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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight196 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.53 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 196
CNY 0.003
DEEX 0.1
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
be165b43 paid 2.68 CNY for 9.7 BTS
e21d9ef4 wants 9.7 BTS for 2.68 CNY
7b574b65 sent 0.1 DEEX to
40e81aa2 paid 25.2 CNY for 20 BTS
833fc367 paid 32 CNY for 20 BTS
6c4ab08c paid 36 CNY for 20 BTS
ec237c0c sent 0.00001 MCDONALDSCOM to
25434319 wants 20 BTS for 25.2 CNY
373a9f4a wants 20 BTS for 32 CNY
a145ee0a wants 20 BTS for 36 CNY
854a446a paid 100 CNY for 50 BTS
61078bc4 wants 180 CNY for 30 BTS
f8a8573f wants 108 CNY for 30 BTS
02ddce61 wants 48 CNY for 15.97 BTS
77c6aff9 wants 50 BTS for 100 CNY
65e43f3e wants 16 BTS for 41 CNY
virtual paid 23.4 CNY for 9.14 BTS
virtual paid 17.57 CNY for 6.86 BTS
3b0bfec0 cancel order
bbf65d90 wants 16 BTS for 40.8 CNY
61b6b8cd wants 30 BTS for 76.5 CNY
virtual paid 76.5 CNY for 30 BTS
1fee6e58 wants 30 BTS for 76.5 CNY
virtual paid 76.5 CNY for 30.1 BTS
65d0368b cancel order
190c0240 wants 20 BTS for 50 CNY
44b3f564 cancel order
1aede4bd wants 50 BTS for 122.5 CNY
0b959e47 sent 98 BTS to
67350156 cancel order
1172141a wants 9.28 BTS for 16.24 CNY
09af8e69 cancel order
881c250f paid 16.5 CNY for 10 BTS
virtual paid 96 CNY for 58.2 BTS
3e623c2d paid 17.6 CNY for 10 BTS
f5d59b96 wants 58.2 BTS for 96 CNY
abb93283 wants 10 BTS for 17.6 CNY
56caca64 wants 10 BTS for 16.5 CNY
b2c97511 paid 16.5 CNY for 10 BTS
929e90de paid 18 CNY for 10 BTS
e3ff543b wants 11 BTS for 16.5 CNY
35b1b94c wants 10 BTS for 16.5 CNY
4f48fe5d wants 10 BTS for 18 CNY
930b8527 sent 500 CNY to
d4c0b788 sent 85 BTS to
48a84524 paid 500 CNY for 85 BTS
175e2d28 wants 85 BTS for 500 CNY
58a4c17a cancel order
567afe21 cancel order
5b392968 cancel order
1abd5328 wants 28 BTS for 156.8 CNY
18ad640c wants 30 BTS for 170.4 CNY
e58b637a wants 30 BTS for 174 CNY
1eaf3fdf cancel order
cdd0a38a wants 89.8 BTS for 503 CNY
be9b5708 sent 19.8 BTS to
2bfa43f8 paid 112 CNY for 20 BTS
1bc934ff sent 51 BTS to
1a247152 wants 20 BTS for 112 CNY
6f9291d2 cancel order
0d5e8a41 paid 179.2 CNY for 32 BTS
876d35d0 wants 32 BTS for 179.2 CNY
c2a146ff cancel order
704cb5ec cancel order
f7bf74fe cancel order
6972e56a paid 56 CNY for 10 BTS
57ba9e49 paid 52.6 CNY for 9.26 BTS
804f4c7b sent 19.98 BTS to
f6b60775 wants 9.26 BTS for 52.6 CNY
3787edd6 wants 10 BTS for 52.6 CNY
6af0437f wants 10 BTS for 53.6 CNY
c40e9b91 wants 10 BTS for 54.6 CNY
733f61ce wants 20 BTS for 110 CNY
dc5142ac wants 10 BTS for 56 CNY
07992495 cancel order
3d90ae2a cancel order
bbee4a96 cancel order
a6334ba6 cancel order
b21383bd paid 112 CNY for 20 BTS
7c3c31b2 wants 20 BTS for 112 CNY
f747a0a5 wants 19 BTS for 90.4 CNY
08f5cdba wants 20 BTS for 97.6 CNY
9457bee1 wants 20 BTS for 99.2 CNY
dddffbe6 wants 20 BTS for 100 CNY
bf7c0912 cancel order
831c77e4 cancel order
023b4824 cancel order
054b243a cancel order
02331256 wants 118.4 CNY for 19.35 BTS
virtual paid 19.35 BTS for 118.4 CNY
1fc6124b cancel order
464c2aa3 cancel order
a2650536 cancel order
de268908 cancel order
329d5f2c wants 0.03 GDEX.ETH for 165 CNY
090d86b2 cancel order
a5a4cf09 paid 101.6 CNY for 20 BTS
5c8251b1 wants 0.0019 GDEX.BTC for 181 CNY
b5a218ad wants 20 BTS for 101.6 CNY
4d6cc1c0 wants 30.1 BTS for 129.7 CNY
78596881 wants 20 BTS for 91.8 CNY
7f180fa5 wants 20 BTS for 93.6 CNY
ada4b9c7 wants 20.5 BTS for 97.6 CNY
1dcda8b3 wants 20 BTS for 96.6 CNY
7ac8e660 wants 20 BTS for 98.4 CNY
e516db69 wants 20 BTS for 100 CNY