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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.02455 BTS
Lifetime fees paid13.28 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.02203
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00468
BRIDGE.LPC 0.0000194
BRIDGE.ACRE 0.0000002
cbb0ce47 cancel order
8165dfa0 wants 0.000241 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.9 BRIDGE.SINS
594c75dc issue 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS to
5f9c481f paid 87.1 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00246 BRIDGE.BTC
e057d0ba wants 0.00246 BRIDGE.BTC for 87.1 BRIDGE.SINS
12bb0b25 issue 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS to
92637163 issue 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS to
e394de8f issue 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS to
e6dc7c21 paid 15.84 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.001039 BRIDGE.BTC
086ed4e0 wants 0.001039 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.84 BRIDGE.SINS
537506f8 paid 15.84 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00055 BRIDGE.BTC
3034c79a wants 0.00055 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.84 BRIDGE.SINS
2ffd0ac9 paid 31.44 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000637 BRIDGE.BTC
6705b9ed wants 0.000637 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.44 BRIDGE.SINS
0d9c00d8 sent 0.00852 BRIDGE.BTC to
bf9d50b8 paid 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000493 BRIDGE.BTC
93fc44dd wants 0.000493 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS
b37836a4 paid 31.7 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00197 BRIDGE.BTC
60766310 wants 0.00197 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.7 BRIDGE.SINS
115a8b97 paid 67.5 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00484 BRIDGE.BTC
47d0d998 wants 0.00484 BRIDGE.BTC for 67.5 BRIDGE.SINS
82726656 cancel order
6c79ba1e paid 11.75 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000999 BRIDGE.BTC
b82bc6db wants 0.00606 BRIDGE.BTC for 71.3 BRIDGE.SINS
261d1c48 cancel order
96dd78e7 sent 0.0103 BRIDGE.BTC to
a72944b4 wants 0.00729 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.7 BRIDGE.SINS
2f9a0cea cancel order
528a928c paid 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC
ad87d332 paid 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000707 BRIDGE.BTC
2806e5d6 wants 0.000707 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS
c7ae0c85 paid 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.001577 BRIDGE.BTC
75647820 wants 0.001577 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS
1b594062 wants 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.92 BRIDGE.SINS
de3c8425 wants 0.00582 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.84 BRIDGE.SINS
a027e277 paid 15.95 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
3e5d28e9 wants 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.95 BRIDGE.SINS
52f48b1b sent 0.0142 BRIDGE.BTC to
26d7e942 paid 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00696 BRIDGE.BTC
adedde5b wants 0.00696 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
ba6fbced paid 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0073 BRIDGE.BTC
0436297c wants 0.0073 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
ad990409 sent 0.0151 BRIDGE.BTC to
132e1baa paid 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00753 BRIDGE.BTC
2263c123 wants 0.00753 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
e7ba7980 paid 16.1 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00763 BRIDGE.BTC
982576de sent 0.023 BRIDGE.BTC to
3222a912 wants 0.00763 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.1 BRIDGE.SINS
2cd08d60 paid 40.4 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0231 BRIDGE.BTC
0abe889c wants 0.0231 BRIDGE.BTC for 40.4 BRIDGE.SINS
2a8c9f6f sent 0.01052 BRIDGE.BTC to
2b05849d wants 0.01056 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01056 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
383cfb18 cancel order
e166dce8 wants 0.01097 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
5d1e7810 cancel order
e4ed6a15 wants 0.01102 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
7e951a24 cancel order
f6a0d3f8 wants 0.01102 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
8b11b42d sent 0.01096 BRIDGE.BTC to
5d1b0512 paid 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01098 BRIDGE.BTC
068a7f8e wants 0.01098 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
1964e801 sent 0.01155 BRIDGE.BTC to
ca3b3417 wants 0.01157 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01157 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
bdd242d2 sent 0.01181 BRIDGE.BTC to
4b5468eb paid 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01184 BRIDGE.BTC
0e7d9a92 wants 0.01184 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.14 BRIDGE.SINS
dcee2521 sent 0.01155 BRIDGE.BTC to
e014288b paid 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01157 BRIDGE.BTC
76871353 wants 0.01157 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS
cb2dd158 sent 0.02184 BRIDGE.BTC to
f703a31a wants 0.01084 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01084 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ff96b0bc paid 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01104 BRIDGE.BTC
f68fad6e wants 0.01104 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS
d1f3138d cancel order
585e2e61 wants 0.01105 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS
aac5c32d sent 0.01081 BRIDGE.BTC to
613b0c4d wants 0.01084 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01084 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
dcc727c8 cancel order
c36ff8cf wants 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS
8e588166 cancel order
7efbc1d1 wants 0.0055 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.63 BRIDGE.SINS
f92c13ca sent 0.02213 BRIDGE.BTC to
74e30eb9 wants 0.01105 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 10.26 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00749 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4.88 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00356 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e2133039 wants 0.01112 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01112 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7f62772b sent 0.02146 BRIDGE.BTC to
306172b7 wants 0.0109 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0109 BRIDGE.BTC
d731463f cancel order
c01d373b wants 0.01092 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS
8f9ce22d paid 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0106 BRIDGE.BTC
0db7dfcb wants 0.0106 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.26 BRIDGE.SINS
21383a46 sent 0.02122 BRIDGE.BTC to
3f3233bc paid 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01032 BRIDGE.BTC
fbd75aa9 wants 0.01032 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS
7d02704c wants 0.01094 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.2 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 15.2 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01094 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
794ab118 cancel order
cea5cc64 wants 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.2 BRIDGE.SINS
49acf70d cancel order
e24b08b5 wants 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.2 BRIDGE.SINS
32c14c1b sent 0.0209 BRIDGE.BTC to
6bca4910 wants 0.00531 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.63 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 2.154 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5.48 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00381 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
fa35884a wants 0.01076 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.14 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 2.447 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00174 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 6.44 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00458 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 6.25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00444 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
13750b8e paid 7.13 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00434 BRIDGE.BTC
badb3115 wants 0.00434 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.13 BRIDGE.SINS
a3a414d2 wants 0.000541 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.866 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.866 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000541 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
cdbe4182 sent 0.0893 BRIDGE.BTC to
1c8f191c sent 1,000 BRIDGE.SINS to
19f317ff wants 1 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SINS
62108fb1 cancel orders (6)
b5c0103e wants 254 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.1626 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00485 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.71 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00945 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00063 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.01408 BRIDGE.BTC for 22 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.1325 BRIDGE.BTC for 207 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00064 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SINS
24a12067 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01538 BRIDGE.BTC
3fca9d37 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01563 BRIDGE.BTC
e1bc4d5c wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0155 BRIDGE.BTC
482606fb wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01525 BRIDGE.BTC
0bdd496a wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC
784b6f75 cancel orders (7)
89ffe910 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01543 BRIDGE.BTC
56c60d67 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0155 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00537 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.66 BRIDGE.SINS
56219ba9 paid 0.002516 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.09 BRIDGE.SINS
d87d1596 paid 0.00616 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.SINS
e69ea7d9 paid 0.00604 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.81 BRIDGE.SINS
3e325efa paid 0.0155 BRIDGE.BTC for 25 BRIDGE.SINS
e23eac12 cancel order
aa837a92 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0155 BRIDGE.BTC
bf1a2040 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0154 BRIDGE.BTC
c4b033e5 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0154 BRIDGE.BTC
3ff79819 paid 0.00151 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.455 BRIDGE.SINS
0ac4745d paid 0.000471 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.754 BRIDGE.SINS
c0edd5b8 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01538 BRIDGE.BTC
4c995ae8 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01475 BRIDGE.BTC
f61e4415 wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01513 BRIDGE.BTC
a9f71117 paid 0.00125 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BRIDGE.SINS
57a1f4df wants 25 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01525 BRIDGE.BTC
13710059 paid 0.02977 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.9 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0001644 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.275 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00797 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.34 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0002245 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.375 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.000135 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2254 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.002563 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.27 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00303 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.06 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 5 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0384 BRIDGE.BTC for 64 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.000339 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.565 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00431 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.18 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0481 BRIDGE.BTC for 80.2 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.006 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0006 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.01604 BRIDGE.BTC for 26.74 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.000613 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.005 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.002595 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.25 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0122 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00122 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.01027 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.84 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00061 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.000985 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.59 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC for 51 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00062 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00807 BRIDGE.BTC for 13 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.000625 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.001334 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.135 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.02954 BRIDGE.BTC for 47.3 BRIDGE.SINS