1,500 BTCPLUS
8fc37db7 cancel order
4064db2c cancel order
c2347856 cancel order
5efcea5e cancel order
2b9e4cb4 cancel order
657bd16f cancel order
58e028d2 sent 35,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
3c7f54c4 wants 2,995,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
becde029 wants 2,995,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
2fce9469 wants 2,995,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
89e2cd70 wants 2,995,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
0b063189 wants 2,995,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
584260d5 wants 2,995,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
ba12745d wants 2,995,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
49ea2c0a wants 7,500 BTCPLUS for 3,354 BTS
virtual paid 3,354 BTS for 8,015 BTCPLUS