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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
BTS51kymCZA68jtYLEZHwpfH5BGtbNfHsSTvnhTJskRY3o3eyGAwJ 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Lifetime fees paid4.64 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
8fc515e5 sent 0.392 XBTSX.STH to
bc4f405b sent 3.36 BTS to
c4bedd14 sent 0.1 DEEX to
71b5a259 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
611e795c sent 20 BTCCORE to
43f97359 sent 0.00000144 BTCPLUS to
66cfd1c3 update account/votes
3b1b66cd sent 0.1 DEEX to
6f0d670a sent 20 BTCCORE to
a44a3948 sent 29.9 BTCPLUS to
251d2662 cancel order
111c1bed sent 200 BTCPLUS to
6dc936f8 cancel order
8797cac7 sent 1 BTS to
05e6092a sent 26.95 CRYPTOCEEDS to
13506cd4 sent 6,138,404 COMPUCEEDS to
30195e04 wants 269,265 USD for 29.9 BTCPLUS
36982e3e wants 899,900 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
a4c70a43 sent 600 BTCPLUS to
04c6b1bf cancel order
78d7e7ba cancel order
c1c04b39 sent 50 BTCPLUS to
ed97f86a sent 50 BTCPLUS to
de1a9760 cancel order
f750ea8e sent 30 BTCPLUS to
b814f674 cancel order
b86fd2a1 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
cb097dfd cancel order
9f54fca4 cancel order
d1e07977 sent 130 BTCPLUS to
9e711c97 cancel order
97770c4f sent 30 BTCPLUS to
1f1f5ac6 cancel order
944da5da sent 30 BTCPLUS to
b25476d6 cancel order
67d4b9dd sent 30 BTCPLUS to
3a360f2f cancel order
2d633498 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
a514016e cancel order
2024e098 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
2157d862 cancel order
9e45f338 sent 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
f1ad4b11 wants 89,940 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
07923e45 wants 89,940 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
84759451 wants 389,740 USD for 130 BTCPLUS
79db369d wants 89,940 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
3030f49e wants 149,900 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
90f235cb wants 149,900 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
bad45e94 wants 89,940 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
08d72dc8 wants 89,940 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
b47b8087 wants 89,940 USD for 30 BTCPLUS
c6a600a1 wants 149,900 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
cdb7ce8e wants 149,900 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
47af0947 cancel order
9d53163d wants 1,497,500 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
8ab2737b wants 449,400 EUROS for 300 BTCPLUS
ada4891d cancel order
dd24769d paid 0.00099 BTS for 0.00132 BTCPLUS
e3feec93 paid 25 BTS for 33.3 BTCPLUS
87ad2102 wants 225 BTS for 300 BTCPLUS
27a2e217 wants 33.3 BTCPLUS for 25 BTS
cdc307a1 update account/votes